
Chapter 6

That day, Frank was given his two-week notice. She was walking home when one of her co-workers called her and told her.

She and her co-worker were ecstatic. While she was talking on the phone, she accidentally followed her old route through almost empty streets. She only realized this when she finally hung up. As soon as she had, she heard a fimiliar voice.

"Hey, b**ch."

It was Shawn.

Of course it was.

'Come back for seconds?' She wondered to herself.

"Go away." She said out loud.

"No. You're my b**ch." He replied. "I can't leave my b**ch alone, now can I?"

She pulled off her baggy black hoodie since it would only get in her way.

He looked surprised. "I thought you were a weak b**ch" He said, licking his lips, his eyes glinting with lust.

She walked over and punched at his gut. Her punch went much faster than even she had predicted. Slamming into his gut, he folded like a folding chair before collapsing onto the ground, wheezing.

"Maybe you shouldn't try and rape women." She said, kicking him for good measure.

"I will make you mine!" He exclaimed, struggling to get up.

'He's utterly insane.' She thought, walking back and tazing him.

He passed out.

Walking away again, she heard a noise from an alleyway. 'Should I really kick that hornet's nest?' She wondered. 'Screw it. It doesn't sound dangerous.'

Using her phone's flashlight, she saw a small emaciated kitten.

"Awww. Poor little guy." She said, picking it up.

The little thing mewed pathetically and struggled to stand up.

'No vet is open at this time of day.' She thought, changing her route to go to the local Costco.

Picking up food, a littler box, litter and toys, she walked the rest of the way home.


The small cat had a voracious appetite. While she wanted to keep him, she was worried about food. She already had a tight budget, so she wasn't certain she would be able to feed him sustainably. Putting her doubts aside, she bathed the kitten, revealing the cat's beautiful white fur. Before, the kitten's fur was brown and grey. After she had bathed it, it's fur was a pristine white. She refused to name it because she feared she'd get too attached to it if she did.

Getting herself ready for bed, the kitten explored her bedroom. When she plopped into the bed, the kitten walked up to the side of the bed and mewed until she picked him up. Wiggling out of her hands, the kitten curled up beneath her arm and fell asleep.

Stroking its back and feeling its bones jutting out from beneath the soft fur, she wondered who would leave a kitten in such a sorry state.

In case you didn't know, I'm a cat person.

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