
2748 Long Fight

When the team entered they saw a 30 meter tall lion, its mane was made of purple flames and its claws were black with surges of electricity coursing through them. The beast looked imposing and was guarded by four other similar monsters that were smaller.

[Reaper Lion King, legendary, level 144, (247,800,000,000/247,800,000,000ho)]

[Reaper Lion Lord, Mythic, level 142, (211,520,000,000/211,520,000,000hp)]

"What's with those attributes!"

"How are we supposed to fight those things!"

Everyone got frightened at the monsters attributes, and Shi Feng as well, while he knew that the lion king was a legendary creature it's hp should not have been this high.

"Adventures I can fight alongside with you and suppress their attributes, but due to my injuries I won't be able to use my full strength. Or if you can keep them busy for one hour I can unleash a spell strong enough to end the fight." Christie said

System: would you like to pick the normal or hero difficulty

Shi Feng understood the quest better now, he could either have Christie help fight or weaken the monsters enough so she could deal the final blow. Christie must prefer the second option to, but the problem is that they would have to protect her while she prepares her attack, and just dealing enough damage to lower the lion kings hp to were she can finish them off is going to be a challenge.

Shi Feng selected the hero difficulty, he had a plan to deal enough damage.

"Cola, Turtle Dove, Wuman, Hell Rush, use these, you four will be the main MTs tanking the lion king the rest of Alpha team will tank the lion lords. Fire, Zhoa, Summer, Elder Crazed Sword, Elder Silver Sun, Guild leader Melancholy take these as well."

Shi Feng handed them the tier 4 mana set he had. These people ranked in the top twenty damage dealers they had. When everyone put on the moon strider set they felt power surge through them like never before

"Aqua, Fire, Snow, Guild leader Melancholy, and Elder Yuan each of you will take a 200 man team and fight a lion lord, the rest with me to fight the lion king. A small team will protect the NPC while we fight."

Shi Feng then activated miniature world and ring of brilliance as well as summon a tier 5 demon.

Christie started her incantation and the lions immediately grew wary charging right for her. Every step they took tore open the ground and caused tremors but the team didn't falter in fact those who got the tier 4 mana sets had a crazed look of excitement in their eyes.

Melancholy and Crazed Sword ran up to meet the lions head on, they activated the set and runes started glowing on their body's.

"Take this!"

"Let's go!"

Bronze combat technique- Smashing hill

Dragon Wing

Silver Combat technique- Gale twister

Tier 4 taboo skill- Knife Slaughter

Melancholy combined his legendary weapon's skill with a bronze combat technique and his sword split into and transformed into giant wings. The wings then combined into one resembling a hammer that slammed down on the lion king. Crazed Sword also turned into a tornado as countless blades slashed at his surroundings even tearing apart space. The tornado collided with the lion lords and threw each one to a different corner. Both attacks took millions of hp.

Tier 4 legacy skill- Wave Rush

Tier 4 skill- Blazing Tackle

Tier 4 super skill- Obsidian Pierce

The four MTs made their move. Ye Wuman and Turtle Dove used their legacy skills as they transformed into water jets and shot at the lion king. Cola became a meteor and Hell Rush turned jet black as they to ran for the lion king. The lion king came out of its daze and noticed the four as his teeth grew and started to glow. The lion king met their attacks head on. When they collided a shock wave that tore apart the tornado and cracked large parts of space like a mirror happened. A struggle for dominance occurred between the lion king and MTs.

Right when it looked like the lion king was going to win the four of them activated the runes on the moon strider set. As they glowed an ancient glow their attributes exploded and they pushed back the giant lion then growing him right into a boulder destroying it. This attack took nearly 100,000,000 hp

"Good we have a chance. Everyone to your positions!" Shi Feng and the others than led their groups to join the battle. The biggest challenge of this fight is trying to overcome the battle recovery. Luckily with the help of a tier 5 Demon and the moon strider sets they could barely make it. An insane battle took place as spells and skills decimated the battle ground. Christie was still preparing her spell but over 200 players had died and the Alpha MT squad had almost used up their moon strider sets. Now they had to be conservative with when they activated it making tanking the lion lords much more difficult. After 40 minutes one of the lion lords health went critical and entered a weakened state, when Gentle Snow saw this she went all out.

Will of light

Silver Combat Technique- Vortex Stab

As she swung her great sword slashes of lights were released, which then converged to look like a drill. This light drill stabbed the lion lord in its face dealing over 200,000,000 damage and depleting its hp bar. Everyone celebrated the fall of one of the lions but the dead lion lord transformed into a green light that entered the lion king restoring over half of its lost hp and even making it stronger. The lion king fought more ferociously and practically took a life with every swing of its claw.

"Don't panic, Snow your team will help the others but have your MTs help tank the lion king!" Shi Feng reorganized the team. After ten minutes two more lion lords fell but the same thing happened. Now half of the remaining 600 players were fighting the lion king while the other half was keeping the last lion lord busy. After ten minutes of a desperate battle another 30 players died.

"The spell is ready but you need to kill the last lion lord or else it could fail!" Christie yelled out.

"Finish it!" Shi Feng knew it was do or die as he swung Crown Sword at the last lion lord.

Dragon Breath

A white beam of energy made its way for the beast causing it to fly back. For a moment everyone ignored the lion king and used their strongest attack on the fallen lion lord.

Death Thunder

Myth of Light

Sea Dragons Roar

Frost Flame Hell

Dimensional Fracture

Skills and spells assaulted the poor beast and in less then a second it had died. The moment it died its life force immediately entered the lion king which actually restored it hp to full, if Shi Feng hadn't been using miniature world this whole time the lion kings hp would have barely moved, but now all those magic crystals went to waste.

"Go" with the last lion lord dead Christie released her spell and multiple chains made of a black fire grabbed the lion king. A quick struggle ensued but the chains came out on top and started pulling the lion king into a cage. As everyone started to breath a sigh of relief the lion king roared and started clawing its way out. The lightning on its claws grew even fiercer, and its flaming mane burned more wildly, the lion king looked as if it wasn't going to give up without taking everyone here with him.

"No you don't!" Along with a big stomp Shi Feng swung Crown Sword

Imperial Slash: harness the power of the void on the body of the blade increasing Strength by 610% and Attack Speed by 340% to execute a frontal attack that covers an area of 4*60 yards and does 200% magical damage.

Cooldown 20 minutes

As his sword disappeared out came a massive slash of blue and white energy. Everywhere this Slash went a black line of nothingness followed as it hit the lion king right in its face forcing him flying into the cage. With the lion king in the cage the area calmed.

System: congratulates on completing the inferior legendary dungeon quest. Deaths 472, time 01:02:14. A rank completion.

Shi Feng breathed a sigh of relief and an A rank completion is amazing.

After that the tornado they were fighting in disappeared and the crazy environment in the dungeon calmed itself as the six orbs shot into the sky. The orbs started rotating as it made a giant beam of light shoot down to the floor. When the light disappeared a massive pile of loot appeared, there were easily over 300 items just from a glance.

"No way look at all that loot"

"I can't believe a dungeon can drop all this, I already see five epic items in there"

"This must be because of the quest. The game would never be so generous"

Everyone discussed the loot as Christie made her way to Shi Feng.

"Little dummy thank you for your help, Sharlyn was not wrong about you. Take this as a token of my gratitude and hopefully we will meet each other again" Christie said with a bright smile on her face as she transformed into a ball of fire and disappeared from the dungeon.

System: You have gained 50 favorability with Christie.

Shi Feng looked at what she gave him and it was a little rainbow colored ball the size of a marble. He had no idea what this was. Ignoring it for now he went and inspected the loot.

"This is incredible!" He was amazed by what dropped, in fact he couldn't believe it. There were 387 items most were materials the lowest being epic materials and some of it being what he needed for the shooting light airship. There was rare potion, engineering, amd construction designs and even a epic weapon design for a dagger called blue kill. The drop also had a number of dark gold items and he got the missing parts for the two epic set equipment he had, finally completing it. He obtained four tier 4 scrolls, a tier 5 scroll and over a dozen gemstones half of which were the Stable Chaos gemstones. With this he had collected 3288 and with the philosopher's stone he could double that. Shi Feng also got fragmented legendary pauldrons for MTs. He immediately gave that to Cola. But the most valuable thing of all was a jet black token in his hands. This was a shop promotion token, he can finally upgrade candle light to a five star shop.

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