
First step (1/2)

Nissho felt his skull was going to crack open once again but a full minute as his body was hit with a pressure of going through many different dimensions and his mind was going to break.

The feeling was like being smashed through multiple walls all with there own density and compound one smooth and one rougher than others and one that almost break his whole spirit.

The walls smashing into his body increased in momentum simultaneously through the increase of momentum there was a flash of colors of all arrays and it burned as each color went around his skin and felt a scorching heat as each color he felt were burning more than the last. Abruptly the momentum stopped mid track as his vision filled with colors and there burning feel stopped as well and then the colors turned to black.

Nissho reopen his eyes as he gasp for breath and hold his chest trying to calm down his heart rate, he then looked around and found himself standing in a middle of a park beside the riverside as people looked at him and looked away as some of them were confused at his actions and some were worried as he seemed to be hyperventilating.

Nissho then calmed down and shakes his head as he tries to soak in his surroundings and then wipe off his drool and started walking so that way, so he will not attract suspicion for just standing there.

'Fabri why did you start the transferring without telling this Lord beforehand do you have a grudge against me or something because that will be stupid, we just met minutes ago.' Nissho whispered under his breath towards the system.

[Sorry Master, but you have asked me to open the package before I could give the warning which made me forgot to tell beforehand Fabri is so sorry for doing this will you forgive this useless maid?]

'W-Well No It is This Lord fault for being too hasty, but you have the power to tell me before opening that is an order from your master after all your supposed to help me with my conquest.' Nissho stuttered and continue moving as he talked to Fabri and he had a faint blush which was very noticeable because of his pale complication from the fact Fabri for asking forgiveness like she was his actual maid and even address herself as such.

'Anyway, explain our current situation This Lord is wandering what time this Lord was placed in the Nasuverse.' Nissho changed the subject and asked for more important matter

[Thank you forgiving this lowly maid master~ Ahem After the transfer commenced, I have brought your being from a day before the events of your death now I need to make some precautions so the Doc's source won't see you as an anomaly and a possible danger as such I have amplified your body to trick the source into thinking you are a being that existed in that universe and your current location is Riverside Park of Fuyuki City I advise master that you find somewhere private so you can review your status skills and inventory after that finding a place to stay and a part-time job will be the next priority to take]

'So, This Demon Lord will be a part-timer? Well of course this would be a good idea as This Lord will hinder his development by living in the slums and having no clean clothes and a bath because of lack of money' Nissho whispered once more towards Fabri as he looked around for a private area by what Fabri said.

He then found an area of the park that no one was near currently.

*Display Status*

Name: Takashima Nissho

Title: Self Proclaimed Demon Lord (+5 CHA and + 3 STR;7 Titles not in use)

Race: Human(?)

Age: 16










Soul Potential: Tier 1 (Mortal Soul)

Upon seeing his stats, he shakes his head as he confirms that he is weak which strengthen his resolve to grow stronger.

"Other than my Intelligence are all my stats are low is that the average or This Lord has grown weaker than a Human?"

[Oh, do not be discourage master those stats are the average for most humans other then your INT and WIS there all average but your title increased both your STR and CHA to above average so you do not need to fear at least you have the edge of both looks and easier presence for others~ Also a bit more muscle mass and external strength.]

"Hmph seems interesting enough this makes my conquest easier later on for the help of those titles question is it like an RPG where I gain Titles through certain actions or doing certain quest?"

[Correct master~ You gain titles through certain actions like your self-proclaimed title because you believed that you are a demon lord at a full extent it become a title that you bear of course you can only use titles one at a time at your current level but to make it easier for you titles are like enchantments or equipment that increase certain parameters but will never be broken or stop working]

"Make sense humphed This Lord feels like an actual RPG character of you telling me this, but it is unique that I can use multiple titles at once when I am a high enough level." Nissho said as he nodded and now think of the possible grind, he can do through leveling up and how powerful he will be through the stack effects of his titles and he only chuckled at that thought.

<Now I wonder I know I have Bending Art: Airbending but can there be more?> Nissho thought.

*Display Skills*

Though he did not expect much but he was honestly surprised at what he saw and the amount of skills he had.

Blessing of Faith:


Given by the Queen of Hope Faith the wielder status temporarily increases whenever the user is filled with great hope for oneself or to others this skill will only activate if the user holds hope if not the skill will lay dormant.

Curse of Despair:


Given by the King of despair the more the user is suffering or feeling great dread the wielder has the ability to use that suffering and dread to increase one stats and sacrifice one own sanity and emotional stability towards despair as well able to manifest there inner fears as a tool to help them fight.

Chunnibyou's Mind:


The User is able to develop titles or create skills through sheer force of belief of their own capability the creation of the skill/title matters on how much they believe in that skill or title i.e.: Eye of all seeing truth if the user believed that they have it that would be there skill and how much they believe it to be true will make the skill either a rank S-F. Titles are different as when the title is formed the outcome of the benefits varies.

Gift of the Traveler:


Prevents information about the user from being exposed by skills of lower ranks without the user's consent. Increased the effect of concealment and stealth related abilities.

*Active Skills*

Eye of Truth:


The User is able to see the true name, title and status of anyone they meet anyone in a higher level or skill that can conceal there presence and it is ranked equal to or higher then Eye of Truth prevents the User to see there true name title and status and was created by Chunnibyou's mind.

Cursed Hand of Healing:


Utilizing the curse hand bandaged up one is able to heal others wound by transferring the experience and suffering into the hand in order to make a mark on that hand showing that it has been used and it can only be used five times and was made by Chunnibyou's mind.



Airbending, one of the four elemental bending arts is the aerokinetic ability to control and manipulate air.

After reading both his passive and Active skills descriptions he pondered on each one of them and started chuckling on how powerful each one was but also questioning how he even get these which lead to slight confusion as he realized how can he get these skills when he so weak.

"Fabri explain why This lord have so many skills already even though This Lord is Level 0 and most of them rank S." Nissho asked towards the system as he become more and more confused how he gain such powerful skills at such a short time.

[Well Master~ Blessing of Faith and Curse of despair were added towards your being as a catalyst towards your development given by Faith and Eclipse. Faith given her blessing as a way to help you grow stronger and reach your wish while curse of despair was given to Eclipse in order to make it easier and make it more fun to see you suffer as in possible moments were this skill be beneficial but the drawbacks will hurt you so much through passively awakening so you have a chance and if you are wondering I cannot toggle off this skill because of [][][[]][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] and that is why the other passive skills were developed out of being known as a Realm Traveler now by the multiverse it gave you that in order to keep balance as your Chunnibyou's mind it was developed as a way to personified your thoughts and belief of your own abilities and who you are as your activate skill Eye of Truth and Cursed Arm of healing was something given to you by your Chunnibyou's mind as you actually thought you had those skills and Airbending was just a gift skill why it is so weak is out of the fact you are currently a novice and don't fully know the bending art]

Nissho heard static which cut off the explanation why he isn't able to toggle off curse of despair,

Nissho knows it must be the doing of Eclipse or his mind isn't able to comprehend her reasoning so he decided to ask her later when he become a full resident of the Nasuverse for now.

"Fabri correct This Lord if wrong so two of my skills were developed as a catalyst of both Faith and

Eclipse while one is made by the Multiverse to make sure balance is in place as knowing about other worlds is somehow a danger and my Chuunibyou's mind created two skills and my eight titles because of me believing in them heh This Lord is flattered that he gain such beneficial skills but also disheartened at the cursed of despair one but it will only strengthen this Lord's resolve."

[You are correct about all of them Master and as a side note the Multiverse made sure the Docs are kept behind the 'walls' as the 'walls' make sure that each realm is stable and there plane of existence won't be in a crisis of course only the Queen of Hope and King of Despair knows about these walls and so do you now respectively but other 'Gods' of each Doc doesn't even know that these 'walls' existed although certain characters might be able to have certain knowledge about them it is only limited as there only able to presume]

"Wait so you're telling me that the fourth wall and the other walls exist?" Nissho said as he then questioned if he was real and not just a character in a story.

[Yes Master~ but rest assured everyone on each Doc are real and have there own thoughts and feelings but the multiverse made sure these walls exist out of necessity to make sure the Docs don't question there reality and collapse in on themselves.]

Nissho then nodded his head it seems the multiverse just wants each realm to not cause collapse which made him thought if the multiverse is self-conscious to do this does that mean it is alive? No that will be impossible it only means that it just want to preserve itself and or existed with those precautions.

Sorry for the wait here is the sixth chapter you been waiting for tomorrow will be the seventh chapter and everyone's worries about this being dropped do not worry it won't drop anytime soon also add your comments.

Illuminaticreators' thoughts
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