
Chapter 247

The second round was postponed due to Ser Jamie's multiple injuries.

The Queen wanted to blame Lord Bolton to be hanged for the crime of trying to murder her brother. The Queen wanted to blame her own husband for allowing this travesty to happen in the first place. The Queen wanted to blame Lord Stark for officiating this duel. The Queen wanted to burn the whole Winterfell and all the occupants within. The Queen wanted a lot of things. She received none of them.

Lord Stark and King Robert agreed that since Lord Bolton stopped on his own violation before Ser Jamie could be severely injured, he would not be disqualified and the duel will continue.

Tensions in Winterfell were running high so Lord Stark sent most of the Red Cloaks outside the Castle to live in Wintertown for the reminder of their stay in the North.

Maester Lewin said that Ser Jamie's nose was broken. Along with a broken nose he had suffered multiple cuts and multiple severe bruising around his chest and shoulders. None of his bones were broken so he should be capable of fighting within a day or two.

Sansa had still not come out of her room after her episode in the Courtyard. And Robb was highly worried for his sister's health as she had not eaten anything for a whole day.

Lady Stark wanted to grieve for her son Bran in silence and peace but realized that she won't be getting any due to all that was going on in Winterfell. She of course blamed all of this on Lord Bolton who she had come to hate even more once she realized that her daughter had truly fallen in love with him and was not suffering a heart break. She wanted to be there for Bran but realized that she also needed to be there for her own daughter.

While this was happening, Domeric left Winterfell and went further North to meet Bloodraven and talk to him about Bran Stark.

Unfortunately, the few remaining Children who did not join him in order to help Bloodraven for the reminder of his days told him that the not-last Greenseer had gone into a deep meditative state and won't be coming out of it for a good amount of time.

He told them that he would come back in a few days before he returned back to Winterfell where Lord Stark had given him and his men a small building inside Winterfell so that they would be able to protect themselves in case the Lannister men tried something.

He found Ygritte waiting for him in his bed but he told her that he won't be joining her this time as he had some very important matter to look into.

She was a little disgruntled but understood. He promised that he'll make it up to her before he left Winterfell once again and came out into the Underground base in the ritual room where a large ritual was lying half constructed on the floor.

Almost one year has passed since he perform the first ritual to enhance his body.

It was now time to perform the Dragonlord ritual. A ritual that allowed the first mages in Valyria to bond with the Free Dragons and bind them to their will.

He took the ink and carefully started to draw in the required runes in the ritual.

The ritual was so large and complicated that it would easily take him two more weeks to finish.

The original ritual created by the Valyrian mages was not this complicated.

In fact, despite it's efforts, the ritual was fairly simple and required the sacrifice of 1 living dragon egg and 100 sacrifices.

He changed and upgraded the who ritual again and again and again over the last year until it was to his liking.

Now the ritual required 3 dragon eggs and 777 human sacrifices.

He had already gathered over 600 pirates, slavers and some Dothraki men. Muron will bring him the remaining humans in a few days from his latest excursion in Sisterton where the Pirates had started to gather once again.

The ritual was immensely powerful and he was not sure if he would be able to perform another ritual for a decade after this one. But it was necessary.

With the arrival of the White Walkers, he realized that his own magic was very weak in comparison and if he could not even use his magic against the average White Walkers then he truly stood no chance against the Night King.

If he wanted to bring an end to the Long Night once and for all then he would need to become stronger. And he was piling all his hopes in this one ritual.

To give him the boost required to combat the White Walkers.

He drew the runes for a few hours before he couldn't due to the growing back pain.

He down the brush and the ink and went to the other room where all the dragon eggs were being incubated.

There, at the center of the incubation room was a dragon egg that was much larger than all the other eggs.

A runic array had been drawn in the center of the largest Incubation chamber which was attached to three other dragon eggs that were starting to look more and more pale with each growing day.

The ritual allowed his Dragon egg to take the life force from the other dragon eggs and increase it's own power and strength.

After a lot of thinking and deliberation, he decided that instead of hatching half a dozen dragons whom he might or might not be able to control (he'll only be bonded to one), he decided to hatch a single dragon and then put all his resources and magic to make sure that it'll become the strongest dragon in history, eclipsing even Balyrion the dread who was said to be capable of eating a man and horse at once.

He put his hands above the large Black egg and started pouring his magic inside it.

This would help the Dragon become even more strong in the magical sense as well as get the dragon to see him as his father even if the Dragonlord ritual didn't work.

After half an hour, he had poured all his magic inside the dragon egg and was feeling a little magically exhausted.

He closed the Incubation room and apparated out of the Underground base and appeared in the middle of the Dreadfort and took in the large amount of ambient magic around the area.

There was once a time when the ambient magic in this area couldn't even be compared to the ambient energy in Winterfell and he would have to wait a full day to recharge himself.

Since then he had planted thousands of Heart trees in and around Dreadfort which increased the magic in the area to such a degree that he was now able to recharge himself in only five minutes.

Once he was done, he apparated away and went back to his room in Winterfell where Ygritte was snoring away in his bed.

He removed his boots and climbed on the bed with her.

She mumbled something in her dream and moved forward to burrow her face in his chest.

He smiled and kissed her forehead before he put an arm around her and fell asleep.

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