
The Eclipse Part 1

It was a sunny afternoon, the clouds were clear and there were no signs that a heavy rain would come. The birds would be seen flying in the open sky, but it changes the atmosphere, when hearing the barrage of noise of cutting down trees and the constant yelling that can be heard in the near distance.

The 12th shock troop infantry formed on the courtyard with their uniforms and they look up at Artirian. As Artirian would be looking at them standing on the podium, his awestruck face while looking at the new Flying daggers that had become the 12th shock infantry unit.

Artirian looks at the Flying daggers group that he built from the ground up and as it slowly transformed into a mobilized shock infantry unit in the city. And to think that a ragtag group can become a shock infantry. He was utterly amazed his face always painted a smile while looking at his men and on how the group grew to be a professional force even though sometimes he was not there to handle some affairs of the group.

The day went by and the Republican forces have increased their manpower outside of the passageway. They also have started to cut down trees and as expected for them to build siege equipment so that they can attack the walls of the passageway fortification. But there have been some reports regarding some casualties that the wild beasts had multiple cases attacked Republican forces due to cutting trees and engaging in the deep forest.

Then a platoon of cavalrymen with armor and lances would enter the passageway fortification from the city gate. Their banners seem to be a crest of two swords crossed together. The messenger earlier drops a message to Artirian that the 1st Battalion of knights that will be sent to them would come from the Garrison commanders disposal.

Once Artirian would see the incoming knight his face turned serious and he made his confident stature. He would then call the attention of Rommel and Arthur who were drilling some of the boys.

The courtyard is bustling as men and group leaders train together some are preparing food and some are doing chores. The fortification became organized when Artirian came into the fortification. As the fortification also has strict rules to be followed.

"Now Repeat Slash! thrust! Block! 1….2….3...4… repeat Thrust Slash Block 1….2...3….4…. Repeat the given sequence" Arthur said while drilling the men before the messenger from Artirian came.

"Drop and give me 20 push ups and start counting lads" Rommel would be ordering the group leaders that are in the opening drill then the messenger from Artirian would come and whisper at Rommel telling Rommel to go to Artirian.

Then Arthur and Rommel would meet up with Artirian who is standing near the small barrack house while holding 2 paper orders. Rommel would give a salute before walking towards Artirian, Arthur would do the same.

Once they came near Artirian would give them 2 paper orders. The paper orders states that Rommel would be the leader of the 5 group leaders who are stationed on the left wing side of the passageway fortification which is the most considered wing that a battle could happen. While on the other hand Arthur was sent to the main battle area which is the first wall of the Moon ScarCity and Arthur would bring 60 members of the 160 12th shock Infantry.

Artirian would look at Arthur and he would hold his left shoulder as his eyes filled with tears. And said "I Know you can do this kind of thinking and I know you can do better of yourself I want you to take care while you are in the frontlines and think about yourself. Don't get too carried away while fighting alright" Arthur eyes would widen his hand shake as he read the order. He then looked at Artirian and said "h-h-how Arti- maybe this is a mistake this can't be I- I-dont wanna die yet" Arthur's face would be filled with sadness and being frightened to enter the real war at the front lines Arthur eyes still widen and shock he felt betrayed when he read the order papers. Artirian would look at Arthur while his tears fell down of his cheek.

"It's the orders from the Garrison Commander because they have lost people at the frontlines and they need more people.". As they enter the first gate of the passageway fortification and the leading knight would stop at the middle of the courtyard.

He then hops down off his horse and removes his helmet, his hair would wave and then he would hold his helmet he would look around and see three uniformed officials discussing something he then walked towards them. Then one knight would interrupt the scene of the 3 and called the attention of Artirian the knight said while he would frown gazing his eyes on the ribbon which Artirian is wearing .

"So you are the probationary Leftenant huh" Artirian replied with a salute as he saw the knights Blue ribbon on its shoulder "Yes, Sir I am." "Well then where is the Staff Sergeant Arthur he must come with me and bring the 60 men that are chosen on the list" The Knight replied. Artirian would walk towards the knight, The knight face would feel disgusted and said "You can just stand there you don't need to walk towards me Leftenant"

Artirian would give the order paper and states with a assertive tone of voice "I'll rather be sent there to the front than Arthur if that is okay Sir?" The knight would be tilted and pissed and shouted Artirian aggressively "What do you think of the chain command! Huh not because you are given the rank of Lieutenant you are going to disobey the order from the Garrison Commander!" Artirian would bow 90 degrees to the knight to seek forgiveness. After that Arthur would be given a horse while the 60 men who were chosen were ordered to march to the 1st wall of the city.

Artirian would be devastated because Arthur was one of the best officers he knew even though he knows Rommel has the fighting skills Arthur has the brains so that the three of them can have a more planned formation if a certain wing of the fortification got breached.

The fortification structure was good enough to hold about 3 months of attack but to exceed that it won't last any longer. The passageway fortification has 2 gates one is for entering the city and one is on the other side which is heading out of the forest. Then passageway fortification also has 4 towers which oversee a few meters of the forest that is why the 12th shock troops can observe the Republican forces movements.

A Proitionart Leftenant is an unofficial rank of a commisioned officer :)

ArkAnghelcreators' thoughts
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