
chapter 4

The screen shows the arrow flying through the air, passing many people and gently lands in my hand, while she's in the hotel.

By her is two girl who has long brown hair, wearing dark blue high school uniforms, but one with blue eyes and the other has red eyes.

The first girl's name is Arisu and the other is Chiasa.

"What's that?" asked Arisu.

"Oh. Nothing did you see the whole hotel?" I asked.

"No. I just found the hot spring ", said Chiasa, with no emotion.

"I almost have finished, I haven't checked upstairs", said Arisu.

Arisu grabs my arm, and says "Can you come with us?"

Chiasa looks at Arisu, and says "What makes you think I want to come along?"

"Oh. Do you want to stay?" asked Arisu, confused.

"Yeah. Can I go into the indoor pool?" Chiasa asks me.

"Of course, there's a towel inside, so fill free", I decided with a smile.

Chiasa blushed a little at me smiling, then turns away, while walking, and says "Thank you".

Arisu takes me upstairs, and says "Say, what is this letter?"

Once we reached the top of the stairs, Arisu kept staring at the lettet.

"It from a..." I said.

"Girlfriend?" asked Arisu, with her eyes sparkling.

"No..." I answered honestly.

"Are you...?" asked Arisu, surprised.

"I'm afraid, I am, so you want to see the paper", I said, then hands the paper to Arisu.

Arisu sees the picture, her eyes sparkle, and faints.

I disappeared and appears by Usagi's room.

Usagi is smoking by the window.

I made butterfly wings appear, shrink into the room, and lands on the bed.

I used fairy dust to make a small box, and teleports out of the room.

Usagi looks at the box, and sees the rings with a note under it.

"Wedding rings", said Usagi.

"Maybe him and Misaki could get engaged or married obviously either has to be private", I said, not realizing it was out loud.

"Great idea", said Usagi, behind me.

"Oh my. Did I say that out loud?" I asked, looking terrified.

"Yes", said Usagi.

"Well", I said, about to disappear, but Usagi caught my hand.

"Wait. I need your help, can you teleport me to Takahiro's house", said Usagi.

I turned around to Usagi, and says "Sure, should I tell Misaki?"

"Yes, but don't mention the rings", Usagi decided.

"Of course", I saluted.

"Thanks", said Usagi, smiling.

"You're smiling. Are you warming up to me?" I noticed.

"A little", Usagi admitted.

I smiled with spreading my wings, then hug Usagi, backs up; I made Usagi disappear behind a wall of flowers.

The screen switches to Mariah seeing Miyagi and Shinobu struggling.

"Miyagi! I know it's embarrassing, but I love you, and i'm glad, we're living together", said Shinobu, blushing.

The leaves take Shinobu to Miyagi.

Under the sand, Miyagi says "That kid".

"I love you too, and us being together has been a great experience for us", Miyagi admitted, sinking further.

Miyagi gets pulled up by Shinobu, Shinobu lands in Miyagi's arms.

Mariah in a devil form flying upside down, looking at Shinobu and Miyagi, and says "How cute".

"Ah!" gasped Miyagi and Shinobu.

"I'm glad, you escaped from my maze, but I have one more task for you two", said Mariah, still upside down.

"What now?" asked Shinobu, annoyed.

Mariah takes Shinobu, points to Miyagi, and says "You must find a ring".

"A ring?" asked Shinobu, confused.

"Hold it, you don't mean a wedding ring", wondered Miyagi, panicking.

"Bingo! And Shinobu, you must find flowers, roses to be exact", Mariah assigns Shinobu.

"Flowers? Hey, what are you up to?" Shinobu asks Mariah.

But, instead of answering, Mariah flies up into the air, and says "That i'm pretty sure you can piece together, that for now. Have fun".

After saying that, Mariah snaps her fingers, making clouds appear taking Miyagi and Shinobu away.

The screen shows both boys finding their objects.

Shinobu is in the hall of memories, trying to find the most precious memory

Miyagi is running from a bunch of woman in wedding dresses. while trying to get the rings from the person who has long blond hair, wearing cat ears, fluffy blue dress, and white heels that looks like a nine-years-old.

Shinobu goes into the memory of him and Miyagi at the grave of Miyagi's first love.

Miyagi finally gets rid of the girls, and gets thrown in a dressing room.

Shinobu is flying and sees him and Miyagi going back to the car, in the corner of his eye he sees the flowers on top of a headstone; and flies to it.

Miyagi turns around to see the blond-haired person is the one that kidnapped him.

"Ssssh!" whispered the blond-haired person, holding his hands on Miyagi's mouth.

The person puts the two rings into Miyagi's hand, and says "I'll distract them. Now, go".

Shinobu goes to the car, causing the flowers to glow, and make him disappear.

Miyagi goes to the window, so the rings glow up in the air, and he disappear with the rings in his hands.

Both of them appear in tuxes holding their items in a church, and they see Mariah in a tux too still in her demon form.

"Thanks for being my entertainment, as a gift i'm giving you the flowers and the rings", Mariah thanked Miyagi and Shinobu.

"Wait. You are leaving?" asked Shinobu, confused.

"Well, you two have proven you love each other and now, you have the proof", said Mariah.

"You wanted us to get engaged", Miyagi figured out.

"True, it's only natural, so bye", Mariah answered, then starts to walk away.

"Wait. You want to see us put the rings on?" asked Shinobu.

Mariah turned around and showed a big smile.

Miyagi puts a ring on Shinobu's finger, and Shinobu did the same thing to Miyagi.

Mariah bounced all around the place, kisses Miyagi and Shinobu on their cheek.

Miyagi and Shinobu groaned after that.

"That was sorry for all my trouble", Mariah smiled, then made them appear in front of Miyagi's house.

Mariah flies up in the air, and says "Well, i'm going to see my boyfriend".

"Boyfriend!" exclaimed Shinobu and Miyagi.

"Yep, and like how i'm a demon, he's an angel", said Mariah.

"An angel?" questioned Shinobu and Miyagi.

"Yep, want to see him?" Mariah nodded.

The screen switches to me meeting Misaki giving him a towel.

"Angel-kun?! What are you?" asked Misaki, nervous.

"No need to be nervous after all, we're friends. Also, Usagi had to go somewhere", I told Misaki.

"Where?" asked Misaki.

"Uh...I" I replied.

Before I could say anything Mariah appeared with Miyagi and Shinobu, I pushed Misaki into his room, and smiles.

"Hello...i'm", I said.

"Angel-kun?" asked Shinobu and Miyagi.

"Huh?" I asked, looking confused.

Misaki comes back into the hallway.

"Huh? You're one of my students", Miyagi recognized Misaki.

"Hello. How come you're here?" asked Misaki.

"Ma-kun invited us", said Miyagi.

"You don't really look like an angel", replied Shinobu.

"So, let me prove it, Shinobu", I said.

I showed my angel wings, and my outfit turns into a white suit with shoes.

"I'm guessing you too, must be having a good relationship ", I assumed, looking at Shinobu and Miyagi's rings.

"That's because of your devilish friend", said Shinobu, pointing to Mariah.

"Yeah. He's a trouble maker, that's why I like him", I admitted.

"That reminds me, anybody want a drink?" Mariah asks holding a bottle, while flying.

"Can we join you?" asked a mysterious voice.

Mariah, Misaki, Miyagi, Shinobu, and I turned around to see Takano and Onodera.

"Takano! Onodera!" gasped Mariah, and flies high in the air.

"And you are?" asked Takano.

"I'm the devilish Yoneno", said Mariah.

"I'm the angelic Umeji", I said.

"We're the owners", we said, with a smile.

"Nice to meet you", said Onodera, shaking my hand and Mariah's hand.

"Nice to meet you too", I said, making him fly with me.

"So, this is real?" wondered Onodera, surprised.

"Yup", I nodded.

A few minutes later.

"I could've sworn I had tea, but my face is red", I pointed out.

"I think you got switched with me", Onodera noticed.

"How?" asked Mariah, looking at the other's faces.

"Angel-kun, how did you meet Ma-kun?" asked Misaki.

"We're childhood friends", I answered.

"Oh. How did you fall in love?" asked Onodera.

"It was after a dance at our school for me", I tell them.

"It was during summer vacation", said Mariah.

"When you kissed?" asked Arisu.

"Oh. It was during our high school dance", I blushed.

"Last question. How do you know all of us. Is it apart of your powers or did we met before ?" questioned Misaki, drinking some tea.

I put my head up, smiles, and says "My powers give me all information about any of you and that's for the same for Yoneno".

"That's pretty much it, but I still love all of your relationships", said Mariah.

"Why?" asked all of them.

"Because your stories of first love, is so beautiful and romantic and I love it so much", Mariah expressed her emotions, while flying, and showing an aura of flowers.

"How about you?" Chiasa asks me.

"I've seen your stories and I treasure each one of them... However, I think you have a lot of problems to resolve", I spoke honestly.

"Problems?" questioned Arisu.

"But, those aren't my business", I dodge the question.

The screen switches to Usagi and Takahiro sitting in the dining room.

"I'm in love with Misaki and we've been in a relationship for a while", said Usagi.

"By relationship...you mean?" asked Takahiro, surprised.

"We're dating", Usagi made clear.

Manami is hiding and listening to their conversation.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" asked Takahiro, seeming hurt.

"Misaki didn't want me too, but I couldn't hide this for long", answered Usagi.

"Uh...I.." said Takahiro, lost for words.

The episode ends with me telling Misaki the reason why I admire his and Usagi's relationship.

So, we are both smiling.

Next chapter