

That night I went to the lacrosse championship game to watch events play out with Alice. When my ears picked up the fake wolf howls from across town Alice told me. "They're being caught. We'll pick them up after the game, it seems Erica and Boyd were careless on their shopping trip."

I sighed. "At least they're not leaving the pack. It shouldn't be any trouble to get them back once the games over."

From then on we listened to Gerard taunt Scott. Isaac showed up in his gear ready to help out so it went smoother than I'd thought until he was hit with Kanima venom. I told Scott to stay on the field as Isaac was brought away by Gerard's men.

When he was doing his talk no Jutsu to Isaac who struggled to get away and stand I took Scott's place behind Gerard. My eyes glowed green as I shifted and growled. I beat the two hunters unconscious before asking. "Where'd Gerard run off to?"

Isaac struggles to stand until I caught him. "I don't know, he ran as soon as he saw you."

I helped him to the car before I heard a scream and looked back to the field. The lights were out so I ran back once he was in the car. I arrived just as sheriff Stilinski started yelling. "Where is my son?"

Alice appeared next to me and took my hand. We left and headed to the car where Isaac was waiting. When we got in he started asking what happened and Alice told him while I drove us back to the house. We found Peter and Derek there talking about letting him in the pack.

I ignored him and told Derek. "The Argents have moved. I'm going to their house to get Erica and V-man back. They captured them and are probably trying to use them as bait to lure you out. Help Isaac drive the venom out of his system we'll deal with them."

Peter asked. "What about the Kanima?"

I shifted and roared inches from his face driving him to the ground in fear. I snorted. "A silly snake means nothing to me. Next time you question me boy I'll rip your spine out and shove it up your ass."

Isaac's eyes were glowing red while he was barely covering his face in fear. Derek was the only one of them that barely reacted as his eyes glowed purple and he shifted. I released my anger and shifted back telling Derek. "Don't leave Isaac alone with him or he'll be tempted to push his luck and try to take his spark."

Derek nodded and Malia came down to see what was wrong. I told her to ask Isaac for more answers as Alice started the car and we left. Ten minutes later we were in front of the Argent's house. I kicked the door down and roared, shaking the house.

I heard Gerard, Alison and Chris upstairs moving around and ignored them telling Alice. "Take care of the betas and Stiles I smell blood so they may be hurt."

She nodded and ran to take care of it while I headed upstairs. I found them armed in Chris's study. I broke the door down and they fired a flash bolt at me. I caught it and crushed it in my claws. I roared again and took a shot gun round to the chest.

It did nothing to me but tickle as I back handed Gerard into the ceiling before he fell to the ground unconscious. Chris opened fire and I stood there as they emptied clips and quivers at me. When they ran out I shifted back to my human form. "You disappoint me Chris. I thought you were honorable and here you are attacking a pack without cause."

Alison yelled. "Derek killed my mother!"

I snorted. "Your stupid mother tried to poison Scott to death at the rave little girl. She broke the code and if I was there I'd have delivered her head to you while it showed the agony I'd inflicted before her death."

Chris paled. "Gerard-"

I snorted. "Is a cowered that wants to use the Kanima to force Scott to turn on Derek and force Derek to give him the bite. He's dying of cancer and he's not only a racist, he's a fucking hypocrite."

I kicked the old man over and he groaned. I sighed. "I'm taking the innocent betas and Stiles whom this ass clown beat the shit out of. Try and stop me and I'll end the Argent line. And by the way little girl, Derek really didn't kill your mother. You're stupid code did. Hypocrisy at its best. She'd break it to kill an innocent but she wouldn't break it to be here for her own family."

I left them to think on my words as I headed downstairs where Alice was waiting. She'd helped all three of them to the car. Both Erica and V-man were weak from electricity overdoses and burns while Stiles was beaten bloody.

We dropped Stiles off at home before heading back home ourselves. When we got home Derek helped bring them inside as Peter told us. "Scott showed up and left with Isaac to the hospital. Apparently Jackson is evolving or something and we'd like to know your plans to stop it oh great alpha."

I growled at his sarcasm before saying. "Deal with it yourselves. I'll help speed up Erica and V-man's healing and send them on their way to you once they're ready to fight."

I stopped at my own words before telling them. "On second thought follow Derek's lead on this. I can't imagine what you could possibly come up with to deal with the problem."

Derek chuckled. "Any suggestions?"

I nodded. "Follow Scott's lead. Try and use your senses to figure out what he's done to make sure he wins against Gerard and for the love of all things holy bring back as much Kanima venom as you can. Maybe take the body bag of it that Jackson is in. Kanima venom may give you the edge in future battles if you're careful."

Derek agreed before taking off to meet with Scott. After they left I began breaking the beta's bones to speed up the healing process. It may sound bizarre but it actually helps. I took away most of their pain during the process so they felt very little pain.

Twenty minutes later V-man and Erica we're back on their feet. I sent them with the red mustang I bought on a whim five years ago in San Francisco. While they raced to catch up I asked Alice. "Are you sure it will work? Some much has changed since we arrived. I'd rather not leave them to the tender mercy of Deucalion."

She nodded. Once they make it to the warehouse they'll be safe. Besides the mustang was the fastest car besides my Porsche. It'll work. They won't be captured my the 'alpha' pack."

I sighed in relief as she sat next to me on the couch. I flipped on the tv and watched some Hell's Kitchen while we waited. Alice showed me her vision through our bond. That calmed me down while we watched the famous cooking show.

By the time Ramsey shouted for the red team to leave the kitchen Alice told me. "It's done. Jackson is the only current living hybrid of supernatural creatures besides yourself."

Nodding I told her. "It's interesting that Jackson of all people will simply have it so easy with the full moon. I'm actually surprised that with his anger issues he'd find i so easy."

She nodded in agreement. "He'll be able to fully shift not your the full moon or the days before. An interest concept if there ever was one."

I nodded and pulled her into my embrace as I 'saw' a version of our him being impaled by Derek and Peter. When the rest of the pack arrived Derek warned them to be careful as Jackson was powerful enough to fight him on almost equal ground.

After the battle Lydia gave the house key to Jackson and that's when Peter and Derek acted. When Jackson awoke as a werewolf I chucked at his roar when I heard it. He'd been an omega. I went will Alice to see the alpha pack.

Deucalion wasn't here but Kali had come in his place. When I saw them I chuckled. "So where's your 'alpha'?"

Kali snorted as she answered. "He's dealing with a few pests."

I nodded knowing she meant Gerard's role in it all. I sighed. "I guess that means he doesn't view me as important enough or strong enough to fight you all. That's demon wolf as he's styled his name really looks down on me."

The twins did their fusion and I smiled knowing they stood no chance against me. Sighed I told them. "I guess you be both the message to the 'alpha'. Come, I'll show you what a real alpha can do."

The twins needed no invitation as he charged and the rest followed. When they reached me I caught their clawed hands in my human form before throwing them into the trees. Once I saw them pass out and defuse I smiled and avoided Kali and Ennis's claws as they joined forces against me.

I broke both of Kali's ankles and Ennis's jaw before throwing them against the trees and knocking them out. I checked them to be sure before turning and leaving. I found Alice had an amused look on her face and asked. "What? They clearly underestimated me or they would've brought their alpha to the fight, not that it would've changed any thing."

She gave me an amused look. "You do know they'll see you a serious threat now right? The next time they'll either have Deucalion with them or move around you to attack the others."

I shrugged. "I'll make sure the pack has a heads up besides, a little trouble can only help their growth now. They're all at the same level as Derek was before. This may be what makes them push into the alpha status range. As for putting those I care about in danger, well, we'll just have to see about that when the time comes, besides I'm not afraid of Deucalion's actions."

She shrugged. "So long as you're ready for the consequences of your actions."

I chuckled. "Yeah, shouldn't be a problem for now anyway. Once the pack gets back I'll make sure they're prepared."

She sighed. "Very well. Let's go home."

I followed her through the forest towards our home. The alphas woke up not long after we headed home and left our territory under my ever watchful senses. I needn't track the for now as they'll eventually come to me anyway.

As the moon rose I started my shift into my full wolf form. Tonight was the beginning of the three day cycle. When I howled, Derek and the pack came running. We ran our boundaries like always and a few hunted deer.

Over the next four months I trained on my own, stretching my mind scape and building physical muscles while pushing my body to the limits lifting train cars. Alice took Alison and Lydia on a trip around the world shopping.

Derek taught Jackson some control techniques before he left for London. He then turned to training his pack for a while. Over time the alpha pack, as they called themselves, retaliated and grew bolder until one day, three months in, they managed to catch Erica and V-man.

It seems they were desperate for information and while V-man and Erica were stronger, the 'alphas' played dirty with their emissary taking them out with wolfsbane. The area that they'd captured them in was covered in wolfsbane and mountain ash.

When we discovered it, Derek began looking for them in earnest. Soon enough Isaac went missing as well so I payed a bounty hunter to find and retrieve them if she could and come back with their location if nothing else. I knew where they were but Alice had told me to let it play out. She was sure it would be a good experience for them to grow from.

Luckily they hadn't had the balls to mark my house with their pack symbol so I didn't need to get a new door. Unfortunately they didn't feel the same way about the trees surrounding the house. I'd laughed it off while Derek and Peter seemed less than amused by it.

Still grinning I told them. "Relax, they're children pretending to know what it's like to be werewolves. In reality they know as much as Peter here does."

Derek barked out a laugh finally and Peter asked. "What is that supposed to mean?"

The grin on my face became more savage as I told him. "You and your old Hale pack knew next to nothing about what it means to be wolf. You're just humans pretending. Wolves don't care about revenge or getting even. We don't care about what others want or being nice. We only care about one thing and one thing only."

Derek beat me to the punch line. "Pack."

I nodded slowly. "These pretenders are merely by blows of weaker blood lines. They don't know what it means to be a pack. That's why they killed theirs. They found out one old secret and began using it to make themselves grow a little stronger. When in reality they've only weakened themselves."

Derek told him. "A werewolf with a spark of power can turn others and make their own pack of sorts. They can then kill and absorb the power of their pack like a regular beta can kill them and take that spark. What they don't know is that it distances themselves from the wolf aspect and twists their nature. They care only for power and obtaining more of it. That's human nature, not wolf nature. The more they take-"

Peter frowned. "The more human they become."

I nodded. "Exactly. Well almost anyway. You see, werewolves are descendants of those I've turned. I'm the amalgamation of two very old and very powerful demons and a human shaman's daughter. The demonic essence is what twisted you into that abomination before and what twists the so called alpha pack. As they are they should be fine but the more power they steal the more human and demonic they become."

That got their attention but I shrugged off their looks saying. "Everything comes from something. I never said we were the good guys, but then, we aren't demons either. We are what nature made us to be."

I left them to think on my words while I drove to the airport to pick up the girls. They took the private jet so they arrived right on time. I almost felt bad for Alison when I saw her haggard expression. Both Lydia and Alice were smiling and happy as they had enjoyed the four month shopping trip.

Chris has gone with them as well to make sure Alice didn't harm his daughter I'm sure. He was his usual scowling self. Luckily I'd brought the SUV so it would fit everyone and their things. He spoke up. "Keys please, I'm driving."

I shrugged and tossed them to him. "How was the shopping trip?"

His scowl deepened before lightening up. "I think it was good for us to get away at least for a while."

I nodded and loaded up the SUV with their luggage. As we drove back Alison sat up front with her father. Alice was telling me about all the places they'd went and Lydia was talking with Alison about boys.

When stopped at the street light a Jeep pulled up next to us with Scott and Stiles in it. Alison spoke up. "Oh my god dad, drive."

Chris frowned. "It's a red light."

Alison sighed. "Just go!"

He took off just as Stiles went to roll his window down. When they started following us and stopped Alison told him to do the same. After a moment I felt the buck coming and hopped out. I shifted and caught it's antlers just as it was about to hit us. I roared and it struggled before running off the side of the road and into the woods.

I got back in the SUV and told them. "There's a new pack of wolves in town. You'd call them a pack of alphas. Deucalion is their leader. Their presence has upset the wildlife in the area."

Chris asked. "Shouldn't yours make it worse than them?"

I chuckled. "I know how to conceal my presence, they don't. Amateurs."

He continued driving as Scott and Stiles followed and tried to catch up. After a while they gave up and Chris went to the Motel he'd prepared for the two of them. After they were unloaded Alice drove us to drop off Lydia and her luggage. Oddly enough most of the bags ended up with Lydia when we dropped her off.

Alice shrugged it off. "What? She needed some pampering after Jackson."

I smiled and drove us to the hospital where I knew Isaac would be. We'd just arrived when sheriff Stilinski was asking to be notified when the girl with the modified stun gun wakes up. When he mentioned property damage I walked over and told him. "Since Isaac is family you can bill me. I'll pay for whatever property damage and fines they racked up. You can take your officers off their doors as well. Or do I need to get my lawyers involved? He is after all my responsibility and I payed her to help him find Erica and Vernon Boyd. Their problems are my fault and like I said I'll pay the fines and damages."

The good sheriff nodded. "Fine. I'll have the city send you the bill but I'm going to have to confiscate the stun gun. My deputy says it's a few volts short of being a lightsaber."

I shrugged. "I'll have her pick it up at the station. Since you don't have any proof it's been used in a crime it's no more deadly than a gun and it's still not illegal to own or carry."

He looked caught between relief and anger by my words as I was playing fair and not dragging his name through the mud. He sighed. "Fine, let me know when they're available for a statement. I still need to file the case as closed when they're up and about."

I nodded. "Will do sheriff."

When he left I turned to Malissa McCall and asked. "Can you take them off the sedatives. Don't worry, they'll be fine. I'm fairly certain one of them is awake and there's no need to waste good medicine when they don't want it."

She sighed and led the way to Isaac's room. After she unhooked him I chuckled and stuck my claws into the back of his neck. She bit out. "What are you doing? This isn't the place for that!"

I snorted and willed him to heal using the link I'd forged between us. Once her was healed I viewed his memories before letting him go. His eyes glowed red and he sat up. "Thanks for that."

I nodded. "Thanks for the information. Alice is waiting outside. Get your clothes and get to the car. I'll see to the bounty hunter."

He nodded and I asked Malissa. "Can you give him his clothes I know where the girl is."

She nodded and I went to meet Braeden in her room. She was already up and about to leave when I entered. "Let me help you heal and see the memories. The payment is in the back of my car waiting for us to leave here."

She nodded. "Fine, just do it quickly."

I stuck my claws into the back of her neck and did the same as I did with Isaac. When I saw the bank I released her and she rubbed her neck. "It'll heal quick enough. You've done your job the duffle in the back is your payment and the envelope inside is your next job. The payment is ten times what I paid this time if you're interested."

She smirked. "Girls gotta eat."

I nodded. "Make sure to stop by and give the sheriff a statement. He knows you freelanced for me but that's it. Use whatever story you choose to. It doesn't matter to me. I'll take care of the fines."

She nodded and found her clothes before following me out. I went to the back of the SUV and pulled out the duffle bag and tossed it to Braeden. "Inside is the money and the new assignment if you want it. The file has the amount I'm willing to pay for the target upon proof of death or delivery. Either doesn't matter to me. You'll find the last leads I had on her in the file."

She nodded and tossed the bag over her shoulder before walking off. Alice drove us to the house so we'd at least be in our territory when the change hit us. I barely made it out of the vehicle before I started to shift. Isaac wasn't so lucky as he'd been in the back seat when he tore his clothes to bits and shifted.

Derek and Malia met us in the yard while we went on our run. Peter was there in his human form barely in control of himself. I roared at him and forced him to change as well. He no longer had his twisted wolf form but he was still capable of a partial shift.

Once he was finished I gave Derek the signal to take his pack out and watched them leave, Peter trying to keep up as they ran off into the forest to run the perimeter. I went inside and payed down across Alice's lap while she read a book and petted me on occasion. As the night passed and morning came, the pack arrived as I stepped outside with towels.

I chuckled at their dirty selves and told them. "The showers aren't free if you want to go get clean."

Derek was the first to grab a towel and head inside with Malia and Isaac following. Peter on the other hand had clothes on so he didn't need the towel but he did need a shower now. He growled in annoyance as he past me and I barked out a laugh at his expense.

When everyone was cleaned up I told them where we were going to find V-man and Erica. Peter seemed to be the only one with a problem about us running into a trap. I snorted at his cowardice. "Then stay here, either way we'll go without you. They are pack and that means something to us. From what I understand, it used to mean something to you as well."

That shut up his whining while Derek took the lead. He hopped in his Camero and I took the SUV in case we needed to tie them down. Isaac took the impala for the same reason. This way if the worst comes to pass we can separate them and take them home to ensure they're safe to be around.

We arrived at the bank a half hour later and searched the perimeter. When I caught their scents I knew it was a trap laid out inside for us. I could smell the rapid need to shift from outside the bank. Both V-man and Erica were in desperate need of a run while I smelled a lesser bloodline with a feral need to shift as well it was more rabid then theirs.

I told Derek what to expect before we stormed the place. I didn't even pay attention to the Druid and the other wolf in hiding, I merely led the way to the vault. When Derek tried and failed to open it in time I growled and he backed away. I grabbed the vault door and partially shifted as the steel gave way to my claws.

I ripped the heavy steel door off its hinges and tossed it aside like a broken toy. When I saw the mountain ash line I told Derek. "Shift and take them for a run, they'll chase you. When you've got them to our territory, take charge. Let them eat their fill of deer and boar but make sure they know whose the alpha. I'll deal with your sister."

He nodded. "Take care of her."

I grinned and nodded before watching him shift and roar. Isaac followed his lead and helped keep them in line. Boyd and Erika shifted as soon as they came out of the vault, roaring before giving chase. I stood to the side with a smile as my very presence forced them away from myself, Peter and Alice.

Once Cora stepped out I roared at her as she shifted as well. Hers was a more feral stench to it as she went rabid. I turned to Malia and Peter. "You two will be taking this one. Alice will lead the way in the Porsche while I follow behind in the Camero. Use the SUV to make sure she has enough room to struggle but not send the car into a ditch."

Peter scowled. "And how do you suppose we subdue her?"

I grinned and shifted before roaring in Cora's face. The building vibrated from my roar this time and she crouched in submission. When I shifted back I told him. "There, she's mostly in control now. The primal urge to not piss me off is overwhelming her instincts to run with the pack. Take her and be quick about it. Once we're back at the house she can catch up with the others. Malia and you will join them for safety."

Peter muttered. "Fine, you're the boss."

I grunted and Alice smiled while they got to work helping Cora to the vehicle's. While they left I turned to where Deucalion and his Druid were hiding. "Smart move in not attacking little demon wolf. Perhaps one day we'll meet when I'm in a better mood. Tell your pack to behave else I may end up having wolf for an evening meal. You stay out of my business and I'll stay out of yours."

I heard him whisper. "Is it true, are you the first werewolf?"

I grunted and left with Alice on my arm. We drove home with minimal problems. The SUV shook a few times and busted a couple windows along the way but no one died so yeah, gods times. When we got back to the house I could already sense Derek and the pack roaming the woods.

Peter and the girls took off as soon as the vehicles were parked. I chuckled to myself and sat with Alice until the moon came out forcing me to shift, then I became a pillow for her to lean on while reading.

The night passed in quiet comfort for us while we did here the occasional howls as the pack ran the territory. Come morning Derek brought them all inside to find clothes and showers while I cooked breakfast with Alice. The three beta's looked to be far more relaxed now that the moon wasn't weighing as heavily on them.

I chuckled. "The extra clothes are in the den. They're from before you disappeared so they may be a little snug. As for you-"

I turned to the newest member of the pack. Cora Hale shrank away from my gaze a little and Derek stepped up next to her saying. "We'll figure something out."

I nodded slowly. "Alice has some clothes for her to borrow for now. I'm sure you can find rooms for them upstairs. And Derek, we need to talk when you're done showing them around."

He looked alarmed by my tone but agreed none the less. I turned back to the stove. "Go get showered and dressed. Food will be ready by the time you come back down. And Peter, if you keep directing your desire to take my head at my back, I'll remove yours and use it as a door stop."

I felt the desire flare up for a moment before he seemed to regain control of himself. I heard Cora whisper. "Who is he? Why do I feel like I'm standing in his territory?"

Peter scowled as Derek told her. "He's the first werewolf. Our ancestor if you look at it like that, and the ancestor of all werewolves. He's the reason for mine and the other's changes. He returned us to the old ways, when werewolves actually acted like werewolves and not monsters."

The last part seemed to be directed at Peter who huffed and walked away. They'd been standing in towels for the most part as only Peter and Cora had stayed in human shape however partial. I continued cooking and ignored their whispers.

When they came back down I'd set the table with Alice and stacked all the food on it. Extra seats were in place for those that had arrived last night. While they enjoyed their meal I pulled Derek aside for a conversation. "I need to tell you something."

Derek frowned. "What is it?"

I sighed. "Cora, I can't let you give her the bite."

His frown deepened and I held up a hand. "Not yet at least. She'll have to go through the same meditation and mind building exercises as the rest of you."

He nodded. "Alright, I get that."

I sighed and continued. "But that's not really a what I need to talk to you about. Alice and I have agreed that it's time we moved out of this house."

I pulled out the deed and handed it to him. "We've transferred the deed into your name and I've carved Druidic runes all over the property to ensure another fire would be impossible."

Derek looked shocked. "But the pack-"

I smiled and patted his shoulders. "The pack is yours Derek. And you'll always be my beta, no matter how big headed it may make you, just like you'll always be Talia's son."

He shivered by my meaning and I chuckled. "You've made me proud to have changed you, no matter how little it was. I highly doubt I did more than give you a little extra strength. The rest was always inside you just waiting for you to step up and be the alpha you were born to be. Oh, and you'll find I've ensured you're mother's ability was open to you when you're ready."

I pasted him one last time and he pulled me in for a hug. "Thank you, this, this means a lot more than I can ever repay you for."

I sighed and released him. "Tell them when you're ready, but we'll be out tomorrow morning the final moon phase. I don't need to tell you to be careful of Peter do I?"

He snorted and I smiled. "Alright then. One last word of caution then. Deucalion may be a red eyed wolf, but he's got a little extra oomph that will put him above even your beta's. He's drawn in to much energy while the intense rage fueled his body. He is far stronger than any others in his pack or yours, except you. And while you are physically stronger, he is far superior in technique. Might I suggest training your senses by depriving your body of them. A blindfold here or sound negating headphones there."

He agreed. "I'll practice, you have my word."

I grinned. "Then no worries, now go join your pack for a meal. They're waiting for you to eat as is their instinct."

He went back inside with a smile on his face and the deed in his pocket. Alice appeared next to me. "We're doing the right thing. If we stayed too much longer with them they'd be dragged into the fight and they simply aren't ready for that level of danger."

I took her hand and pulled it up to my lips. After I kissed her knuckles I sighed. "I know love, besides, if I'm right we'll need to leave this world when we're done. I won't be able to contain him inside me while worried that he'll win and slaughter everyone we love. If-"

She shook her head stubbornly. "We've already talked about this. I'm with you till the very end."

I sighed before nodding. "Very well. Let us hope it's his end then."

She nodded with a smile and hugged my arm while leaning her head on my shoulder. We sat like that on the porch swing for the next few hours. The pack seemed to think it inappropriate to interrupt us so they left to do their own things quietly.

Next chapter