
Chapter 110

Author Note: Sorry for the double chapter shit incident... Webnovel loves to fuck with me with the delay sometimes... and I was so tired I forgot to catch it.

If you want to read up to 18 chaps ahead, go to


I'm currently on chapter 128

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Kings landing was just one day ahead, and while the throne was just sitting there… waiting for me I had to be careful.

Tywin had done an amazing job weaponizing the wildfire against me, with catapults ready to throw all he had at me, if I wasn't careful I would lose many able men, a commodity I couldn't afford to lose, considering that I needed every man and woman I could possibly have to fight against the army of the undead.

I had yet to hear from the Hawk I sent to King's landing, he was possibly busy with his assignment, which was weird on its own, considering what I know about the city he should have the rat or mice I requested right now, but like they say, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

With that mentality at hands, I had created a backup plan, with the same objective, of neutralizing the wildfire, and while originally I wanted to destroy it because it was a very unstable substance, I had decided to do otherwise, mostly because it would be a very useful weapon against the others.

My plan was simple, capturing the ones with the authority to use the wildfire, the grand maester, Cersei Lannister and Tywin Lannister, and just in case, the idiot sitting on my throne, Joffrey Baratheon, they were the only ones that had the authority to use said substance, how to kidnap them was the hard part.

I had to infiltrate, or corrupt someone within their ranks, maybe Olenna or Tyrion, they both had their reasons to betray the current regimen, Olenna because she was old but not blind, she probably knew by this point I was going to win, and Tyrion…. he hated his family, at least everyone but his brother, though it remains a mystery if any of them will actually allied themselves with me.

But it was clear that an idea was at least worth trying, but the real question was, who to send for this mission.

"We should rest before the battle," Oberyn said, bringing me back to reality.

Taking a deep breath, I turned to look at him, "Sounds about right, I don't want anyone too tired,"

"I will start setting up the camps," Jon added from afar.

"Very well," I nodded, still trying to figure out a way to get within the enemy lines, not only would the wildfire be useful for me, but neutralizing it would save a lot of my army.

And then it hit me… a way to get to Tyrion...whores… all I needed was a few willing whores to chat with Tyrion.

"Let's see if you really love your disgusting family Tyrion, or if you have any common sense," I chuckled.


[Daenerys POV]

After sometime, I had finally managed to stabilize the cities we had conquered, erasing every single rebel, before it became a problem.

And while a part of me wanted to go out and finish what my husband had started, I decided to wait, I just couldn't risk the life of my babies, nothing is worth that.

But this sounding peace, was a double edged sword for me, now that I had nothing but menial tasks to do… to keep myself occupied, I was ruthlessly reminded my husband was on the other side of the sea, fighting for our throne, and while I knew he was probably the best warrior on the known world… I couldn't help but worry about his safety.

He had Neltharion on his side, he would protect him if anything went wrong, I knew he would, if I was the mother of dragons, he was the father of dragons, and his sons loved him, I knew that… Neltharion, Qrow, and Rhaegal loved him, and they would die for him if push came to shove.

"Ma-ma," Gerard smiled at me, blowing me some kisses, while his sister took a nap above Qrow.

"Yes, my sweet little bear, mama is here," I smiled at him, kissing him on the cheek.

I never thought loving something so much was possible, until I became a mother, it was as if they became my sole reason to live, I loved them so much that it hurt.


[Olenna Tyrell POV]

It took some time to convince my granddaughter of my plan, she wanted to be Queen so bad she almost considered dying, but not all fights are worth fighting for, sometimes it is better to let things go.

Now it was just a matter of convincing my son, who was a very… very… VERY stupid man to go with us to Ronard's side, which was easier said that done.

Everytime I spoke with the man, he would ramble about...how could I even think of giving up the chance of Margaery being the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.

Morose thoughts…, but he would go accept my plan, and I would save this house, regardless of his compliance, I would stop House Tyrell from sinking any lower, after all, his compliance has never been a factor on my plans, but a mother must always try… even if she already knows what their idiotic children will do and choose.... a mother must always try.

Too bad, I had to drug my own child to save him.


[Tyrion Lannister POV]

Why was I even here? Fighting for a King that will never amount to nothing… well maybe being even more crazy than the mad king…

Fighting for a family that doesn't and will never love me?

Or was I perhaps fighting for Tywin's respect, either way… I wasn't sure anymore.

Why was I even supporting this, I knew the moment this war ended… I would meet my end in a mysterious accident, probably orchestrated by my dear sister…. or father… or nephew… frankly anybody but Jaime would try and kill me, I had long served my purpose.

Perhaps if I helped Ronard… he would be lenient with Jaime…

"There isn't enough wine to deal with this shit," I muttered.


[Jaime Lannister POV]

Was father really capable of defeating Ronard? My entire life Father had been something I considered unbeatable, a mountain that can't be moved… but this kid was… very good, and while I chanted to myself over and over again that… we would win no matter what… a little part of me didn't believe a word I was saying.

Dragons united Westeros, and dragons the young bear was commanding, you don't get more prophetical than that around here, a bear that married a dragon, a bear that commands dragons.

So perhaps my doubts were not unfounded…

"I miss you so much Cersei," I muttered.

"You will see her in hell soon," From afar I could see Ronard coming to my cell.

"Hell… what a nice place I suppose… better than here," I shot back.

"I suppose… but you are probably wrong about something…" Ronard chucked, taking a seat in front of my cage.

"On what?" I smiled, trying to show him… nothing would bring my mood down.

"Well on the sins that are bringing you to hell…" Ronard smirked at me, "Banging your sister? Nah… I mean gross but not something I consider you should go to hell for… reproducing with your sister? I mean… maybe? Joffrey is a pretty big sin in itself…. killing the Mad King aka my father in law? That's probably the highlight of your life to be honest… I actually applaud you for that… no… the real reason you are going to help is because… you never killed the real monsters within the kingdom… just because they were family…"

How dare he!... I did what I could!, "By what right does the bear judge the lion!"

"By the right of the sword…" Ronard calmly replied.

"You pretend to be a hero and yet… you are going to kill children… my Chi— nephews," I stopped myself from admitting anything.

"I will," Ronard nodded.

"Then if you succeed, I'll be waiting for you in hell… after the gods judge your sins," I smiled at him.

"What are gods… to a nonbeliever," Ronard chuckled as he started to walk away, nor without leaving me with some parting words, "Don't think so high of the gods little cat… they are assholes,"

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