
The Meeting

Maggie's POV

This only means he tricked me, doesn't it?

"What's so funny?" I snapped.

"Just the fact that you actually believed that I held your sister hostage." He laughed.


Conor's POV

We were all crouched behind a tree listening to the conversation. Zoe gasped "He tricked her? That bastard!"

"Im not surprised Zoe, he seems like the kind of guy who'd do that." Joe said.

"I still think we should interfere now." Jack said. I held him back.

"Jack, we have to wait, just call the cops."

"You don't have to tell me twice." He called the cops immediately.

Maggie's POV

"You lied to me!" I was outraged.

"Aww, I'm sorry sweetheart, It was the only way I'd get you to meet me alone." He said in a fake sad tone while walking closer to me.

"Come on, give me a hug." He opened his arms.

"Why would I hug a piece of scum like you? Not after last time you bastard." I snapped.

"That's not a nice thing to say sweetheart, you know what happens when you do things I don't like."

"No, not again."

He pulled out a knife from his pocket and smiled at me.

"Logan, don't you dare!" He started walking towards me faster and faster. He cornered me into a tree and whispered.

"All you have to do is apologize sweetheart, then I'll put it away."

"I'm not afraid of you anymore Logan." I spat in his face and kicked him in the stomach.

Conor's POV

When Jack finished calling the cops it was part two of the plan.

"Zoe, you stay here and wait for the cops, Joe you go watch them from behind that bush, Jack and I'll watch them from here." Zoe nodded and walked away.

Let's just hope the cops get here soon.

Maggie's POV

"Shouldn't have done that sweetheart," he started, and brought the knife back out. I closed my eyes and waited for what was coming my way. I heard police sirens. But nobody was here. It was just the two of us. Before I could make a move, he stabbed me. At first, all I could do was stand still. I looked down at the stain of blood that was starting to spread on my shirt.

"You bastard." I coughed.

He started to punch me a scratch at my arms.

What did I do to him for him to abuse me like this?

Jack's POV

I was tapping my fingers against the tree when I saw him pull out a knife.

"Woah, woah, Conor. He's got a knife!" I whisper-yelled.

I was about to start running for him like a mad-man when I heard the police sirens. I looked at the police cars and then turned back to Maggie and him. But when I turned back, I saw Logan stabbing Maggie.

Fuck staying still. He's in for it now.

"Conor, I don't give two shits if I die. I'm going to save my princess." I ran towards her.

Maggie's POV

I couldn't feel anything, no pain, nothing. All I wanted right now, was my friends. It was so foolish of me to come to this meeting. Logan let me go when he heard the sirens.

Thank God he's gone.

My body slumped down to the bottom of the tree, and I let obviously it. It hurt to move any part of my body. So I just sat there and waited for it all to go away.

Zoe's POV

"I'm calling an ambulance right now!"

I called one as soon as possible and watched as the boys went up to Mags.

Good God I hope she's alright, I can't lose a girl like her.

Joes POV

I watched the police arrest Logan.

"I hope he's going to be gone for a verrryyyy long time." The boys and I ran to Maggie as fast as we could.

Maggie's POV

I started to feel dizzy and I struggled to keep my eyes open. I heard familiar voices and saw three figures come closer to me. I tried to open my eyes, but it was no use.

"Mags? Margaret? Try to stay awake, please." I heard Jack say.

"No! Just leave me! All I've done ever since I got here is cause problems! I'm a mistake! Just leave me to die here!" I yelled.

Jack's POV

I started to tear up at her words and the thought of losing her.

"Listen right now. You mean the world and more to me okay? I'm not letting you go. I wouldn't be the same without you okay Maggie. I love you." I touched her cheek.

She looked up at me.

Maggie's POV

I thought of how sincere Jack's words were. I heard the ambulance sirens. I looked down at my wound.

Dear God, please let all of this go away.

"Okay, I'm going to carry you to the ambulance." Jack said. I reached my arms out to him and he lifted me up. I nuzzled my head into his chest.

Mm, he smells so nice even when he's sweaty.

"You smell nice baby." I mumbled.

He chuckled. I could feel the vibration go through his rib cage. Once Jack gently set me on the hospital gurney, the ambulance....people. Whatever you call them, asked me a bunch of questions like "What day is it?" "How many fingers am I holding up?" The basic shit, then we were off to the hospital.

Yay, my favourite place to go.

Jack held my hand the whole ride there and kept placing kisses on my forehead.

"Jack, what time is it?" I sleepily asked.

"1:27, why princess?" He answered.

"I wanna take a nap." I yawned. I saw him share a glance with the nurse.

"Sure princess, sweet dreams."

I fucking hope so!

I closed my eyes and felt him play with strands of my fiery red hair.

Jack's POV

She looked so beautiful asleep. Sadly, only two people were allowed in the ambulance, so Zoe, Joe and Bailey decided to meet us at the hospital.

*30 minutes later*

The ride to the hospital wasn't too long considering how far the hospital was from the park.

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