
Chapter 190

"Like what?" Ygritte asked.

"Like… did I tell you about how I managed to succeed in my magical ritual."


"Well… Dragon egg. That's the answer." He said.

"Why is…"

"I'll return in a moment." He told her and pecked her in the lips before he separeted and used a portkey to go to the top of the Wall from where he used another portkey to get to his underground base.

He was in the long corridor once again with the three doors in front of him.

He went to the left one which lead to the stadium sized treasure room with enough gold to buy the Iron Throne a few times over.

For some reason, this room always reminded him of the Room of Hidden things.

The room that was unfortunately burnt down due to Gregory Goyle's foolishness and recklessness.

Using the cursed flame when you don't have any control over it leads to disastrous consequences.

He ignored all the gold and treasure lying around and went to the section that was filled with more than a hundred dead dragon eggs.

He went there and picked up the one which he had used for the ritual.

Even after so long, the egg was still brimming with power.

The sacrifice of 100 healthy adult males was no small thing after all.

The theories about how he could use the power inside it to amplify the range and power of the Valyrian Glass Candle was already coming to his mind.

The only problem was that when this egg ran out of power, he would have to use human sacrifice to charge it once again.

He was appalled by the fact that the thought no longer appalled him.

He wondered if this was the sign that he was becoming dark. Like Voldemort.

He decided to think about that on a later date. Right now, he had a few theories to jot down and a girl that he had kept waiting for long enough.

He left the room, closed the door and used two portkeys to return to his tent.

"Is that a dragon egg?" Ygritte asked as soon as she saw what was in his hands.

"Yes. Did I never showed it to you before?"

"No. You only mentioned it a few times." She said as she held the egg and almost dropped it on the ground before he helped her with it.

"It's heavy." she said after examining from all the side "And beautiful. Though I still don't understand why someone would pay enough to buy a fleet for a beautiful egg. And why does it feel like stone."

"Unlike other birds, dragons sometimes don't hatch for years, if not decade. To save themselves itself dying, the egg changes into stone and only change back when it's in condition to be hatched once again. Though admittedly, if the egg is left alone for a long time then it dies and becomes stone permanently."

"Is that what happened to it?" she asked "Is the dragon inside dead."

He nodded "I found it and many other eggs in Valyria. Only a few of them had survived. And even that a miracle in and of itself."

"You think you can make it work?" She asked as she returned the egg to him.

"We'll see." He replied.

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