

"Don't sleep now, your mom would be home soon", said Suhani and hit Jhummi's head, "I'll see you tomorrow in college, bye-bye", she continued, "ya not sleeping, I'll make something for mom, she would be so happy", said Jhummi and said bye to Suhani. Jhummi went to the kitchen and started making Paranthas for her mother, her mother likes Paranthas a lot [Parantha is an Indian dish in the form of chapati], Jhummi knows cooking very well, but she is little lazy, she doesn't like cooking very much, but she loves her mother a lot, she made the Paranthas for her mother and cleaned the kitchen, she washes dishes and came out from the kitchen, she locked the door and lie down on the sofa, she was waiting for her mom, but her eyes were getting close, she was feeling hell sleepy, so she didn't realize when she fell asleep.

When she woke up, she was feeling like someone was caressing her head, she slowly opened her eyes and saw her mother was sitting near her head and roaming her hands in her head, Jhummi sit on the sofa and hold her mother's hand and kissed her, "I really loved the Parhathas you made for me, it was yummier than my recipe", said her mother and kissed her head, "really mom, you liked it, I am so happy", said Jhummi and hugged her mother, "mom, I wanna ask you something very serious, if you don't mind", asked Jhummi to her mother, she won't know how her mother will react on this, but she badly wants to ask this, "Is everything okay my baby", asked her mother and Jhummi nods, "mom, why you got changed all sudden, I mean earlier you never cared about me and Neel, we were happy or sad, we were okay or not, you never cared, if dad is beating me for no reason, you never try to stop him, if my head was bleeding, you never showed any concern, then why all sudden you become like an angel from a witch", said Jhummi, she was trying to read her mothers face, but seems like it was blank and unreadable.

Jhummi feels that there is a big reason behind this, but she don't want to dig her mother's past because she feels it will hurt her in the worst way, but her mind wants to know the truth behind this, when her father used to abuse her and beat her, she used to pray silently, just once if her mother could save her from her husband, but no, she ignored her, she never cares, then how now her motherly love is coming out in this way, she was thinking continuously, "Jhummi, I know, I did so many sins in my life, and I almost ruined your childhood, but trust me, baby, I had my reasons which I can't tell you, but I promise now, you will never regret to love your mom back", said her mother with tearful eyes, Jhummi never intend to hurt her mother by asking these questions, but her mind was forcing her to ask this, "I am sorry mom, I never intend to make you cry, but you can also understand my feelings, as the way you behaved", said Jhummi and her mother nods, "I can understand you and your feelings very well but can you please try to forget your past and make good memories with your mom", said her mother and Jhummi hugged her mother, "now go and sleep in your room", said her mother and Jhummi went to her room.

As she went into the room, she lies down on the bed, all worst memories of her life was flashing in her mind, she loves her mother a lot, but her mother's sudden behavior affected her a lot, she still remembers her mother never cared when she and Neel were sad, whey they cried, when they were not happy when her father used to accuse her for no reason, her mother never tried to save her, she ignored her all the time when she needed her most, she used to see how her father is beating her mercilessly and blood is running from her head, she never cared, that time only she had was Neel, who used to dress her wounds, who cares for her, all this memories make her cry and tears build-up in her beautiful brown eyes, she started crying so badly, how could she forget when she used to feel like an orphan when she had parents, who never played their roles.

She came out from her thoughts as she heard her phone was ringing, she picked the call without checking the I'd because she knows only Suhani calls her this time, as she picked the call she burst out in tears, she was crying because only Suhani knows how much suffered Jhummi had due to her high school, she remembers when Jhummi used to cry alone in the washroom because of her father's behaviors and her mother's ignorance, that time only Suhani supported her, Suhani becomes her second home, which was important for Jhummi more than her first one, between her sobbing she told everything on the call which was running in her mind, and cried a lot, but it was strange that today Suhani didn't reply her even once, Jhummi rubbed her eyes and checked the user I'd, it was an unknown number, Jhummi cursed herself for being this carelsee, she hit her head and cut the call, "what the hell is wring with me, why i am like this", said Jhummi to herself, her phone started ringing again and this time it was Suhani's call, Jhummi doesn't have strenght now to reapet all the things, she wipes her tears and picked the call.

As Jhummi picked the call Suhani realized that Jhummi was crying, she knows her so well, maybe more than she knows about herself, "are you okay Jhummi, why you are crying, did anything happened, you can tell me right", said Suhani in concern and Jhummi started crying loudly, Suhani knew that she was crying and she felt really bad because she was not with her at this time, Jhummi managed to tell her what was in her mind and Suhani heard all her talks without interrupt, she wants to feel her relaxed, then she tried to console her and she said, "it is okay, relax, stop crying and be a good girl, we will talk tomorrow about it", Suhani make her understand like a big sister and Jhummi agreed like an obedient girl.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

ruchika_mangeshwarcreators' thoughts
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