
Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Years of Life

Draco's sixth year of life was more of the same, with him meeting with his friends and the Greengrass Manor and his parents complete oblivious. The only thing of note that happened was Astoria and Daphne telling him about their bloodline curse, and that it was why Astoria was sick so often.

Pheonix Tears, while rare, were not so hard to come by that Draco would assume it had never been attempted as a methor to treat the Blood Cuse, but Olympia was special.

When he heard of the blood curse, Draco immediately recalled how in her gold form her tears were a hundred times more potent, sohe decided to try it. After Astoria swallowed a single tear from a bottle draco kept in his inventory, Astoria's health immediately and drastically improved. thee curse was still there, but it was completely supressed by the power of the tear.

This lasted for about 7 months before the curse started to slowly read its ugnly head, so Draco planned to provide her with a tear once every 6 months to keep her healthy and happy.

Things, however, took an unexpected turn after his siwth birthday, when Theo told his (Draco's) father that Draco and Daphne had befriended Ginny Weasley and that was why he stopped hanging out with the pair.

Lucius was not happy at all, and tried to prevent Draco from having contact with the Greengrass family. Fortunately for Draco, he had kept Olympia a secret, so he was able to use her to exchange messages with the girls and to continue sending tears to Astoria when she needed another one.

Draco was essentually kept under huse arrest for a whole year, so he spent that time largely reading, practicing magic, and learning to use a broom. He had read lots of books on Quidditch, so it was only natural that he'd learn to fly at some pont.

Maybe if he had apoligized and agreed not to be friends with Ginny Weasley, is father may have released him from his punishment sooner, but Draco thought that would be a dumb thing to do, since Ginny would eventually be one of his romantic parters, so he would just get punished again for breaking his word.

Also, they still did not know about Hermione, so if they snooped on him to try to catch him breaking his promise, then they'd find out about her. It was best if they just accepted that he wasn't goingto comply in the first place, so that they'd have no reason to snoop on him.

Finally, after his 7th birthday, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy caved and allowed him to go see the Greengrass family again. They were not happy about it, but they didn't want to punish Draco, and he had literally lasted a whole year without caving in to the pressure.

They had no idea that he could do that because he had Olympia to secretly keep in touch with everyone. Draco resumed spending as much time as possible at the Greengrass House, and was gathering all his girls there and training with them, and now that the cat was out of the bag in regards to Ginny, he actually flooed over to the Burrow with her a few times and brought hs broom to fly and practice with Ginny and her brothers.

Any doubt that they held about Draco was expelled the first time a bloody Pheonix appeared to deliver a message for him to Ginny at the dinner table.

Of course, Lucius still wanted to mitigate the influence that the Weasley's had on Draco. so Lucius made more time to spend with Draco as well. When he was with his parents, Draco listened dutifully and was well-behaved, but wasn't going to sacrafice any friends for them. Once he decided to collect them all, his pride would not allow him to throw them away.

By the time of his eight birthday, Draco had finally read through and memorized all seven years worth of Hogwarts textbooks abd gained a new skill into his grimiore that he had long desired to acquire. It was an A-rank skill called Apperation, and when he received it, a complete knowldge and comprehension of the skill entered his mind.

Furthermore, in addirion to Astoria, Daphne and Ginny also sometimes got flustered around Draco, and appeared to be showing signs of a crush, though they were all young and it was too soon to even consider a relationship, he did not mind discretely encouraging their crushes, going as far as declaring them all his girlfriends during his first birthday party of the day at the Greengrass Manor.

Draco suggested that since the only other boy in the group had turned traitor and left them, that they might as well consider it like that. They were all young, and thought nothing much of it, so he managed to convince them all.

Of course, his Divine Luck skill activated just before they all decided to agree, so he gave silent thanks to system-kun, thinking that his luck had persuaded one or more of them into agreeing.

After being thrilled with the result, Draco realized that he hadn't checked his Grimoire in a while so he smiled and excused himself to the bathroom where he checked his stats and then the contents of his Grimoire


Name : Draco Malfoy

Sex : Male

Age : 8 year, 0 days

Species : Human (Wizard)

Strength : 352

Speed : 301

Vitality : 498

Magic : 19,278

Karma : 144,809,497,559

Wand :

Loyalty : 100%

Soul Wand Attributes : Magic Growth Rate +1000%, Magic Power +100%

Yggdrasil Heartwood : +1000% Magic Growth Rate, Potions +100% potency/accuracy

Seraphim Feather : +500% Speed Growth Rate

Nemian Lion Whisker : +500% Strength Growth Rate +250% Charms potency/accuracy

Hydra's Heartstring : +500% Vitality Growth Rate

Philosopher's Stone : +1000% Transfiguration magic potency/accuracy, +500% all other magic potency/accuracy

Grimoire :

Loyalty : 100%

Soul Grimoire

Divine Luck - Rank S

This power is activated randomly, and can trigger fortune to smile upon you, though after use it will not work again for at least 60 days.

Familiar Tattoo - Rank A

The bearer of this ability can have their familiar merge into their body in the form of a tattoo. The tattoo functions as a stasis effect while the familiar is inside of it.

Telepathic Familiar - Rank B

The bearer of this ability bestows upon his familiar the ability to telepathically communicate with himself and others.

Chlorokinesis - Rank SSSS

This is an activated skill that lets the user control plants, cause them to grow or move, or even imbuing them with a bit of sentience.

Pyrokinesis - Rank D

The user is able to creat and control a magical flame. Repeated use ond practice can cause the rank of this skill to rise, allowing for the creation of larger and more powerful flames.

Reality Revision - Rank Divine

This is an incredible skill that can make small changes to reality itself. It cannot take a life or restore a life, but it can do just about anything else as long as only one target is designated. Whatever change is made becomes the truth, and it is as though it was always the truth. No one other then the user of the skill is aware of the skill or the worlds state prior to its use. It cannot be used again for 20 years after it is used.

Aperation - Rank A

This is a movement skill that allows so near instantanius travel to a place you have been before


There were actually a couple new skills that appeared, one of which was absolutely absurd! Reality Revision? Really? Sure, not being able to use it again for twent years was a long time, but the things that he could do with it! The first thing that came to mind was what if Harry Potter was a cute girl instead and he could add her to his growing Harem.

"Nah, that's too weird." Draco chuckled at his own joke as he put his grimiore away, needing time to seriously think how he'd use this skil.

Heads up readers, someone suggested that I make Harry a female and add fem-harry (Harrietta I guess?) to the harem, so rather then just doing it, I decided to give you, my readers, a chance to decide. Basically you can choose one person or thing from canon to have rewritten, including female harry. Whatever sounds like it is the most popular I will incorporate into the next chapter, within reason, as I am trying to keep this novel suitable for general audiences. Thank you

Next Chapter probably wont be until Saturday as I am now through with steam-rolling through the years, meaning each chapter will take longer and cover less time then they have been.

Splendora_Gamingcreators' thoughts
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