
Chapter Sixty.

"Cake for breakfast? Wow, this birthday is officially my favourite one so far." I smile, taking the plate from Jedd. We all sang Happy Birthday which resulted in me turning bright red. Eighteen candles flickered away in the morning sunlight as I thought hard about my wish, it was pretty simple . . .

I wish to be happy.

The truly cheek numbing happiness that lights you up from inside, resulting in every fibre of your body waking up and living.

"So what did you wish for?" Tia asks me, her need to know everything taking over. I roll my eyes at her —

"I can't tell you otherwise it won't come true and I really want it to come true."

She pouts at me but waltz's off, satisfied enough with my answer. I slice a huge chunk of cake for myself, taking a first bite. It's a Victoria sponge with a thick layer of cream in the middle. . . My favourite flavour of cake.

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