
Chapter 264

"So… how has your stay here been so far Arya?" he asked before cut and eating the seasoned meat of Whale that had been left to dry for over a year. It tasted divine. His chefs never failed to spoil him with their excellent food.

"It was great." Arya said with a large smile "Your castle is comfortable and beautiful than ours. Ygritte teaches me archery every morning. I can play with the children and the werewolf pups all I want. The market here is filled with so many new things. And aunt Barbrey even called for a sword teacher from Braavos for me."

He gave his aunt a wide eyed look of surprise which she expertly ignored.

Huh… who knew that Arya's tomboyish nature would melt the cold heart of Lady Barbrey Dustin.

But then again, his aunt didn't show any dislike for Sansa Stark when she first arrived here. It was only due to Lady Stark's constant bickering with her that led to her hating Sansa Stark who tried to be like her mother day and night.

"I'm glad to see that you're adjusting so well in Dreadfort." He said "It would be a bad record on my part to chase off yet another Stark from my castle."

Arya frowned at that "Like you did with my mother. She didn't told me anything about that. Saying I'm too young and everything." She pouted.

"Well, you're what 10 years old?"


"11." He nodded "I think that's old enough. I'll tell you what happened, once you finish telling me about your experience in my home in detail."

Arya beamed at that and started telling him about how she made friends with the Children of the Forest (who always seemed more friendly with other children than grown ups with some rare exceptions like him), how her Nymeria had found friends in the other Direwolf pups, how she saw yet another female direwolf giving birth to a litter of pups on the 3rd days since her arrival, how she didn't like reading but was forced to do so by Ygritte and Baka, how she was given a horse of her own by Aunt Barbrey Dustin (and hadn't that been a surprise) and how Dreadfort and Winterhold was so much more luxurious and more comfortable than Winterfell as a whole.

"But I still miss my brothers from time to time." She said in the end, her mood shifting from jovial to sad in a moment.

"Who do you miss the most in your family?" he asked.

"Jon" she replied instant "then Robb, father, Bran and little Rickon."

"Not your sister?" he asked and she frowned.

"No. Sansa and the other girls always teased me and called me Horse face. The girls stopped doing that when Sansa was away but they started once again when she returned." She said which stabbing the meat with her fork.

Wow, this girl has some blood thirst in her. But he could understand where she was coming from.

He too had been bullied mercilessly by Dudley in his childhood. It sucks. And it destroys your self confidence like nothing else.

"Why would they call you horse face?" he asked.

She gave him a confused look in return "Because my face look like a horse." She replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. He heard Ygritte sigh beside him, making him realize that she was aware of this and did not know what to say either.

"Arya…" He said "You do not look like a horse. In fact, I would even say that you're a rather cute child and someone who would grow up to be a very beautiful woman."

Arya looked down and blushed brightly at that. Had no one complimented the girl on her cuteness before this? Strange.

"Don't listen to what the other girls are saying." He said "They're probably just jealous of your freedom and how you can do things that no other girl can."

"Really?" Arya asked as she looked up at him with a hopeful gaze.

"Really." He said with a bright smile and Arya smiled back at him, even if it was a little shy and strained.

"I offered your half brother Jon some work in my lands by the way." He said and Arya's eyes brightened once again.

"Really? What did he say? And what work did you gave him?"

"A position in the Military." He replied "He is a good swordsman and seemed pretty good at commanding people even though he lacks the necessary experience. But he declined."

"What? Why?" she asked.

He shrugged back "He seems pretty intent on joining the Nights Watch" he said "Just like how your sister made you believe that your face looks like a horse, your mother made him believe that he has no place in Winterfell and if he gained power anywhere else then he would definitely come back and try to take Winterfell from you."

"He would never do such a thing."

"I know. You don't need to convince me." He said "But that's what he believes. And I don't think anyone will be able to change his mind at this point. He's too stubborn and prideful. Both your brothers are."

Both his aunt and Ygritte scoffed at that and he glared at them.

"What?" he asked.

Ygritte smiled sweetly at him and shook her head ���Nothing." His aunt on the other hand coughed on her head and said "Pot calling cattle black."

He rolled his eyes while Arya burst into giggles and the rest of the table members started chuckling to them as well.

"How's your daughter Varko?" he asked when they stopped chuckling like mother hens.

Varko gave a warm smile and replied "She's in excellent health. Thanks for asking my lord."

"Do spend some more time with her." He said "We might go on yet another expedition by the end of the month."

Varko nodded and bowed his head.

"Domeric." Arya said.


"Can I see Titanic?" she asked "I've heard so many things about it but have never it before. I've never seen a large ship before either. Or sailed in the sea. Or seen any other kingdom. Or…"

"Okay okay." He said with a chuckle when she started counting the things she had never done and wanted to do in her fingers "I'll have Briar escort you to the Shipyard at the end of the week. Would that be alright with you Briar."

His resident female warg nodded "Shena needed a walk and some time to stretch her legs anyway." Briar said "Living in a comfortable stone castle, sleeping in soft beds and eating well prepared food has made her slow and lazy."

"Cats can be like that." He said and Shena huffed from the other side of the room where she was sitting on the floor and eating a large plate filled with Whale meat, looking as beautiful and graceful as ever in her shining black fur.

He could see why the Shadowcats down South were hunted to extinction.

"Aunty. Tell me, what else has been going on in my absence." He asked and the dinner continued in that warm fashion for a good while before they said their prayers and left the dining room while he picked up Ygritte and took he to his room.

The fatigue from working for a whole week had still not left him but he was far too horny to care.

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