
Chapter Sixty One.

"God damn it Brody, why is this so difficult?" I exclaim, throwing my hands up in the air with frustration. I let out a low groan, throwing myself backwards onto the bed. Brody chuckles quietly, dropping the text book from his hand so that it falls onto the desk. He stands up, wavering slightly as he regains his balance.

Every day is slow progress but progress none the less.

"Come on now Bella, you can do this. How about we take a break?" Brody says, his tone suddenly becoming suggestive as he makes his way over to me. I prop myself up on my elbows, watching him. I can't help but smile and Brody mirrors it, his positivity is simply infectious. He crawls onto the bed over me, pushing all the textbooks out of the way so they land with a soft thump on the floor. I feel my stomach tighten in excitement, tingles cursing through my skin as he grows closer. He never once breaks eye contact, the green shimmer in his eyes has me transfixed in place.

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