
Chapter 109

Author Note: (.U⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ U.)

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I'm currently on chapter 118!

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Marching and arriving at King's Landing would take me and my army a couple weeks, but this time would not be wasted.

I had sent one of my hawks to King's landing with a mission, and mission that would if my plan worked, ensure my victory. Things of course we a little bit more complicated that I had originally thought.

Tywin had apparently decided to weaponize part of the wildfire, and I had to reluctantly admit, his ideas were good.

He wanted to dwindle my army with long range attacks, using the wildfire in a variety of ways that showed why he was feared among his peers.

But regardless of what he tried, he would die, and I would prevail. All he was doing was delaying the inevitable.

One month away from the throne, one month away before I focus on the real war beyond the wall.


[Tormund POV]

"The battle is lost." A calm voice spoke aloud, full of sorrow and loss, it was one of the few survivors that had managed to escape the Night King.

"Humanity… will fall, I don't know why we even try." Arangon, one of the warriors, had survived said as he lifted up a chipped and damaged spear, raising it above his head for a brief moment before he plunged it downward.

"Fuck you all!" I growled with anger, how could they even think of giving up, "Even if they champion of shit doesn't come to fight this monster we must fight! Even if we are going to lose! We must fucking fight! We are not going to let this fucker win that easy!"

Everyone looked at me for a second, I could see they were tired of this, after all, we had been fighting for months making making no progress at all, while every battle would weaken us, the monster would only grow stronger, I knew this was impossible to win, but I rather make that fucker work for my life, because I won't willingly give it to him!

"We are fighting… waiting for a champion that might not even exist!" Arangon shouted angry, "What are our proofs? An old man that can't move? Or the bunch of freaks that follow him?!"

"Since when do the freefolk needs a hero?" Ygritte said with a bored tone, clearly tired of this facade, "If he exists good, if he doesn't then let's do what we've been doing for hundreds of years, let's survive!"

"Finally someone with fucking brains!" I growled in approval.

"The champion is occupied right now," Leaf, one of the weird looking children, said.

"On what?" Arangon scoffed, still not believing a word.

"He is fighting a war on the other side of the wall, because he knows that the only hope of winning is by having a united front," Leaf answered not paying any attention to Arangon's rude attitude, "If he comes ignoring his problems beyond the wall without that united front he will lose… humanity stopped the long night once… but they stood together for it, and this time the Night King not only has bigger numbers but is stronger himself…"

"So is our champion," A Raven with three eyes spoke, "Nothing is like it should be… but we must prevail, this is beyond our personal desires or wants, this is a battle to decide if humanity survives or not,"

I couldn't help but still be startled at the fact the old tree guy could speak through ravens, it was unsettling.

"You heard the two creeps! We must stay strong! Fuck the champion if he doesn't come! Fuck him if he comes! But don't give up!" I shouted.

"...." Leaf stared at me before leaving.

"Well, not the desired result…." the three eyed raven muttered as he watched the people slowly calming down, "But it will do for now,"


[Benjen Stark POV]

It has been almost three months since I left to scout the area, as it was one of my many missions as the first ranger of the watch, and what I found… brutally murdered my brothers, the others, I had found them before… but this time they were… different… they moved in an almost sentient pattern, they weren't the mindless creatures I remembered, not that they were geniuses now… but they were certainly different.

They moved and act, in ways that one could think were strategies, to hunt and corner living creatures, I had survived their first attack by sheer luck and the sacrifices my brothers did buying me time, but in the process of running away from them I had lost any way to go back to the wall.

The others had made sure of that, so while I was alive, I wasn't sure for how long I would be, food was scarce to the point I had killed my horse just to survive, but that would only last me so much. I had to find a way to return and warn my brothers, unlike my first encounters with the others this time I knew they were preparing to cross, and we needed to be ready for it.

"I really hope Jon and everyone else is okay in the wall," I muttered with a deep sigh, the last time I saw Jon my nephew he wanted to become a ranger like me, and explore beyond the wall, and I couldn't help but wonder if he was okay.


[Tyrion Lannister POV]

Father and sister had gone mad, utilizing one of the most… if not the most volatile substance in the world to fight in the war… it was most likely we would kill our own men with it that any of Ronard's.

But at the very least Father wanted to weaponize the substance, unlike my dear sister that wanted to make King's Landing a fucking bomb, with the not at all argument of, if we can't have the city, no one can.

Was I the only one seeing the fucking red flags? I knew my sister was crazy but this was beyond mad king crazy!

And worse of all, is that father approved of her idea, I mean he didn't say it, but everyone knew that if he didn't like something that something would never come to happen…. which means that he silently approved of her idea.

Perhaps it was best for the seven kingdoms to have someone like Ronard sitting on that rotten thing they call a throne, god knows anything is better than Joffrey.

"Family or logic… what an awful situation I find myself in," I sighed.


[Joffrey Baratheon POV]

I still didn't have Ronard, his dragon bitch and his babies in front of me! This was UnAcCepTaBle! I was the king, my words were the words of a god!

Because I was a god! I was born to rule the world and do with it anything I please, because everyone within this stupid world was my toy!

And as the god king I was! I wanted to see that pretender suffering! I wanted to see his face as his dragon bitch wife was being raped by every man in my army.

I wanted to see his face as his children suffered the same fate, and just when all his family starts to drown in their own blood and waste, just then he has nothing left to lose, I would take my sweet time ending him, and yet he was still free! Avoiding my divine punishment!

"I am the King! I am a GOD! And I want my enemies suffering! I want it!!!!!!!" I shouted.

*I need a raise… caw…*

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