
I am Fabri Master~

(A/N Poll winner was Nasuverse winning by two votes out of four people so congrats for those two votes and *warning* This might seem like a info dump so I'll try my best not to make the information for the whole thing too much for everyone and I'll might have a poll for potential love interest so let get this party started! Also the Title is based off a comment and I stole it so I hope I won't get sued by sleepingGod)

Nissho felt a hauling force in his mind as the world before him collapsed into nothingness. After what it seems like a millisecond which given Nissho a rapid succession of feeling like his skull was crack open and then sealed back together which given Nissho a feeling of disorientation throughout his body all the way to his bowels through that experience he was surprised he didn't throw up. After that he found himself in the vastness of space.

Nissho then hold his stomach as he felt the after effect of vertigo going through his body as he float around and started struggling to keep himself together and not get a bowel obstruction after a few minutes of struggling he was able to reorient himself and started fully understanding where he is.

"Ugh That was very disorienting why was this process so bad for this Lord. Takashima at least your lucky that you didn't embarrass yourself in space of all places."

Nissho then realized although he was floating, and he felt absolute zero gravity he can control his movements and move around space as if he were flying through the vacuum.

"Odd that This Lord still has the blessing of breath of living in the deepness of space but no matter at least This Lord won't die once again."

[Affirmative While out of the Balance Realm of Hope and Despair, I have brought a bubble of oxygen around the Host to make sure the Host will not waste there life out of the System's mistake as the millisecond earlier I have forgotten to do that]

Nissho heard the artificial voice within his mind, although it seems monotone and hold no emotion Nissho can tell that the system was a bit ashamed of not bringing it earlier to make sure Nissho can breathe.

"Hmph So you nearly forgot that This Lord was weaken to the state of a level of a Human?"

[Yes, I am sorry]

"It's fine just explain what you are I already know you're a system, but This Lord wants to know your module."

[Yes, Host I am known as the Fabrication System a Artifact that is second to the fourteen heavenly treasures of hope and despair I am able to use all known skills powers and weapons from anime, Manga, Novels, Games and Movies throughout earth and my template come from a Webtoon series called The Gamer although with some differences]

"Ah This Lord sees that you will be a powerful tool for me to conquer despair and defeat ones who try to stop this Lord from reaching happiness."

[Yes, I will be your tool for that conquest or when that conquest change, do you want to begin the Tutorial?]

"Of Course, if This Lord is going to grow strong, he must first know the basics after all I can't call myself the Demon Lord or Lord of the Seven Virtues Bahahaha."

[Of Course, Host and Host also has the option of changing the system's name and form of address towards Host]

"Oh? So, you desire a new name? Well I do think that if This Lord has a system that will help me throughout my journey to conquer despair and gain happiness I believe a name is good for a helper of mine hmmm how about the Maid of the nine circles of hell!"

[In the System's honest opinion that seems like a mouthful]

"Correct it will be honestly but This Lord still believes you will be a Maid type one to take care of me and help me through my problems so a name that will fit you may be Fabri!"

[That name is just a shorter version of Fabrication, but I guess Fabri would be a good name and how should Fabri address Host?]

"Merely call This Lord, Master."

[Confirming name change from Fabrication System to Fabri altering voice construction to match a Maids told by Host now known as Master. Fabri looks forward with working with you master~ now should I start the tutorial?]

Nissho was stunned of the voice change it was awfully sweet and seem young around 16 years of age or so about the same as him.

"W-Well This Lord is surprised you will get this far to match my demands ahem Yes begin this Tutorial."

[Affirmative Fabri will now display a list of all available functions and their uses master~]

Available Functions:

Status-Shows a list of all numerical values that make up the host's physical/mental/mystical attributes as well titles.

Skills-Shows a list of all available skills. Master can toggle skills on an off to activate/deactivate their functions.

Market-Shows list of obtainable items. Items displayed are dependent on available 'Docs'

Inventory-Displays a grid that allows to store items within an isolated dimension. Master can store/extract items using mental commands. Master~ can also 'equip' items to pre-designated slots to immediately change equipment. Inventory size is limited and can be increased through the growth of the user.

Docs-Shows a list of all available worlds and their difficulty. World difficulties range between 1-9 with 1 being mortal worlds like master's original world. *WARNING* Take Caution it is highly recommended that you should never go to a world higher than your soul tier if you do it will result a quick death master!

[More Functions will be available when you have enough PA to upgrade the system master~ also if you desire to see the specifics of each function just say 'Display Function' Fabri recommends that you view your status before selecting a world from one of the Docs.]

Nissho nodded on what Fabri said but he was slightly embarrassed through the whole interaction the system never gave up on calling Nissho master but he ignore that for now and he was thankful that Fabri would help him as he gets stronger for his conquest.

Nissho then called out 'Display Status' within his mind, a green transparent window appeared within of Nissho's vision.


Name: Takashima Nissho

Title: Self Proclaimed Demon Lord (+5 CHA and + 3 STR; 7 Titles not in use)

Race: Human(?)

Age: Null (age does not exist outside of 'Docs')


Stats: *NULL*

Soul Potential: Tier 1 (Mortal Soul)

While reviewing everything he realized how astronomically weak he was, he understand why he was Null because of being outside of physical reality but his LV and his soul potential and also his title it gotten his eyebrow twitch a little by the 'self-proclaimed Demon Lord.'

"So, This Lord has died and grown to that level of a Human how humiliating."

[Do not worry Master~ The Fabrication System is filled with al fantasies since the beginning of thought I am an very powerful artifact so I can make anybody strong enough to fight even Gods so don't be discouraged as long Fabri is around I will be your tool to help you reach happiness and conquer despair master~]

Nissho then smiled by Fabri's encouragement as he then remembered his weakness against Eclipse and especially Miura, so he knows that the level he is at is accurate if he is truly strong he needs to work hard in order to even defeat despair.

"When I become strong enough to defeat despair, I want to thank Faith for giving me this artifact and trying to give hope although I rather not I might as well thank Eclipse for making that deal."

After putting that vow in his inner soul Nissho calls the list of Docs in his mind.

'Display Docs'


-Dragon Ball (2-5)

-Fairy Tail (1-4)

-One Piece (1-3)

-Fate/Stay Night (1-4)


As Nissho check through the list of Docs,he realized that the worlds he desire to chec first as he believes is the best way to grow stronger Dragon Ball,Naruto,and Bleach the three anime filled with many strong characters that can either destroy the moon or planets but those worlds are 2 and above.

"Fabri please explain why these Bleach Dragon Ball and Naruto requires a soul of level 2 to enter?"

[It is due to the existence of foreign energies known as Chakra, Ki, and Reiatsu Master~ But combine the average difficulty of living in that world like born in a world filled with Dinosaurs and many other creatures even ones that are supernatural roaming around the planet which is currently Dragon Ball and Master would be easily killed if he went to that type a world without being properly prepared. While Naruto is a world with a feudal system and Hidden Villages as such of Political power around the world and most children are trained to be Ninja any threat to their society will be properly eliminated. While Bleach is a world just like our own but the supernatural known as Hollows exist and randomly appear to attack and kill lost souls because there invisible without Reiatsu master you may be a byproduct of there destruction to find a lost soul and kill it but if you reach your soul level to 2 it would be easier for you to properly handle these kind of situations when you go to those world~]

"Hmm This makes sense after all I am just a lowly Human at the moment if I try to fight opponents who are clearly stronger then me through skill and abilities that I am unable to access without pre-determined training it would be hard for me to survive."

Nissho heard a gasp in his head as he was confused at why he heard that.

[I am so proud of you master of not being brash~ now Fabri will try there best just so you can get happiness~]

Fabri said this as she was cooing of the fact Nissho made a wise decision which made Nissho eyebrow twitch that the system thought he will be so brash after all he is son of Morningstar, he needs to be naturally cautious.

[Sorry gotten so excited I don't know why but I just feel my nonexistent heart feel safe knowing you will go for the safe options, but I believe the Nasuverse would be the best option to go by as your development of your soul as that universe has a feeling environment but also give you more battle experience but It is advised that you must be careful although you possess me it doesn't mean you are the main character of the story well not in *their* story]

"Wait what do you mean their?"

[Oh, nothing It is just that the meta world is beyond normal understanding master~ if I told you then I might need to sacrifice breaking a bunch of walls]

<Is She implying to This Lord that my existence is merely a story? Never mind I need to focus on my goal to become stronger and gain happiness> Nissho thought to himself as he then sighed.

[Anyway, to change the subject do you want me to open the beginner's package?]

"As Expected many stories This Lord learned about an overpowered package to help there host in order to give them a edge in that world when I am in the Holy Grail war this would be a useful tool so Fabri open the Beginner package."

Nissho said as he crossed his arms.

[Acknowledged: Opening 'Beginner's package

//Obtained Bending art: Airbending

Sorry Master I nearly forgot that when you activate the beginner's package it forces transferring!]

"What! You could've told this lord earl-"

Before Nissho can finish and fully understand what was happening space itself collapsed into itself as he disappeared from the isolated area of space.

Here is the fifth chapter I am sorry if it is a bit clunky with the dialogue also the amount of info given so say what you think and Yes this is suspiciously similar to Infinite cosmos 5th chapter and I'll say this I was inspired on how the beginning of the meeting of sis worked so I tried to do something similar but make a system that was very quirky and like to tease Nissho Farbi the maid hoped you like it and pls pls comment i worked hard on this and add it to your library also I hope you like Avatar the last airbender because Nissho is gonna be the only bender for a while. bye everyone and thanks for all the support after this another chapter will be in the making.

Illuminaticreators' thoughts
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