
Chapter 7.14 - A Day at the Farm - Part II

Most of the festivities had begun, and Selma and Nate sat on a park bench together talking. Before they were sitting, Selma had taken Nate to meet with Master Cellic for something called a 'compatibility check'. Master Cellic shook his head.

"The same reason why Nate's name can't go in the bowl is the same reason why my magic won't work here. Interference from Gerrith." Selma looked a bit distraught, but Master Cellic smiled, "Have no worries my dear. Mine is just divination magic, and even at grandmaster level, it pales in comparison to the magic you two give off." Nate did not understand what Master Cellic meant. He was from the Grand Woods Alliance. Magic did not run in his blood, and with his PDD, it did not even trickle. But before he could get clarification, they were moving again.

Selma smiled and dragged Nate off to a bench where they sat and chatted. Selma wanted to hold Nate's hand in hers the entire time, which Nate enjoyed.

A few other Demis had come near Nate and Selma while they sat, and as Selma smiled at them they see would scamper off. Nate did not understand. He could tell Selma was being protective of something, but he could not tell what. It was a pretty awesome park bench, but that couldn't be it.

'Is it me? What is she protecting me from?' Nate Asked himself.

Nate also noticed that others would stare and whisper. Nate started to feel self conscious. He knew that he was still sort of an outsider to Haven, even if he was given citizenship he was still relatively new to this magical place. He knew that this was a Haven holiday, and these whispers might be because of that. He was intruding on their special holiday

"I am sorry Selma, I am afraid they are staring at us because of me."

Selma huffed and then smiled, "No you silly it's the other way around."

Nate was confused. Were these people not staring because he was an outsider? An outsider with a permanent medical condition, and he was hosting Gerrith, which was still strange to many. Why would they care about Selma. She was a Demis, and this was her home.

Selma blushed. "It's because you are with me. You are Nate! Everyone calls you 'Nate the Pekin King!' You have the highest Merit of anyone that is not in the protectorate. And you chose to sit with me, a Bunnit Demis."

Nate looked confused. Selma continued. "After the Weylan incident, Merit and Meric criteria became public knowledge. There is even a chart that shows the top by criteria. And when it comes to highest non-protectorate by Merit, it's you."

Selma continued. "Normally Merit is what shows importance. Nate you are a very important person in our community. Never has a non-protectorate member of our community received the medal for 'Shaper of Haven'. It is the highest non-combat award that can be given."

Nate then remembered his supervisor giving him a medal and saying something about a ceremony with Lord Serin but Nate had already made plans to have dinner with Selma's family. They were shocked when he told them about it.

Selma continued. "I am a Bunnit Demis. We are fairly low on the cultural scale of Demis. And due to the Bunnit Demis' propensity to living a life surrounded by many children, we usually are not often approached for courtship."

Selma looked at Nate, "Before you came Nate, I had been to every Spring Rut. Very rarely did I get a chance to talk to someone. And when I did and they found out about my Demis, they politely excused myself."

Nate was confused. "I don't understand. I thought the point of being a family was to have many children. That way they don't grow up alone."

Whatever Nate had just said, it had triggered something in Selma. She had the same look in her eyes Nate had seen before. It was the same look she had when she invited him to meet her at the Spring Rut.

"Nate, do you want to go back to your place? I have seen you every day you walk home from work, but I have never seen inside." Selma bit her lip.

Nate had the same feeling in his chest he had before. Except it was stronger. He wasn't sure what it was, but he liked it and wanted to see where it went.

"I would love to, Selma." Selma smiled and waved down the Skygge personal transport Nate had hired for the day.

As Nate and Selma got onto the transport and it took off, Nate heard Gerrith's words for the first time since he arrived at the Spring Rut.

[Put your arm around her, you potato.]


"Good Enough?"

"Good Enough."

Remus, the GWA's best thief and current 'guest' of Haven, watched as his nephew entered the ship with what will probably be his new wife and future mother of 20+ children.

Remus, Serin, and his two 'escorts' stood watching the good ending for Remus' Nephew. A tear slipped down Remus' face. He only wished his sister Natalie could see what dreams her son had built on his own strength and Merit.

"Let's go somewhere quiet. No need for this to be a big scene."

Serin and Remus walked towards the small safehouse that Remus had been 'secured' in for the last 6 months. It was voluntary, as Remus could request trial at any time. But if he willingly gave the information, it would be better for him. But Remus had what he wanted. He was sure he would be executed the moment he was not of use to Haven. So Remus had planned well.

Remus had stated "I will give you everything the moment I know my nephew will live a good life."

It seems that the time had come.

Soon enough they arrived at the location. Dana was already there. So was Sienna, having passed caretaker duties to another caretaker for the day.

Remus sat down.

"I never agreed with Lord Rees and his idea to create fanatics. Personally I find domestic terrorism distasteful. It shows a lack of ingenuity and creativity on the part of a nation's leadership. That being said, the chimaeras are the only group with confirmed killings of non-humans. And they have figured out how to make sure it's permanent."

Remus shifted. Remus began explaining the inside details of the GWA's remaining hierarchy, which matched well (or filled in the blanks for) their reports from Nighmora. But then Remus said something they weren't expecting.

"Now to the part that you want to know. You have a member of the Chimaeras within your city. I do not know who they are, but they came over under the guise of 'refugee' from Ston's night of Ashes. The actual mother was burned and a double was switched in her place."

Everyone froze. That was one of four people, all now model citizens. Well. three models citizens. One did not want to change their citizenship. They were a model guest of Haven.

Serin looked at Dana. "Start investigating them all. Do not show our hand. If we work right, we can have them lead us back to the source."

Dana nodded, and then seemed to concentrate, as she sent out multiple [message] spells.

Serin then said, "Get the best of the best on this. But not the Sirens. This is an internal matter, and despite their highly effective nature, they leave destruction in their wake.

Remus sat enjoying what was most likely his last cup of team, Serin and the other assembled diplomats deliberated between themselves.

Remus cleared his throat interrupting them, then smiled, "If you plan on killing me, please tell my nephew I died doing the right thing. I usually ask the servants to do that, however this time it technically wouldn't be a lie."

Serin realized that they should finish with Remus, then make their more drawn out plans. The immediate measures had been taken, "That is one option. And if you choose it, that will most definitely be what we do for you."

Remus looked confused, "And the other?"

Sienna smiled, "We are always in need of volunteer hosts. If you wish to, I can give you a parasite that can ride as a passenger. You can then work as an adjunct professor, where you can teach the next generation of thieves and delvers the best way not to suffer the fate of your comrades."

Remus smiled, "That's very trusting of you. I like it. But if I may ask, if it's just a passenger, what's to stop me from just leaving and taking a parasite back to our enemies?

Sienna the Parasite caretaker who was present spoke up, "I like that you are up front with your concerns. The parasite will be well instructed on the situation, and should you willfully betray Haven to its enemies, it will Snap your consciousness."

Remus smiled thinking back to the detonating collar. "You people are fond of your naughty kill switches. Fair enough. My weak point is my nephew, and he is safe here, so it might as well not even be a concern."

Sienna smiled, and produced a jar with a parasite swimming about, dozens of tentacles draped off it.

"Then I will apologize twice. First, to get to the right location with this many tentacles, it will have to breach your skull through your ocular cavity?"

Remus's smile disappeared. "That's quite the thing to apologize for. And the other?"

Sienna looked awkwardly, "You need to be awake. I can dull the pain, but its a rather uncomfortable procedure."

Remus nodded and took off his overcoat, and rolled up his sleeves. "I assume you will strap me down?"

Serin replied, "no" and Remus was instantly paralyzed. "It's easier to just cast [paralyze]."

Remus could see Sienna in his view mentally communicating with the parasite. Then she opened the jar, and it swam up onto her palm. She then set it on Remus's forehead.

"Now just stay calm, as you are going to feel a bit of pressure."

It didn't matter that Serin had cast [endure pain] on Remus. Remus still felt it all, and it was a feeling that would haunt him for years to come.


Happy Friday Everyone! You might notice that I only dropped one chapter of Boundless today,

That is because I have entered the Webnovel Spirity Awards, and am submitting a Boundless spinoff as its own book!

So if you want to read a slower, more in depth story, I ask you check out "The Shadow and Her Giant" here!


I will be releasing a chapter a day with that book as well. at least until i hit 100k words.

As always, Stay boundless friends.

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