
chapter 5

The screen shows Takahiro and Usagi talking, Manami listening to it.

"We're dating, Misaki and I", said Usagi.

"Uh...I...when..." asked Takahiro, surprised.

The screen switches to me explaining why I like Misaki and Usagi's relationship to Misaki to Misaki and I laughing.

The screen goes black, then turns to Usagi and Takahiro.

"I started this relationship. Misaki was afraid of telling you, but I prepared myself on how I was going to tell you the truth", Usagi admitted.

"Usagi...i'm not sure, how to react. I knew that you and Misaki would get along...but I didn't expect it to happen like this", Takahiro says with his head down.

"After all, you've been my friends for ten years and Misaki's my brother", Takahiro pointed out.

"Takahiro. I'm sorry, but I hope we can stay friends", said Usagi.

A few seconds pass by.

"Of course, I mean why wouldn't I? After all, you made Misaki, so bappy", Takahiro noticed during his lasts visits.

Manami comes out of her hiding spot, and watches the conversation closely.

"And he did the same for me I always enjoy being with Misaki, we have done many great things together. Which created moments that I cherish", Usagi stated.

"So, you enjoyed the dates you went on", Manami asks Usagi.

"Of course", said Usagi, then turns around to see Manami.

"Manami?" questioned Takahiro.

"I may have overheard", Manami blushed.

"Tell me everything, leave nothing out", said Manami.

"Where should I begin?" asked Usagi.

"When did you realize you were in love with Misaki?" wondered Manami, with a big smile.

"Uh...Angel-kun", Usagi called to me.

Like a flash, a bunch of flower petals appears, the screen shows my white shoes and then shows my whole body with my angel wings.

"Hello", I said.

I made my flute appear and the screen shows a music sheet behind me

I made us appear in the past, landing the living room.

Usagi is on his knees and Misaki is crying on the couch.

"Remember when you cried when my heart was broken.

The screen shows Takahiro with Manami, and Usagi narrates "I was confident that I could hide how shaken I was".

The screen shows Misaki crying near a pole, Usagi says "But, a brat I'd known for less than six months saw right through my heart".

Misaki wiped his eyes, and Usagi says "Ad I watched him cry his eyes out over something that wasn't his concern".

The screen shows Usagi smiling, then is on Misaki's shoulder, and says "So, right then".

"You got your heartbroken then, but how", questioned Takahiro.

I paused the moment.

"You see Takahiro, at first Usagi was in love with you. It was a one-sided love and when you announced your marriage it broke his heart. Even though he knew his feelings could never be returned", I explained.

"I didn't realize... I'm sorry, Usagi", Takahiro apologized.

Ibrubbed his head, and says "No need for that, after all that was a long time ago".

"True", Usagi agreed. "If anything I should thank you".

Takahiro smiles a little.

I continued the scene.

The scene goes back to Usagi and Misaki.

"...I thought, "Oh, he's the one".

Misaki looks at Usagi, surprised with tears still in his eyes; Usagi is on his knees.

"That's why my cool when it comes to you", said Usagi.

The screen shows Usagi up close.

"I don't ever want to see the one I love snatched from before my eyes again", said Usagi.

After hearing that, Manami and I hug with an aura of hearts, and says "Awww!"

"Um... could it be that you were jealous of my senpai?" asked Misaki.

"And What if was?" asked Usagi.

Usagi and Misaki kiss.

Usagi kisses Misaki on the forehead, then they fall back on the couch, and kiss again.

Usagi moves away, Misaki says "Usagi...no...this is a bad idea".

I paused the scene again, and says "And that's when the love bloomed".

"But, what about the rest?" asked Manami.

I got close to her ear, and whispers "I will show you later".

"Oh. Okay", Manami whispered back.

"So, what now?" I asked with a smile.

"How about some Misaki moments?" asked Manami. "If that's okay".

Everybody nodded.

Together, we see Misaki admitting his love for Usagi, going on dates with Usagi, the misunderstandings, and finally the moment on Misaki's 22nd birthday about his third wish on the marble.

My smile grows, spinning around and around, and flies all around the place.

"So, that was his third wish", said Usagi, with a smile.

"I feel true love", said Mariah's voice, then she appears in her devil form.

"How adorable!" exclaimed Arisu.

"I can get behind this story", said Chiasa.

"I told Angel-kun was up to something", Mariah confirmed.

I wrapped my arms around Mariah's neck, and says "Yeah. Nearly going to choke you".

"Why?" asked Mariah, struggling.

"Because you ruined a cute moment. Next time, come with me or leave them behind or both", I told Mariah.

I finally let her go.

"Oh. And I brought along the others", Mariah smiled.

"So, Usagi, how do you feel?" I asked, then I turned around. "Wait! The others".

Misaki appears from behind Takano and Onodera.

"Misaki!" I exclaimed.

"Usagi? Big Brother? Uh", replied Misaki.

"Misaki, i'm sorry, me and Angel-kun told them everything", Usagi admitted.

Misaki walks up to Usagi, and says "Idiot! Usagi, why now after all these crazy things have happened.

"Misaki, is it true?" asked Takahiro.

"Well...yes", said Misaki, blushing.

My eyes starting glowing , swing my scepter making everybody else disappear except Takahiro, Misaki, Usagi, Manami, Mariah and I.

Takahiro hug Misaki, and says "Don't worry, I'm fine with you and Usagi's relationship".

"Thank you", said Misaki.

I put my hands over Mariah's mouth, who's freaking out.

"Should we take you all home?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'd like to do something special", said Usagi.

"Special? Like what?" asked Misaki, confused, while looking at Usagi.

Usagi kisses Misaki and says "You'll see".

"Ready?" I asked Mariah.

"Ready", answered Mariah.

Together, we touched the scepter sending us back to Takahiro's house.

I landed on the couch.

Mariah landed on the table, making it tip over, and says "Ooops!"

Manami landed in the kitchen.

Takahiro lands on the floor on top of Usagi.

Misaki is holding onto a chandelier.

"Can somebody help me?" asked Misaki.

"Misaki!" panicked Usagi.

"I've got him", I said.

I teleported us to the ground, where i'm holding Misaki in my arms.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen", I apologized.

Misaki rubbed my hair, and says "It's okay".

I blushed, turned around to Usagi, and put Misaki in his arms/

"Why are you red?" asked Usagi.

"Don't mind me", I said.

I decorated the living room with flowers, bells, everybody in tuxes except Manami, Chiasa, Arisu.

Takahiro and Manami's kid is awake.

"No kissing until after the vows", I warned Usagi.

Usagi nodded.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, we are here today to join these two gentleman to be married", I started.

"But, before we start that, would the lovely couple like to say anything", Mariah asks Usagi and Misaki.

"Misaki, I was always sure that we stay together, no matter what. Do you believe that too?" Usagi expressed himself.

"Yes, and I want us to stay like this", said Misaki.

"I guess, it's my turn. Misaki Takahashi, do you take Akihiko Usami as your husband?" I asked Misaki.

"I do", said Misaki.

I put the ring on Misaki.

"And Akihiko Usami. Do you take Misaki Takahashi as yours?" Mariah asks Usagi.

"I do", said Usagi.

Mariah puts the ring on Usagi.

"Then, it's our pleasure to announce you to be married", we announced with a smile.

"You may kiss your lover", I winked.

Usagi and Misaki kissed.

Everybody cheered.

"This feels awkward for us to be here, when we barely know the lovers", Onodera stated.

"Akihiko Usami", I said.

"Misaki Takahashi", said Mariah.

"We'll introduce you to them", said Mariah and I, pulling Takano and Onodera.

Usagi and Misaki are sitting at the table

"Usagi!" exclaimed Mariah.

"Misaki!" I smiled.

"Angel-kun", said Misaki.

"Ma-kun", said Usagi.

We showed them to Takano and Onodera.

"Nice to meet you", said Misaki.

"Yeah", said Usagi.

The scepter starts vibrating.

"Is it time to go home?" Mariah asks in a whisper.

"No. that means that Somebody in this universe needs our help", I whispered back.

"But, we can't leave, it would be rude", Mariah shaked her head.

"I have an idea", I said.

I started coughing.

"Angel-kun?" asked Misaki and Usagi.

Mariah picks, and says "We better go".

"Thanks for everything", said Manami.

"Visit anytime", said Takahiro.

We walk out the door.

"So, where are we going?" I asked.

"You're the angel", Mariah pointed out.

"But, you have the watch", I said.

The scene end with us arguing.

Next chapter