
Training in Olympus Part 2

The following day, Nate began his serious training in full with Athena, and frankly he seemed like he was in way over his head. He was just lucky that he couldn't die because the difference in their levels of skill was like night and day.

Considering just how powerful Athena was, Nate was relieved that he never sparred against Thor like Hope had, since the Aesir were supposed to be far greater warriors then the Olympians, and among them Thor stood at the top.

The advantage that the Olympians had over the Aesir was that their Ambrosia made them basically unkillable. The White Phoenix of the Crown could kill anything, while the Olympians cannot be killed by anything, supposedly. There had never been a situation where it had been put to the test, but it was likely that the White Phoenix's power would win out if it were to be put to that test.

That did not help Nate, though, since he did not want to kill Athena, just to train with her. Also he wanted to get strong enough to impress her. As one of the three virgin goddesses, Nate knew that if he were to truly win her over he would have to work for it. He was ready to endlessly endure the cuts and severed limbs in exchange for the slow and steady progress that he would receive.

Every time Athena's strikes with her spear hit Nate in this one-sided battle, he received massive damage that would have been lethal if not for the Phoenix Force, but in his current state his severed part would fly back and reattach, and his every injury or wound would heal. This would be a very long process.


Hope, who was invisible while she hovered in the air with telekinesis, watched a scene that was playing out beneath her. She was here to do as Nate had mentally instructed her, and she was unable to do anything more then she was instructed, but she'd been watching the girl for more then a month.

The climate where Hope was currently located was very dry and hot, and the people below her were all very dark. It was obvious that she was somewhere in Africa. Hope, however, was focused only on one 15 year old girl who was only slightly lighter skinned then the rest of the tribe.

The girl was crying as she was being forced into the center of the group. One man who looked to be in his late twenties entered the circle with her and started talking to her in their native language.


"No, I wont marry you, I am the Matriarch! You can't make demands like this of me!" The young Matriarch of the tribe answered the man that had organized the tribe against her, trying to force her to marry him now that her mother had died.

"At your age, you cannot be matriarch! You need someone like myself to take care of the tribe!" The warrior countered "How dare you be so selfish!"

"I refuse!" the girl yelled back at him

"You leave me no choice." the warrior lifted a club, readying it to swing at the girl and kill her.


Find that girl...Keep her safe...Try not to reveal herself...These were Hope's instructions.

The manner in which Hope 'saved' the girl was unleashing her white flames, incinerating the girl in an instant, so that she felt no pain.

The warriors club passed through where the girl had just been, and he stepped back in shock.

The fire returned a moment later and the girl was reborn within it, only her once black hair had turned white, and the color of her skin lightened a good bit, but was still a dark tan, and her eyes had turned white.

Using telekinesis, Hope Summer lifted the girl up into the air as she was about to pass out as a side-effect of her rebirth, and Hope ended up catching the girl in her arms, at which point she became invisible as well, and hope remained there, holding the sleeping girl while awaiting further instructions.


After another day of training, Nate started following Athena back to her place. He still got his ass kicked all day, but he was getting much stronger, so he was hopeful that he could surpass Athena within his three years here. While he followed Athena he took the opportunity to make contact with Hope, and was surprised by what he learned had happened

Since he could actively instruct Hope while not in combat with Athena, he saw through her sight and prepared to have a conversation with the girl.


The fifteen year old girl awoke and found herself no longer with her Tribe. Instead, she was in a forested area near a white girl with long red hair wearing a rather peculiar costume that was watching her "Ororo Monroe. It is a pleasure to meet you" the red-haired girl said to her in English "I am called the Phoenix., and my name is Hope. I rescued you from your tribe, but as a result you have now awoken as a mutant, the next stage of human evolution."

Ororo was shocked by her words "I don't understand"

"My pupil Nate took an interest in you, so I kept an eye on you." Hope insisted to her "And it is fortunate that I did since your people turned on you like that"

"Where are we?" Ororo asked as she looked around.

"We're inside of the country of Wakanda, of course. It was the safest place to bring you, where you wont be hated for being different. Isn't that right, King T'chaka?"

A man in s strange black costume that made Ororo think of a panther emerged from the woods Why have you entered our country?"

"This world isn't kind to mutants like Miss Monroe here. I'd protect her myself, if I were able too, but I have too much going on at the moment." Hope insisted to the King "I want to ask you to protect her while I go after Ulysses Klaue and recover what he stole from you."

King T'chaka became suspicious "How do you know that?"

"Like Ororo, I am more then a normal human. Telepath being the important part of my skill set for the purpose of this conversation." Hope insisted to the king "I know plenty that you probably don't want people to know, but I'm not your enemy and have no interest in the politics of various nations. There are far more pressing issues to worry about, things which will become clear in time, but what I can say is that I am doing what I can to guard this world. I want you to take in Ororo, at least for now, until I can set up a safe place for her to live in peace."

"Are you saying she is also a telepath?" King T'chaka looked at Ororo with curiosity.

"Mutants can do many kinds of things. I believe her ability should be to let her control the weather" Hope said to the King, then looked at Ororo "Just as I have the alias 'Phoenix', I give you the alias 'Storm'. I'll return for you when things settle down a bit if you are willing to join me then." she explained to Ororo.

Hope then used telepathy to show King T'chaka what had happened to Ororo and her awakening and transformation, After witnessing the vision, T'chaka sighed "When you meet Ulysses Klaue and recover what he stole, what will you do with it?"

"Return it to you, of course, though I do want something in exchange" Hope admitted to the king.

T'chaka was surprised "What do you want?"

"Seeds of the heart-shaped herb. I want to preserve it in a secluded place in case something happens to yours." Hope admitted to the King.

"Even if you know that. The heart-shaped herb wont grow just anywhere" T'chaka warned.

"I know a place where it can be grown." Hope insisted to T'chaka "And if the worst somehow happens here, your descendants can get seeds from me to regrow them. I will not be sharing the heart-shaped herbs around, you needn't worry. My concern is protecting them from going extinct. If anything, my pupil may use one when the first batch matures."

"If you can return what was stolen and bring Ulysses Klaue here to be punished for his crimes, then I'll agree to your request" T'chaka assumed that Hope was overly confident and would not actually be able to grow the herbs, so there was not really any risk in sharing the seeds.

Hope nodded and then became invisible before flying away and leaving Ororo Monroe, aka Storm, in the care of T'chaka.


1407 Graymalkin Lane, Salem Center, New York

Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

Though it was called a school, that was perhaps ambitious when you considered that the adults there out-numbered the students, Hank McCoy and Mortimer Toynbee were the only two students, alias Beast and Toad respectively, while there were three adults living here, who were Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, and Raven Darkhölme, or Professor X, Magneto, and Mystique.

The mutant phenomenon was extremely rare, though Professor X and Magneto had created something to amplify his innate telepathy and to find out who carried the X-gene that triggered evolution, it remained dormant in most people.

While nearly five percent of the worlds population now had the x-gene, according to Cerebro the only ones to have activated that x-gene were the five people already gathered in this school.

Under the school, within Cerebro, though, Charles Xavier had witnessed an unusual phenomenon. A girl that he had judged with Cerebro as having a zero percent chance of awakening her x-gene, had somehow done so before disappearing from his perception completely.

He tried to find the girl again, and started to barely sense her 'I wouldn't do that if I were you.' a young female voice said into Xavier's mind, and he realized he was dealing with a powerful telepath if she could hinder even Cerebro to this extent. He had no choice but to give up for now and try to find the girl later.

The next day when he looked for Ororo Monroe again, Professor X was able to discern she was somewhere in Wakanda, though there was something odd about that country that impeded Cerebro, so he couldn't pinpoint her exact location or circumstances. He began wondering if the unusual country of Wakanda had more mutants that he did not know about. He couldn't help thinking that after the unexpected encounter with that telepath.

There are people that want me to advance the plot some more and others that want me to finish the Asgard arc from everyone elses perspective there, so I guess the best way I can try to please everyoneis to switch between advancing the plot a bit and going back to the Asgardian's perspective every other chapter. Hope this is acceptable to everyone.

And yes, Magneto is still allied with Professor X in this world. the mutant population is much too low for him to grow the ambitions that he may have otherwise grown, so they are hiding from th world, helping their own kind and relying on Xavier's telepathy to erase knowledge of mutants from anyone that stumbles upon it. In this manner they have remained unknown.

And as for Wanda and Pietro's 'parents' who died, it was their mother and step-father. Cerebro judged that Wanda and Pietro would not awaken as mutants so this Magneto let them have a 'normal' life by cutting himself out of their lives.

Splendora_Gamingcreators' thoughts
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