

*At the hospital*

Sophie's POV

I met Jack and Conor at the hospital.

"What are you going to do to her doctor?" I shakily asked while tearing up. The doctor turned to me with his assistant pushing Mags in the gurney to her room.

"Were just going to test and see if her wound is serious or not." He sternly said.

"And if it is?" Conor piped up.

"Well then we'll have to conduct surgery. Now, please stay out here until we call your names." He waved us off.

I was devastated.

What if my sister doesn't make it? This should've happened to me. If anything, she's protected me. She tried to save me when I didn't even need it. I already miss her.

I turned towards the boys.

"Let's go sit down." Conor wrapped his arm around me. I saw Jack look back to where the doctor had taken my sister.

*The next morning*

Jack's POV

I hadn't been able to sleep, neither had Sophie. Conor on the other hand had been sleeping like a log. A nurse in a purple uniform walked out of the doorway.

"For Margaret Lindemann?" She asked.

Sophie slapped Conor's leg to wake him up.

"Conor Maynard! Wake up!" Sophie shouted. He woke up immediately.

"I'M AWAKE!" Conor jumped.

We all ran past the nurse, she was about to say something when she just shook her head and let us go.

Sophie's POV

When I walked into Maggie's room, I saw that she was breathing through an oxygen machine, sound asleep. She had bruises and stitches around her cheeks and on her arms.

How could I let this happen to my little sister?

Conor's POV

I quietly opened the door hoping that it wouldn't wake her up.

"Jack what's the time?"

He looked at his watch.

"Noon why?"

"You need to sleep. So do you Sophie." I told them. I felt like a mother, telling her children off.

"But what if she wakes up?" Bailey pleaded.

"Then I'll wake you up." I said.

Bailey nodded and went to sit on the couch across the room.

"Jack, you need to sleep too." I pointed my finger at the chair next to mine. He glared at me.

Jack's POV

"I'm not going to sleep, not at a time like this." I pointed at Maggie's face.

Maggie's POV

"I'm not going to sleep, not at a time like this." I heard Jack's husky morning voice say. He was depriving himself of sleep, just to wait for me to wake up.

"It's rude to point Jack." I fluttered my eyes open, which mind you, was not easy at all.

The brothers jerked their heads towards me and both started crying.

Damn, I made both Maynard's cry. New achievement!

All of a sudden, I felt myself start to cry.

"For fucks sake you guys, you're making me cry!" I say in frustration. Both of them gave me gentle hugs, trying not to hurt me too much. I pulled away and smiled at both of them.

"What happened? Why're the boys crying?" Bailey asked sluggishly from behind me. She gasped and started crying when she saw me. She got up and hugged me as well and cried into my shoulder.

"Oh Mags, I thought you weren't going to wake up." She sniffed.

"You can't get rid of me that easily Sophs." I smiled and squeezed my sister.

Sophie's POV

My sister was alive. That's all that mattered in this moment.

Maggie's POV

"I still don't know how I managed to bring the Maynard bros to tears." I laughed.

"Well we kinda thought you weren't going to wake up." Jack said, wiping his eyes.

"Aww, Jackie poo! You can't get rid of meeeee! I'll always be here to taunt you." I squealed. Everyone laughed.

Conor's POV

Maggie was up, and everyone was laughing again. What would you expect with a girl like her. She could make anyone smile.

"I need to tell Joe and Zoe that you're okay." I said pulling out my phone.

Con-man: Mate, get to the hospital now, and bring Zoe.

Joe Bro: Why? What's happened?

Con-man: She's awake.

Joe-Bro: Stepping on it. Be there in 20.

Joe's POV

Zoe stayed round' mine last night with Alfie. I prayed that Maggie would wake up soon. She's one of my best friends.


Zoe ran out into the sitting room wearing her sweats and pulled Alfie in as well.

"Well what are you waiting for?! Let's go!" She yelled.

When we reached the hospital, we ran past the nurses and barged into Maggie's room where I saw everyone smiling and laughing. I brought Maggie into a hug, while Zoe bursts out in tears.

My sister never runs out of tears.

Zoe's POV

I was so glad to see her alright. I let all my emotions out and burst out crying.

"I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE OKAY!" I screamed and squeezed Maggie.

"Zoe, please stop crying. You didn't think I'd leave all you guys behind right?" She laughed.

"I can't help it, I was so worried."

Maggie pulled me up and straightened me out.

"Don't you dare cry, or I'll kick you out of his room missy." She scolded me. I immediately stopped crying and wiped my tears away.

"Much better." She smiled her usual smile.

Jack's POV

It always made me laugh when Maggie would order us to stop doing something. I got suddenly and kissed her. I'd been waiting to do that all night.

Maggie's POV

I was about to say something to Joe when Jack cut me off by kissing me. To be honest, I didn't mind it. We received a couple wolf-whistles from the boys and claps from Zoe and Sophie.

"Bout' time I got to do that." Jack smirked which, as always, made me blush furiously. I cleared my throat.

"Well, I was about to say something to my dear friend Joe before I was so rudely interrupted by this ass." I snapped.

"Don't worry, the blush on your face says it all princess." Jack answered with his fabulous voice.

"Well, you look like shit." I retorted.

"BURN!" Joe said.

"OH, SNAP!!" Sophie laughed.

"SHIT BRO!" Conor elbowed Jack in the stomach.

Zoe and Alphie just laughed at me. And Jack, well he just pouted at me.

"That wasn't very nice of you princess." He said.

I remembered the words "That wasn't very nice of you...." it reminded me of him. Then I thought.

My stomach!

I looked down at my stomach from inside of my shirt.

Damn, I'm a badass.

I stared at my stomach. I could see the outline of where he's stabbed me. Stitches now replaced the knife that was halfway in my body from last night. I felt hot tears start forming, but I blinked them away when,

"Mags? You alright?" Joe asked with concern in his eyes.

I nodded and smiled.

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