

Ayan took his hand and got up from the floor, both sat on the bed, and Raghav was waiting for him to speak up but Ayan was still confused that he should tell him or not, "don't you dare to lie to me Ayan, better if you speak only truth", Raghav warned him, Ayan glared in his direction and coughed, "okay fine, stop threatening me like that, actually I was coming to the college today, but in the middle of the way, I saw Jhummi, she was walking all alone on the road, so I decided to give her lift because she was also to the coming college, but then it started raining and she loves rains a lot so she got wet in the rain, and I just couldn't drop her home with wet clothes, so I took her here", said Ayan and roamed his hand in his hair.

"Woo, you took her your home, I mean here, in your room, unbelievable, you never allowed anyone in your house accept me, no matter who that would be, then how she become that special that she directly land to your house", said Raghav in a sarcastic tone, "And what about the beauty of your imagination, you took Jhummi here before her, this is really unfair huh", Raghav continued.

"Shut up, please, will you", said Ayan in an annoying tone, "why, what I am saying is completely true, when I'll get to know about your imagination beauty, I'll definitely tell him that you take home another girl behind her back", said Raghav with an evil smirk on his face, "shut up because you know nothing, I took Jhummi here just to help her, she was wearing a white top, and she got wet, she was feeling really uncomfortable, that is why I helped her, but you have a dirty mind, which is filled with dirty thoughts only, it is nothing like you thought, you fool", said Ayan and open another can of beer, "better if you don't think nonsense now", Ayan continued, "fine if you say so, but then why you didn't answer my calls", said Raghav with narrow eyes, "I forgot my phone in the car", that is why, nothing else okay", said Ayan and chugged the beer.

Suhani woke up in the evening approx five pm, she opens the light of the room and saw Jhummi was still sleeping beside her, she rubbed her eyes with yawning and put her hand on Jhummi's shoulder for wake up, but Jhummi was still sleeping, Suhani hit her head and Jhummi turned around situation, and this time Suhani hit her head with extra force, Jhummi got up in irritation and sat on the bed, she put her both hands in her hair, she was still feeling sleepy, "what happened, why did you woke me up", said Jhummi in a sleepy tone, Suhani poured a glass of water and throw it on Jhummi's face, Jhummi's eyes got widen in shock, she was not expecting this from Suhani, "what the hell is wrong with you Suhani, you know I already got wet in the rain, then why you did this to me", said Jhummi and wiped her face, "it's already five in the evening, and you are still feeling sleepy", said Suhani and Jhummi instantly turned her gaze towards the clock, "oh god, I already slept too much, and still feeling sleepy, so sorry, let me wash my face and we will go down", said Jhummi and Suhani nods, Jhummi washed her face and changed her clothes, she removed the dress very slowly, she doesn't want to damage that dress, she will return this dress to him, she thought and carefully hanged it to the door, she took a instant shower, so thatshe could feel some energy in her body, she wore a tank top with cotton shots, she came out and made a bun of her hair.

Jhummi went downstairs and saw Neel was teaching Suhani how to make lasagna, Suhani never took interest in cooking, but from last few days, Neel is teaching her a lot of things and she is also paying full attention, Jhummi, Suhani, and Neel, all are a fan of every type of food, Neel is a good cook indeed as well Jhummi, but Suhani is learning now, her mother cares a lot about her, she never let her do any kitchen thing, but since she is with Neel, she is showing interest in cooking, Jhummi made a sound that she is coming down, just because they don't feel awkward, Jhummi didn't take much time in the shower, still, when she came down, her one of favorite evening snacks were ready, the aroma of lasagna filled Jhummi's nostrils, Jhummi couldn't help but moan, "it's smelling really yummy, serve it fast please", said Jhummi and sit on the dining table, "ya sure, Suhani made it", said Neel and put a plate in front of Jhummi, "Suhani, you too sit down, you are hungry too", said Neel and served them both, then he served himself and three of them started eating, "you are becoming an awesome cook Suhani, day by day you are hell improving", said Jhummi and give her a flying kiss, "thank you so much, but half credit goes to Neel, it is all because of his help, i did nothing seriously", said Suhani and Jhummi nods, "i know he helped you, but it is because you wanted to learn it, and i really appreciate your hard work", said Jhummi and Suhani smiled proudly.

"Why did you change your dress, by the way, it was looking fabulous on you", said Suhani in teasing tone, Jhummi glared in her direction with angry eyes but forced a smile in front of Neel, "you know right that was a party wear dress and I was not feeling comfortable in that, and I will return that dress tomorrow", said Jhummi with gritted teeth to Suhani, "but I don't think he will take it back", said Suhani, "he??, said Neel and glared in Jhummi's direction, but you said your friend Sneha give it to you", asked Neel, "of course Sneha give it to her, I meant was she will not take it back, she has a lot of dresses like this, I don't think she will need it back", said Suhani, trying to cover her lies, as Neel took it so seriously, Neel didn't say anything, Jhummi took a breath in relief.

Suhani, if you want to go back, I can drop you, I am going out for some work", asked Neel to Suhani and she nods, "ya sure, I am coming with you, you go outside I am just coming in five minutes", said Suhani and Neel went out, Jhummi was still feeling sleepy.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

ruchika_mangeshwarcreators' thoughts
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