
Chapter 7.14 - A Day on the Farm - Part I

[Gerrith, I am getting a bit tired, and we still have a full evening ahead of us. Is there anyway you can fix that?]

[Yes. I can force you to sleep after your shift and wake you in time to get ready for this evening.]

[But I am too nervous. Can't you just make me not want to sleep for a few more hours?]

[I could, but you would be a jittering mess and you will make a fool of both of us. I promise when you lay your head down after shift, sleep will find you Nate.]

Nate nodded. It had been a few months, almost half a year, since he had met Gerrith. Back then Nate had suffered from PPD, Persistent Personality Damage. He had also been a member of an enemy nation, the Grand Woods Alliance. But that was before he met Gerrith. Gerrith was a 'parasite'. And with a special operation, Nate lived in symbiosis with Gerrith. Gerrith negated his PPD conditions and had taught him to read and write. Gerrith also kept Nate company, as his Uncle Remus was still on a work trip. Nate made sure not to take any fatal blows to the head. It was a win-win.

Today Nate was just finishing up his shift. Nate was one of the sentient inspection supervisors of Biome Region Agri-Botanical Garden Number 4. Normally Nate worked the day shift, as his fellow supervisor was a Dhamphir and preferred to work the night shift. But Nate really wanted to take the day off. His fellow Supervisor was a female Dhamphir named Annis. Annis was already wed, so when she heard that Nate wanted to switch shifts to attend the Spring Rut, she smiled and immediately agreed to take his shift over, but Nate would have none of it. He wanted a fair trade. Annis smiled, and knew he would make an honorable husband.

Everyone deserved a chance at happily ever after.

Plus, its not like Nate hadn't earned his supervisor position. With the Academy stressing the importance of being a member of the Protectorate, the vast majority of children plated as Combat or Combat Support roles. Fighters. Mages. Healers. Delvers. Most plated with a heavy emphasis on victory through violence.

Very few plated a 'Sustainment' class. Sure most of those others had skills to help them trade or grow food, but they were not Merchants or Farmers. Given time, this problem would eventually solve itself, as the Dhamphir had a fairly large class, but it would be years until they plated, and qualified Sustainment classes citizens were few in number

But it wasn't just Nate's class of Farmer that had earned him a supervisor role. As Nate walked home, he reminisced with Gerrith on the path they had taken to get them to where they were today.

A few months prior, Nate had gone to Simone, the Agricultural Director for Haven, with a fairly odd proposal. Nate had proposed an adjustment to their crop cultivation.

Nate remembered the lessons he had learned from the servants on his farm. And he had requested permission to reapply this in Haven.

First, Nate, with an armed escort, had scoured the farms attached to Ston with Peter the Entomancer for Musk Weevils, an invasive species of worm that ate crops. These had died out in Haven because the plants had been bred to be immune to pests. Nate then requisitioned several Pekins, 0.5m tall waterfowl that could run as well as fly and swim. The domesticated Pekin were friendly, and fairly tasty.

Nate's plan was odd, but Simone watched as he went to work. First, Nate released the Musk Weevils into a garden, and with crops immune to them, they fed on the only material there, the weeds that had to be plucked every day. The reason for the constant weeding was that the [growth] spells that were cast on the gardens affected all plantlife, and weeds were no different.

The pests that were released voraciously ate at the weeds. A few hours after the weeds were removed, Nate then released a team of Pekins, which ran through the gardens eating all of the wormlike pests. As they ran, they pooped, a white chalky substance which was known to Nate back home to enrich the soil, increasing the quality of the plant. The Pekins couldn't eat all the pests, so a portion was saved off.

This process was repeated over a week, and within that time, well there was only one word for it. The Agri-Botanical garden grew lush. It was much fuller than the other gardens. Simone, smiled, her Demis tail wagging side to side. Nate had just introduced a method to further increase the bounty of a garden by almost 50%. Besides earning him a relatively large bonus, bump in Merit, and a supervisory position, Nate's method had been spread to every garden. And reported to Simone's supervisor, who Nate knew was someone named 'Serin'.

And that was in his first three months of living in Haven. He had celebrated in the gift giving festival. He didn't have many applicable skills, but he did know a lot about children's games, as his Uncle Remus always used to drop them off when he came back. So Nate carved one of games from his memories, which Gerrith helped him reach into. Then Nate carved another. At the gift giving festival Nate had presented given a large box of toys, which happened to Master Restin, the director of The Cradle Agency.

Nate had received something called a 'dungeon pass' in the exchange. Nate had heard of the dungeon, but it was dangerous and he wasn't much of a fighter, so after he received the pass, he went to Maxine the tailor in town on his next day off and traded it for a few pairs of work clothes. Maxine was nice enough to have the work clothes enchanted with [resist] and [endure the elements]. Nate was very excited. Gerrith, his passenger, had let him know that he had still gotten the bad end of the deal. As much as he trusted Gerrith, he couldn't believe a piece of paper was worth almost 5000 credits in enchanted clothing.

The rest of his winter days were fairly simple. He had met with Master Restin and a few of his associates to teach them how to use and play with the toys he had made. Gerrith had always enjoyed them when he was alone on Remus' trips. Master Restin smiled "We will definitely make use of these. We have a bit of a lack of children's games here, and recreation is both good for the body as it is the mind." Nate smiled, "Well if we can gather up a few children, I can teach them all the games I know."

Master Restin smiled. The next day Nate and Gerrith were invited back to teach all these games, and as promised Master Restin had brought a large group of children, all with their Nannies, parents, or teachers.

Nate was confused, because as he played with the children a few of the female Demis were whispering about him. A few turned red. Nate didn't understand. He knew that people became flush when they were sick, but they looked healthy. He asked Gerrith, but Gerrith just dodged the question.

[Don't worry about it Nate. it's not a bad thing. They appreciate how well you are around children. That is all.]

After that day, Nate realized many more people knew who he was. More than once he was greeted by name by young Demis women who he had never met. Nate was even happier because it seemed pretty often he was being invited to dinner by one Demis family or another. Nate would split his time between playing with the small children and talking with the adults. Before when he still suffered from PPD he would have spent all the time with the children, but Gerrith had taught him that adults brought their own enjoyment.

Nate had asked Gerrith why people were now interested in being his friend. [Gerrith, I am not a hero, I am not even as strong as a newly plated fighter.]

[Some people appreciate Strength of Heart. You got that in excess bud.]

Tonight Nate had been invited to have dinner with a Demis family. Nate had learned that the Demis traits were not hereditary, so while the older couple at the dinner looked a little like a fae sheep and a Fox, the girl his age had large ears that reminded Nate of the ears of Horned Rabbits. Nate was now with the adults. Most of the children had been sent to play outside, while Nate was asked to come have dinner with the older couple Mimi and Stan, and their daughter Selma. "Nate, we think it is wonderful that you are so good with children. Our oldest Selma is a bit jealous she can't play with you as well."

Selma grew beet red. "Mother!" Nate seemed unphased. "Don't worry Selma, children are pure of heart and are a reflection of those that they hold dear. I learn as much spending time with them as I do from adults. I am also free most evenings so we can play anytime."

Everyone turned a bit red, Selma looking like she might faint. Nate was confused. "I am sorry. I must have said something wrong. My Passenger Gerrith asked me to inform you that I don't understand many adult topics, as I have really only been an adult for a few months, so I am still learning."

This caused a bit of laughter among the group. "Nate we were unaware that you had a passenger. Why did you make such a selfless choice?" Nate explained his history, which not many people had asked about. He explained about his life before coming to Haven. He explained about his mother who has passed to ash. And he told them about his wonderful Uncle who was away on business.

"So you are a PPD case. This makes much sense." Selma's blushing had ceased a bit, but she now looked at Nate with a smile Nate hadn't seen before and a sharp look in her eyes.

Selma looked at Nate, "Hey Nate, are you planning on attending the Spring Rut?"

Nate looked confused, "I don't know what that is."

Selma huffed, "It's a meeting for single people to find someone special. I am going to the spring Rut. You should go as well. I really hope to see you there."

Nate smiled, and then looked off to the side. "I will then!" Then Nate stared off to the side and looked a bit confused. Selma asked, "what is it?"

Nate shook his head, "Sometimes Gerrith speaks in riddles. He told me to tell you 'Ask Jan about Dust because Nate can't read the writing on the wall'. But that doesn't make sense because i can read three languages. And your walls are very clean for a household even with 7 pre-academy children."

Selma smiled. Her parents behind her looked like they were stifling laughter. "Message received Gerrith, and don't worry I won't spoil the riddle for Nate."


Nate woke from his nap. He enjoyed the dreams of reminiscing about his experiences. It had helped him learn. Gerrith could do it more often but in his words, [it is important for you to have your own dreams sometimes.]

[Did you pick the memories of Selma and her family, Gerrith?]

Gerrith pretended to yawn in his response, [wouldn't you like to know. Now come on. It's time to clean up.]

Nate followed Gerrith's instructions. After taking a long bath and an extra scrub, Nate cleaned his teeth again even if he had just done so before his nap. He used the expensive perfume oil that Selma's mother had dropped off as a 'thank you' for visiting, and the fancy hair oil that Selma's father had dropped off as well.

[Get the outfit I made you buy and put in the back of the closet.]

[But Gerrith, you said that was for a special occasion!]

[What do you think this is? I swear little brother, if your head wasn't attached to your body you would forget it at home.]

Nate accepted his banter. Nate truly looked up to Gerrith as an older brother. He never had anyone show him how to do things, so he accepted the jibe.

[Ok now go to the mirrored wall. I need to confirm you are presentable. Ok you need to fix your bow. Let me help]

Nate felt the subtle pull of Gerrith guiding his hands. He had long ago learned to follow this flow. As he moved Gerrith talked to him.

[We need to leave early. Jenny will be selling flowers today at the market and we want to get the best ones for Selma.]

[Gerrith, why would we buy Selma flowers? Is it her birthday?]

[No, you potato. Listen, I was postponing this conversation because honestly it's awkward for both of us. Selma is a Demis.]

[Yes I know. The ears gave that away. They stand up when she is excited or attentive, and lay back when she is nervous.]

[Good. The fact that you have noticed this about her shows that you are paying attention to her, even if it's instinctual. Now, have you noticed that she pays a lot of attention to you?]

Nate was confused. Selma always greeted him on his walk to work, and he would drop off her favorite fruit bushberries when he walked home, which she always accepted. Nate knew Selma lived with her parents, as it was a sort of traditional thing for Bunnit Demis. Nate knew Selma worked full time as an alchemist, which was like a magical apothecary.

[I guess so.]

[Well she is interested in you. That is obvious to literally everyone that isn't you. And I know you are interested in her, as I can feel your testosterone spike whenever she is around. I have tried to slowly let this out so you didn't do anything stupid. Have you noticed this past week each time you saw Selma on your walk you felt a bit strange?]

Now that Nate thought about it, Gerrith was right. He did feel funny. But not in a bad way. Gerrith had brushed it off saying he would tell Nate 'in time'. I guess this was that time.

[Now, Nate I have been doing my best to ensure you develop into a functioning adult. But this one is not one you can mess up, because you could really upset Selma. You don't want that do you?]

[Of course not!]

[Alright, then here is what you are going to do.]


Nate arrived at the Spring Rut dressed more dapper than he ever had with a bouquet of gazanias, marigolds, petunias, and pansies in hand.

As he walked up, there was Selma, dressed in a very pretty white dress decorated with ornately embroidered dark blue flowers. Nate smiled.

"Good Evening Selma! You look beautiful this evening."

Selma hurried over to Nate as he spoke. Her golden eyes sparkled and her ears were straight up. "Good Evening Nate! You look quite handsome yourself. I am glad to see you here."

Nate handed the bouquet to Selma, "These are for you." Selma looked like she was about to cry. "These are my favorite Nate, how did you know."

"To be honest, I was going to get Tulips but Gerrith said you would like these better."

Selma smiled and blushed, she smelled the flowers. "Did Gerrith say anything else?"

"Yes he said 'take care of him and beat off any interlopers with a stick'"

Selma giggled. "Fair enough."


My attention is split 3 ways.

1st. Always trying to release at least a chapter a day for this story

2nd. Going back to clean up the previous chapters for this book.

3rd. Writing an entry for the Webnovel Spirity Awards Spring 2021

I will begin dropping the link, but if you have read this far, you will know the story a bit already.

Srinlifecreators' thoughts
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