
2747 Unfair!!!

In Starlinks residence a gloomy and stressed Lu Xingluo is currently pulling his hair out as he listens to his subordinates reports.

"Unyielding Soul and Crimson Emperor have killed all our players stationed in the Coined Sky map, officially kicking us out. Over 20,000 members have left the guild as well and the HellFire legion have left us for the Five Stars guild. We also lost more territory to them and they have started purchasing coins from our usual sources, the amount of coins we get have decreased by 20% sir." The subordinate finished

"What do we do sir, at this rate the guild is going to collapse and be devoured"

"If this continues on the other superpowers will take this chance to wipe us out"

Lu Xingluo could only look at his vice guild leaders and the guild elders, he had no idea what to do. The Five States corporation had joined gods domain and created a guild called the Five Stars Guild, and they immediately recruited plenty of well known and powerful adventure teams and experts and rampaged throughout Gods Domain making Starlink one of their targets. Normally the guild can handle a situation like this but they were severely weakened by Shi Feng when he destroyed their cities and towns and killed their players.

"We'll focus operations on the west, for now just fortify the territories we have left, once my father finishes those plans, Unyielding Soul, Crimson Emperor, Five Stars, and even Zero Wing will fall!" Lu Xingluo said with rage. He blamed all this on Zero Wing, if he had just destroyed the guild while it was weak he could have saved himself this headache.

"Excuse me, Guild Leader, someone from Mythology is here to see you." A black clad assassin announced as he barged in.

"Mythology? What could they want, let them in."

A moment later Cold Shadow and her entourage walked in.

"Hello Guild Leader Xingluo. You don't look so good." Cold Shadow said as her cherry red lips hooked into a smile.

"Vice Guild Leader Shadow how can I help you."

"The question isn't how you can help me but how Mythology can save Starlink."

"Save Starlink how?!" Lu Xingluo shot up from his seat when he heard this. The Starring corporation invested too much in the guild and game and he was entrusted with leading Starlink. If the guild fell because of him his father would disown him.

"Mythology has a plan to take control of the eastern continent. We're currently working with Infinite Sky, Beast Emperor, and others to do this. But we have a big headache in our way."

"Zero Wing!" Lu Xingluo said with a gut twisting hate.

But Cold Shadow's smile brightened even further when she saw this reaction from Lu Xingluo. "That's correct. If Starlink can deal a big blow to the guild, Mythology will step in and solve your current troubles. And I assure you we are more than capable of doing so, how about it?"

"You don't even need to ask I would have destroyed that stupid guild for free."

"But Guild Leader Zero Wing is not an easy opponent. They now have enough strength to fight us head on not to mention all the problems we're currently facing." Three Kills reminded him.

"That won't be a problem" Cold Shadow displayed an item for everyone to see.

"Do you think you can do it if you have this?" She said.

Lu Xingluo smiled, ''I can do it in a few days" he said.

"Good, let me tell you more about the plan then."

Cold Shadow continued to discuss about the plan to control the eastern continent and so on. When she was done talking business she left.

"Vice Guild Leader do you think Starlink can deal with Zero Wing?" Matt asked her as they made their way out the residence.

"They don't have a chance. Once Black Flame comes back from that dungeon raid he'll wipe out Starlink hopefully they can buy us enough time, but this will leave a gap in the DarkNight Empire and allow us to proceed with demon god operation. White prepare to purchase the lands Starlink, and Unyielding Soul own, we can't miss the moment when Infinite Sky acts." Cold Shadow informed

"Yes Vice Guild Leader"

"Shake how is the town coming along" Cold Shadow asked.

"Currently we have all the things needed, it's ready to open."

"Good. Old instructer wants us to take control of the project Lu Zhangwang is in the midst of, Matt infiltrate their operations and when Zero Wing destroys the guild take that chance to take control, the guild had permitted us to deploy the Night Sun team you'll join them in the Starlink operation." Cold Shadow said.

"The Night Sun team is taking part! No problem I'll contact Lu Xingluo in an hour and convince him to include us." Matt said excitedly.

The Night Sun team is Mythology's strongest team comprised of 30 members all in the void realm at least, and is led by one of the guilds true monsters. Each member is equipped with some of the best equipment, has the strongest skills and top tier peak legacies. What makes the team truly frightening is that every single member owns an advanced bloodline, while the eight strongest members of the team have peak bloodlines. The true monster in charge of the team is undoubtedly one of the strongest people in the game as well. Not only has he gone beyond the domain realm he is one of the few people in the guild to have reached the true ascension realm all by himself, and only the top upper echelon can confirm this but it is rumored among core members that that old man has a legendary weapon, even the guild leader fears this true monster.

Working alongside such an expert is an honor.

Back in the Chaos Storms dungeon while Shi Feng was wondering why Christie was here the NPC spotted the group and walked on over.

"Adventures turn back a dangerous beast that has escaped from the purgatory hell world resides in that tornado. I have chased it but have gotten injured in the process, this is no place for you all."

System: would you like to challenge the special epic dungeon quest Chaos Kings.

"Wow we get to challenge an epic quest"

"Guild leader do you know this sexy NPC?" Blacki asked, right now he was jealous

"Wow guild leader you seem to be popular among NPCs." Fire Dance added, she remembers Shi Feng and Seliora were quite close as well.

Shi Feng could only give an awkward smile, even in his past life he never met Christie. After a little bit Christie stopped what she was doing and said with a sly smile

"Your that little dummy Sharlyn likes to talk about all the time!"

When the group heard this they were amazed and so was Shi Feng, his fame among NPCs has actually reached such heights.

NPCs have their own networks and connections and when players do amazing things to gain recognition from important NPCs those NPCs spread the players achievements. The more NPCs that know you the better, meeting an NPC that has heard about you can trigger hidden quest that no other player can get, get you into places that players normally wouldn't be able to enter, increase quest rewards and so on. Naturally the more important the NPC the better these opportunities are. What Shi Feng didn't know is that he had become insanely popular among NPCs. He had freed the Thunder Emperor Kaiser, is friends with Sharlyn and Wiessman, is talked about fondly by incredible individuals like Alba Gray and the Crimson Eyed Sword Saint, he is even being protected by the owner of Black Wing City, Shi Feng had caused quite the storm in the NPC community.

"If you live up to the legends then maybe I can entrust you with this task." Christie then took out an orb that looked like the key for the dungeon,

"Adventure would you help me take down the beast?"

System: You have triggered the hidden inferior legendary dungeon quest Chaos Deities, would you like to accept this quest.

What the hell!

Shi Feng almost screamed, he was already having a headache because of the epic quest now he has to do an inferior legendary version. The worst part is he can't refuse or Christie might have a bad impression of him. After a moment of silence Shi Feng looked to Christie who had sparkles in her eyes.

"Lady Christie of course I will give my all to help you. Whatever danger awaits we can handle it." Shi Feng said with a calm smile but inwardly he was depressed. If this is linked to the Chaos Lords expansion pack hes going to have to change a lot of future plans for the guild.

"Perfect, I knew I can count on you. Take this key and merge it with your others"

Christie handed him the orb while Shi Feng was thinking "this game really likes to mess with me how unfair."

Shi Feng did as he was told and a the six orbs he collected turned to liquid then fused. The liquid then went to the tornado that was housing the final boss and made a gateway for everyone to enter.

"Zero wing sure is lucky their rewards are going to increase"

"Old Yuan when we get back we should to talk to the guild leader about hiring Zero Wing"

"I'm already ahead of you and sent him a message"

The rewards from this raid are just too good to ignore and while the Secret Pavilion can pass a hell mode difficulty asura will require the help of powerful allies like Zero Wing.

While everyone was excited about the quest, Shi Feng wasn't. While he didnt know if there was any correlation he knew of the chaos lords expansion pack. The expansion pack had changed the game greatly and made surviving in neutral maps even more difficult. If he took a risk he might activate the expansion pack and affect many of his future plans. After thinking for a little Christie got very close to Shi Feng, with a few inches apart from each other she then started to inspect the surprised Shi Feng as if she found a nice new piece of jewelry.

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