
Ch. 10 Tyrion

After walking around Casterly Rock for over an hour, Tyrion was still seething.

His father unexpectedly summoned him in the middle of the evening. Normally that wouldn't pose a problem, but Tyrion had just returned from Lannisport with a very promiscuous brunette. He had just poured her a glass of wine when the summons came.

Fortunately, for the young woman, Tyrion was able to bribe the guard with a few gold coins to keep his silence. Tyrion expected that specific bit of silence would only last a day, two at most.

It wasn't the week of debauchery he had planned, but a single night with a beautiful woman is better than a lonely week with his hand.

All thoughts of returning to the brunette were dashed by just a few minutes with his father. Despite his father being in an unusually rare mood, Tywin held nothing back in berating Tyrion's recent behavior.

Someone had informed Tywin of Tyrion's presence in Lannisport. More specifically, Tywin knew about Tyrion's visits to brothels. Luckily, Tywin didn't seem to be aware of Tyrion bringing the occasional woman to Casterly Rock. Things would have gone far differently if he knew.

Like some sort of twisted punishment, Tyrion was tasked with assisting the Golden Cub. A boy just shy of ten-name-days.

Tyrion was conflicted in his feelings towards Lancel. As long as Tyrion could remember, Lancel had always been kind and courteous to him. The boy even tried to form some sort of friendship with him.

Back when Tyrion still read in the library, he would often look up from his book to find Lancel sharing his table. There was no gawking or questions about being a dwarf, just silent companionship.

Tyrion had no proof, but he was sure Lancel never joined in with others when they mocked him.

Despite Lancel's seemingly honest behavior, Tyrion intentionally placed more distance between them as the years passed. The very image of Lancel was like a physical blow to Tyrion's gut.

According to the adults of Casterly Rock, Lancel was the Golden Cub. Perfect in every way. Lancel was kind and courteous to all he encountered, and even a blind man could see he would be tall and handsome. Maybe even more so than his brother, Jaime.

But what really annoyed Tyrion was the fact Lancel not only had the making to become a great knight, but he was intelligent. Far more intelligent than Tyrion was at Lancel's age.

The whispers around the Rock were of how Lancel was the cumulative of everything good about Jaime and himself. Some of the darker whispers hinted that Kevan wasn't Lancel's father. Other than Kevan's sandy blonde hair, Lancel didn't look a thing like his father.

Tyrion didn't believe those rumors, but that didn't stop him from enjoying the thought of a flaw in the perfect lion. Tywin's perfect lion.

No longer able to delay the inevitable, Tyrion made his way to meet Lancel. Faster than Tyrion liked, his Uncle Kevan escorted him to the study, where Lancel currently was.


I was finishing up the designs for the compass when there was a knock at my door. Before I had a chance to respond, the door swung open. Standing in my doorway, at just over four feet tall, was Tyrion Lannister. Seeing an eighteen-year-old Peter Dinklage with really bad blonde highlights always brought a smile to my face.

"Thank you for accepting my request, cousin," I cheerfully told Tyrion. "This will be much easier with your help."

Tyrion's face twisted in confusion. "Your request?" Tyrion asked with a subtle amount of suspicion in his voice.

His reaction confused me for a moment before I figured it out. Tywin probably didn't tell Tyrion everything. But just to confirm... "What did your father tell you?" I curiously asked.

"My father told me several things not suitable for your ears. But when it comes to instructions involving you, I am to 'make every effort to fully assist you'," Tyrion said. "I just do not know how I could possibly assist you." Tyrion finished with a bit of sarcasm.

What the hell? Why wouldn't Tywin tell him about Uncle Gerion? "Your father didn't mention Uncle Gerion?" I asked to confirm.

Looking utterly confused now, Tyrion shook his head. "No. Why should he have?" Tyrion asked.

By the Seven, Tywin is such a dick.

"Well, cousin, I need your help so that we can increase the odds of Uncle Gerion surviving his suicidal mission to retrieve Brightroar." I decide to bluntly tell him.

For the next ten minutes, I filled Tyrion in on everything that took place this afternoon. I even disclosed my theory of the Hightowers having access to the monthly reports Maester Creylen sends to Oldtown. Once he finally accepted the situation, he was more than willing to 'assist' his young cousin.

After I showed Tyrion my designs, he was speechless. He kept looking between my drawings and me with an odd look in his eyes. I assume he is having trouble believing a boy of only nine name-days came up with these ideas.

If he only knew!

"I already have several needles, and I made sure each one points to the Ice Dragon's Eye the past few nights," I told Tyrion. Making sure the compass needles point to the north star was the first thing I thought of to test the compasses for seaworthiness.

Pointing to the drawing in Tyrion's hands, I continued with my explanation. "We'll have to find someone with a steady hand to paint the compass rose. Engraving it into the top of the surface would be better. I'm not sure how long it will take a blacksmith to fit a silver ring over the edge. Especially with evenly marked lines."

"Not a blacksmith," Tyrion interrupted. "A jeweler will be much better suited for this task. Also, if this is to be used on a ship, we will have to take into account the movement caused by waves."

I felt as if my smile was stretching from ear to ear! With Tyrion's help, Uncle Gerion stands a real chance of succeeding.

Short chapter.


Hope you enjoy what little there is.

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