
Chapter 245


Sansa watched as the two men started to circle one another. Their steps firm and balanced. Both looked ready to pounce on the other at the drop of a hat.

But even to her own inexperienced eyes, she had a feeling that Lord Bolton was walking with more grace and ease compared to Ser Jamie who looked tense.

Maybe it was just her bias talking. But Robb had told her that Lord Bolton was a great swordsman. Perhaps even greater than Varko himself who was considered the greatest swordsman in Westeros after he defeated both Ser Jamie and Ser Barristan the Bold twice in single combat in the melee tournaments in Kings Landing.

She hoped that Lord Bolton would win.

Her heart felt heavy as she once again thought about her betrothal to the Prince.

The prince was a decent man as she had expected but he was not Lord Bolton. In fact, there was not even a comparison between the two.

She had hoped that she would be able to gather her courage and talk to Lord Bolton after the slaughter of the Red Cloaks but she couldn't gather enough courage and came back to her room before even meeting Lord Bolton.

She already felt ashamed that she was now betrothed to the prince. True, it was her father who broke the betrothal without even consulting Lord Bolton but to her it felt like she herself had betrayed him.

Because of that, she felt ashamed of herself and couldn't even gather the courage to go and talk with Lord Bolton.

Any time she even thought about going to him and offering herself to atone for the betrayal, her mind would whirl around will all that could go wrong and she would hold herself back.

She was brought out of her thoughts as the two men paused in their steps to talk about something.

They were talking in low voices but she felt that Lord Bolton was mocking Ser Jamie regarding something.

A moment later, Ser Jamie charged forward and got a shield to the face as instead of defending, Lord Bolton also charged forward and bashed him with his shield.

The duel started and almost instantly she could see that Lord Bolton was not only stronger but also faster than Ser Jamie who had been on back foot since the start of the duel.

She felt a warm muzzle prod her and turned around to find Lady looking at her for attention.

She gave her a sad smile and gave her a pat before she looked back at the battle.

Lord Bolton had backed Ser Jamie into a corner and had disarmed the Kingsguard of both his sword and dagger who was not trying to defend himself against Lord Bolton's continuous assault.

The Bolton men cheered at the sight and the Starks joined in as well.

Clank! Clak! Thump! Dinnggg!!! Tink!!

The sound of metal fists stricking metal armor continued to rang as Lord Bolton threw down his own sword and shield in favor of punching Ser Jamie who was not ever able to defend himself properly by this point.

She turned to her brother Robb who was sitting beside her and asked "Does things like this happen often in duels."

Robb looked lost for words for a few moment, too distracted by the one sided beatdown in front of him before he looked at her and said "Duels can get bloody more often than not but this…"

Yeah… she had never heard one champion punching the other into oblivion like this.

Especially when both of them are wearing armor.

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