

The next morning we left just after I shifted back into human form. Alice had made breakfast and left a note telling them Derek would explain for us. We moved into the loft Derek would've originally bought and made it our own.

With everything going smoothly we headed to school for the day and watched another set of events take place. Apparently Isaac, Boyd and Erica still held a grudge against the twins for their part in their recent imprisonment. The twins stood no chance until they ended up fusing to fight one of them evenly.

The twins were nearly on their level after that but Erica seemed ok with it as she pummeled them out of the fusion. The twins then stuck to causing problems instead of outright fights. Events continued to take place throughout the day with Isaac singled out for a few of their pranks.

After track, where we found the body of Kyle, a senior ROTC cadet and an acquaintance of Boyd's. After they found the body things went to shit real fast as the twins upped their pranks on Isaac getting him lunch detention.

I watched on in amusement as Scott pulled him out of the closet when he nearly ripped Alison apart. After Scott yelled at him, knocking him out of his dazed fury, I walked over and dragged him to his feet before smacking the back of his head. "You've been lax in your meditation as of late Isaac. A trained mind such as yours should never have given in to fear. Be more diligent will you?"

He saw me and nodded slowly. "You left us, why?"

I sighed. "You're asking me why I've moved out of the house when you already have Derek as an alpha? He needs room to grow in his new role as do you all. I can't hold your hands forever young beta. Perhaps one day you'll understand and see it. A pack cannot have two alpha males. Even if Derek is my beta, he's an alpha in his own right and if I'd have stayed, we'd be more likely to kill each other and I don't relish the thought of that."

Scott and Alison were watching us when the latter spoke up. "Isn't an alpha pack what Deucalion has? Why can't you do the same?"

I snorted as my eyes reacted and glowed. "Boy, you've never seen a real alpha. All you've ever experienced is betas with an extra spark if you will. Deucalion is no different than Isaac here in that regard."

In response Isaac's eyes glowed and he smirked for a moment as I continued. "Real alphas cannot share the same territory unless they are mates. Even then they'd be at odds on almost everything. Derek and I may be close but he's more of a son to me than a mate."

I held out my hand as Alice took it. "Besides, I already found my mate. So no, there's no such thing as an alpha pack. Not even one I could create. You're talking about several dominant personalities bending to my will. It would break them if I did something like that. They'd be worse off than if you'd killed them and stolen their sparks of power to become an 'alpha', not that that is possible either."

Scott looked stricken for a moment then asked. "Isn't he already an alpha?"

He gestured at Isaac and I snorted. "No, let me explain the eyes to you so you'll understand it easier. Blue means you've experienced a fundamental shift in personality, sort of like experiencing great loss or grief, but it only shows in those who haven't gotten the 'spark' as it were."

I took a deep breath. "Yellow or gold means you've become a werewolf and you're in transition to become a beta, sir of like a cocoon into a butterfly stage."

I patted Isaac on the back saying. "Red means you've become a beta in all its glory. Though there are varying degrees of what makes a beta wolf, and they can turn others using that spark of power, essentially they are a full werewolf where as those who don't have that spark are still mostly human."

I waved over to him. "You haven't excepted the wolf side of yourself and see it as a burden to be carried instead of the gift that it is and therefore you've instinctively denied what you are. It's what blocks most from taking that next step themselves."

Alison frowned and looked at Scott inquisitively before turning to me. "Isn't that a good thing?"

I snorted. "Werewolves are an entirely different species to humans. Our very DNA is different on a fundamental level. Imagine if you saw all humans as Adolf Hitlers and refused to be apart of society, hating and fearing yourself for the possibility of becoming Hitler."

My words struck home as their eyes seemed to indicate what I meant was being understood.

I sighed. "Werewolves, like humans and many other species out there, are neither all good or bad. We have our hitlers and our mother Teresa's. You can't paint us all with the same brush just because some give in to the animal inside."

I shook my head. "Continuing on, eyes beyond red indicate an alpha in our species. Now this is where it gets tricky because a real alpha like Derek and myself would have different colored eyes. Our eyes as they say, are a reflection of our souls. Never is this more clear than with an alpha because we've taken the next step, we've fused our inner wolves with our souls and the color of our eyes reflect that."

I showed them my green eye and smiled. "Literally a reflection of our souls, and as each individual person is different, so too are our souls. So the colors very depending on the person and their personalities. Derek has his royal purple and I have my forest green. Isaac, if he ever becomes an alpha will have something else entirely, perhaps a pink or brown. And Scott, your eyes would be different still as you are not Isaac and you don't have his unique soul."

I yawned. "Well, that's enough of a lesson for today. You kids enjoy yourselves, class is about to start in ten minutes."

I left them as I heard their plans to get even with the twins. I smiled and enjoyed the show as Aiden was suspended for having his motorcycle in doors and supposedly riding inside the school. After I left school early I l went to visit Deaton and give him a warning.

I store on in passed the mountain ash barrier and into the back office. Sitting on the side table I spoke while he continued to work. My presence and actions were nothing new at this point but he still faltered when I spoke.

"There's a dark Druid in town. They're completing the sacrifices of power to prepare for some fight. I can only imagine it's either against myself or Deucalion and his pack. As far as I can tell they haven't drawn Maloker's attention but if they finish the ritual I have a feeling he'll show himself if only to kill them and take the power for himself."

Deaton hesitated before asking. "How sure are you that it's a Druid and not him?"

I rubbed my eyes before answering. "He wouldn't have wasted the blood left at each seen. He'd have drained it out of them to use as extra fuel for his own power. Besides, I highly doubt he'd leave the bodies to be found afterwards. He most certainly wouldn't take the risk as weak as I believe him to be. He couldn't possibly be sure I'd be the one to pick up his trail, ergo it can't be him."

Deaton set down the tweezers he'd been using to sow with before replying. "I guess that would make sense. Do we need to be worried they'll complete it?"

I shrugged. "Only if I'm not there to stop Maloker from stealing the power this Druid is gathering. A boost like that would give him a slight advantage especially if he saves it for when I do catch up to him. Either way this Druid can't be allowed to complete the sacrifices. These humans are innocent and don't deserve that fate. I've a feeling the Druid is behind the animals acting weird as well. Perhaps using their sacrifices as a way to heal themselves or gather more power on the side."

Deaton's eyes went wide for a moment as understanding dawned on him. "That would mean they've been in town all summer and are more prepared to act. You're right, this is bad."

I shrugged. "Anyway I wanted to give you a heads up as you being a healer, guardian and occasionally a warrior, I thought you'd like to be aware of the possibility of you being a target."

He nodded gratefully. "Thanks for the warning."

I shrugged and hopped down before placing a hand on the ailing dog and draining all but the smallest inkling of pain from it. Deaton smiled as the black lines faded on my skin. The dog leaned over and licked my hand before rolling to its stomach in submission.

Chuckling I gave it a few scratches before patting it and saying. "Perhaps one day when this is all settled I'll get a dog of my own. They seem peaceful and fun loving enough to keep around. And hey, I might not eat it, you never know."

Deaton snorted lightly before saying. "What about the pack-"

I turned to face him with a straight face. "I've distanced myself from the pack. I left Derek the territory and house for his pack and family. I-I can't drag them into this fight Deaton. They'd be slaughtered or worse and there's no way to protect them if things go bad."

I turned away sighing. "Besides, if I didn't leave, Derek would've felt the need to challenge me for the alpha position and territory. I would've been forced to kill him on instinct alone. This way is better and safer for all of them."

I turned and headed to the doorway. "Don't die Deaton. I feel trouble on the horizon and with a Darach running around and a pack of rabid wolves scheming it may get worse before it gets better."

Deaton sighed. "Can't you deal with the wolves?"

My eyes flashed as I turned to look back at him. "I'd kill them for their stupidity Deaton. I don't want to become like that. They are ignorant of what it means to be a werewolf. It's not their fault, but it's also not my problem. Derek is alpha of this territory, he can deal with it however he wants. Or he can step back and let the Darach and the wolves fight it out."

I left in a blur leaving him no chance to reply, passing Stiles as he pulled up. I'd certainly done more than enough to stack the odds in Derek's favor. If he can't handle it then one of his betas can step forward and rise to the occasion. Or perhaps Scott will, after all, this was his story to begin with.

I drove around town for a while before heading to the forest to grab a bite and some blood. Later that night I drove home in the rain before parking in the underground garage and see Scott there waiting for me.

I walked passed him as he began talking. "I need to know what you know. I can't protect everyone if I'm always in the dark and you seem to have all the answers so-"

I continued to walk as he asked. "Please, can you teach me?"

I sighed. "Go to Derek and ask him if it's about werewolves. Or Deaton if it's about the Darach. I heard about Harris going missing. Perhaps he might know something that can help you. I'm not here to hold your hand Scott. I just gave you a quick run down of our eyes, nothing more."

Scott snorted and grabbed my arm trying to stop me. "Then why are you here?"

I back handed him into his bike several yards away as I growled and my eyes glowed. "My business is none of your concern boy! Now piss off before I decide you'll make a good appetizer."

I turned and ignored him as I heard him pick himself up. I went upstairs to find Alice waiting by the window reading a book while the rain poured down outside. She sighed. "He's still young, he'll learn I'm sure."

I shrugged. "We can't get to close to them without dragging them into it love. I had to-"

She moved to stand in front of me and put her hand on my cheek. "I know it's hard. I've spent the day distancing myself from Alison and Lydia for the same reason. But it's still possible to be friends with them without pulling them in. It just takes some finesse."

I pulled her into a hug and sighed. "You're right as always. I'm just on edge lately. I fear he'll make his move on the Druid and that'll only make it harder to beat him."

She sighed as well and we moved into a much more comfortable position and continued our hobbies. She read and I began writing lyrics to songs I'd heard in my old life that hadn't been released in this reality.

The night passed away as we continued until school the next day. A week later things started to get dicey as the wolves started to get antsy. I followed Scott and the wolves following him to an abandoned mall complex.

Derek and the rest put on a strong front as they tried to ambush Deucalion. I watched from the shadows as it all went down. Deucalion's pack was at a disadvantage for the most part except the fused twins and Deucalion himself.

Scott and Cora were the only ones in able to participate on the most part as they were severely weaker than the rest of Derek's pack and Deucalion's. Scott has his moment though as he and Ennis's collided as equals. For a moment his eyes changed color before Ennis's recovered as well and sent him flying into a beam.

Derek took over as he fought Ennis back to the edge and beat him down some while Deucalion attacked him with the walking stick from behind. Scott did his little desperate claw swipe that sent Derek and Ennis over the edge. Deucalion almost went with them as well but he managed to dodge Derek's swipe at the last moment. After they fell I stepped out of the shadows and roared. "Enough."

My voice shook the very building and sent them all backing away as their eyes glowed in response to the fear they felt from my presence. I snorted. "Take your wounded and leave. NOW!"

Deucalion gathered up his wounded pack and left after they went down and picked up Ennis's body. I could still hear his faint heartbeat from up here while Derek's was stronger his was getting farther away in the opposite direction. Not that any of the rest saw it or knew he was alive.

I could smell the blood in the air and knew he was injured enough to flee and heal. Isaac and the rest of the pack fled with Scott and I left behind them. Scott kept whispering. "He's dead, I killed him. Oh god!"

I ignored that while they left. I headed to the loft to grab my track clothes and headed to school with Alice for the track meet trip. The rest of them were there as well waiting. I grabbed the cooler I'd brought and some snacks we picked up on the way over, handing them out.

We were then forced to sit for five and a half hours as things picked up again. The wolves were on edge and I can't say I blame them much though they kept looking at me each time they got aggressive. Maybe it was because I released my aura every time I heard their heart beat pick up or the fear I saw in them from my roar before.

I held Alice in our seat while she read a romance book for amusement. When I smelled the wolfsbane in the coaches whistle I reached over and plucked it from him. He looked over to me for a moment then realized I wasn't Isaac so he let it go on instinct I believe.

I told him. "Your whistle smells funny. Here, let me try something."

I blew it into my hand and opened it up to show him the wolfsbane dust. "I think someone tried to poison you Coach. This looks like a plant called aconite. It's poisonous and a hallucinogenic."

I handed the whistle back to him saying. "I wouldn't recommend using it anymore unless you want to trip balls on a track meet."

He looked like I'd saved his life. "Don't hand it back to me if it's poisoned. Here, put it in a ziplock bag and I'll turn it over to the police. Take a water bottle and rinse your hand off as well."

I took the water and did as he asked before returning to my previous position. When Stiles asked for a stop at the public restroom a minute later the coach agreed immediately, wanting to wash himself clean as well in case the wolfsbane remained on him.

Under my watchful gaze Isaac avoided beating Aiden up. When we got back on the road Lydia and Alison joined us as their car was out of gas. Scott got patched up from his scuffle with Ennis as well.

Later that night the meet was postponed till the next day so we were forced to stay in a hotel. Gentlemen that I am I offered to pay for the rooms for everyone at the four seasons. Everyone was more than happy as they'd seen the alternative.

As we pulled away from the run down hotel to head to the four seasons I caught a glimpse of the Darach in the shadows of the parking lot. It did not look happy at all. As we pulled up to our new hotel I went to the front desk and paid for our rooms while the coach asked. "Are you sure you can afford this place?"

Alice laughed. "Please. I spend more in a week on shoes than the bill for all of our rooms combined here. We've got this."

I handed the clerk my onyx black unlimited master card and smiled charmingly. "I need twenty of your best rooms and access to the pool."

She looked stunned as she ran the card for the rooms and handed it back with a smile. The clerk next to her gave us the room number and keys as I passed them to the coach except one for me and Alice. "You pass them out but make sure they know if they loose the key they'll be locked out of the pool and the room."

I handed him the last card saying. "The presidential sweet is yours FYI."

He took it with a smile. "That's real thoughtful of you. You wouldn't happen to be interested in lacrosse by any chance?"

I chuckled and shook my head as I walked off with Alice. "Tell the students to head to the gift shop for extra swim clothes. I'll open a tab there for everyone to get their own stuff."

I headed to the gift shop next to the lounge and did as I promised. Soon after Alice picked out ours the other students began coming in to get their own. Alice told the clerks they were with us. After an hour of them shopping around we all left after I paid. On the way out I handed coach a stack of bills to buy himself a steak dinner at the steakhouse down the block.

I told him the kids can order room service when they get hungry so he might as well enjoy himself. The rest of the track team had their fun and a few even learned they could order alcohol on the room service menus. Alice and I let them have their fun while keeping an eye out for the Darach in case it reared it's ugly head.

As everyone cooled off I got a text from Deaton about Ennis and what Deucalion did to him. I pulled the wolves aside with a growl and a gesture. They came a couple at a time and I showed the twins the pictures and explained that Deucalion killed him and took his power. I gestured to how he'd done it on Stiles who didn't exactly volunteer for it.

When they got their own text about his death they were torn because I really had no need to lie and I had proof. Ethan finally spoke. "You guys need to be careful. Even if Deucalion did this, Kali will still be out for blood and now that she sees it that way Derek now has a choice. Join the pack or die. Kali will stand for nothing less."

I shrugged. "Personally it doesn't matter to me because even with Deucalion I highly doubt you'd be able to kill Derek. After all he was able to walk away from that fall only injured. And besides-"

I moved and held them both up by there throats as I growled. "If you did manage to kill him, I'd use your skulls as door stops."

I squeezed before dropping them. "And don't think a fall like that would even tickle me boy. I could stand still and you'd still be on the loosing side of any fight against me."

They rubbed their throats and backed away as Aiden asked. "What are you?"

I grinned as Isaac spoke up. "He's a real alpha, not some Beta with only a spark of power."

Isaac's eyes glowed red and he explained what the real color of their eyes meant and the real hierarchy of werewolves. I walked away with Alice at my side. Lydia and Alison joined us for a stroll to the closest shopping mall. They did some late night shopping for a while before we headed back.

It truly seemed as if the Darach wasn't going to risk an open confrontation with us for now so that was fine by me. Alice and I spent the morning breaking the bed and counter as we put the honey moon sweet to the test. By the time the sun rose we'd broken ninety percent of the room in our bouts of sex.

The venom from our bodies that leaked out onto the sheets, counter, couches and floor was cleaned before we left the room. I paid the maids extra to use gloves to carefully clean it up. What can I say, I'm radioactive, radioactive. Oooff, Alice didn't appreciate my cheesy joke too much when I told it to her, earning a smack to my chest that would cave in any regular werewolf's sternum.

I paid for the damages at the desk and had a healthy breakfast sent to each room with a wake up call in time for them to eat, shower and dress before we had to leave.

Alice and I waited on the bus for everyone while she continued her book in my arms. When everyone was on the bus we headed to the meet where we were then told it was canceled. Everyone groaned as we left the meet spot to head home. I offered to pay for a buffet for lunch as it was a seven hour drive back to Beacon Hills.

That seemed to cheer most of everyone up for a while at least. By the time we got back to the school for drop off Peter and Cora were there waiting for the rest of the pack because, well, safety in numbers I guess. Malia was with them though oddly quiet and occasionally getting a weird look from Peter.

I figured she must've told him she was his daughter and dropped it immediately as it wasn't my business. Isaac, Boyd, and Erica left in the SUV with them and Scott followed with Stiles. Chris was there to pick up Alison and Lydia with Alison's car.

I passed him a letter telling him to stop by the loft later. Later that night Chris showed up for our meeting. I gestured for him to sit and began. I started with asking. "What do you know about the origin of the werewolf species?"

Chris frowned. "Are you it? I mean that's what you've been saying."

I sighed and handed him the old journal. "Read this and be careful, it's not leather, per say, but human skin."

He looked like he was going to throw up as I told him that. He gingerly took it and read it right then and there. When he finished I told him. "The letter in the back along with the map was for me."

He looked visibly shaken. "What kind of sick monster would-"

I sighed and interrupted him. "That's it exactly. The author of this journal, my father as it were, wasn't a human, or a vampire or even a werewolf. He was a demon, a special kind even amongst demons. He's what is referred to as an old one. The first and strongest type of demon to ever walk the dimensional plane as far as I'm aware."

Chris took a deep breath at my words and calmed himself down as best he could before asking. "Why show and tell me all of this?"

I sat back and held Alice's hand. "He called me here to Beacon Hills with the map. I'm pretty sure he's done so with others over time to keep himself from weakening to much. The reason we came here was to finish him off, to end him for good."

Chris nodded. "Do you need my help to kill him? Is that it?"

I snorted. "Don't get ahead of yourself. He's a pure demon down to his very essence. His essence itself is truly unkillable, meaning he cannot die by mortal hands. It can only be transferred into another, and the only being strong enough to hold an old ones essence on this planet indefinitely is me. A container of his own making and an amalgamation of not just him, but that of another old one and the blood of druids."

I raised a hand and a rose grew out of the table between us. "Even my Druid side is special amongst them. He planned it to a T and created the perfect vessel with which to return to the dimension he came from in."

Alice continued for me. "He's spent several months building a prison in his mind to house and trap Maloker inside once he's caught. The reason we need you is to track him down. This is a being that has spent the better part of ten thousand years to our knowledge, planning how to leave this dimension and to do so in a new vessel."

Chris frowned. "What happened to his old vessel? How am I supposed to track him if I don't even know what to look for?"

I smiled. "That's the thing, as far as I'm aware his body was destroyed when he fell through a dimensional crack into this world. At the time the Nemeton was at its peak strength from the druids here doing their sacrifices. He had to have taken possession of someone to have done what her has. Now I know for a fact that any human he could've possessed would've exhibited signs of him being inside. Their body's would literally liquify or mutate from the possession."

Chris nodded. "That I can track especially if it's as obvious as you say."

I held up a hand. "It's not that simple either. He's been here a long time and I know he's possessed at least one Druid within that time. I suspect he's used that knowledge to prepare temporary bodies to make them last longer or at the very least, not give off as many outward signs."

Chris frowned again. "Then how am I supposed to track him?"

I sighed and replied. "He's a demon at his core. He'll be at the center of major chaos and death. They feed on it and no demon could resist the temptation. It's where the vampires get the bloodlust from. Him being the very first vampire would mean he'd have to taken in the blood of all the dead and dying around him."

Chris rubbed his eyes before saying. "Alright, so I track this Maloker down, what then?"

I grinned. "You tell me who he's occupying and on the night of the super moon I'll be ready to take him out for good. Once's he's trapped in here-"

I tapped the side of my head. "I'll retreat from society and go into a hiding. No more demonic old ones to worry about and crisis averted. The world will be spared his tender mercies."

Chris's frown deepened. "And what if you can't keep him locked up inside your mind? What then? He'd have his vessel and all that power you have at his fingertips. The world will be screwed!"

I gripped Alice's hand before I closed my eyes and told him. "He'll use me to heal the Nemeton and reopen the portal to the dimension he came from. There he'll slaughter millions and billions of innocent humans causing untold death and destruction. Until he's out down that is."

Alice spoke up. "That won't happen. I'll stop it even if I have to kill you myself."

I slowly cupped her face with a sad smile and dropped my hand before turning to Chris. "There you have it, a foolproof plan that ends good for you either way."

Chris didn't look too awful happy about it but he nodded all the same. "I have conditions. Alison stays out of this-"

I chuckled. "Easy enough. The only ones that know about this plan are me, you, Alice and Deaton. I have no intention of bringing others in on it at all."

Chris seemed more relieved than happy but continued. "Then I want your guarantee that Alison will be protected and safe if this gets ugly."

I nodded. "Agreed."

He sighed and closed the journal before asking. "Human skin?"

I grimaced and nodded. "Worst dad ever."

He snorted and slid it back over to me. "Where do I start?"

I gave him the phone number to Braeden. "She'll be your partner. You can relax, she just knows it's a special case and it'll take time. I'm paying her to be discreet as well so you don't have to worry about getting into any type of danger."

He nodded and I told him. "She's taking on other jobs on the side. You're welcome to do so as well until you've completed mine. I'm aware it'll be awhile before you have any solid leads. By the way, this is your starting pay, after all this is a job I'm hiring you to do."

I slid a check over to him and he took a look at it as his eyebrows shot up. "That's more than I make in a year."

I chuckled. "That's just the starting bonus. You'll receive twice as much each month from now until you find him. Once you find him I'll pay both you and your partner double all the money I paid you each month put together. Look at it this way, you find him and you'll never have to work another day in your life. Even Alison will be set for life."

He nodded and slid the check into his pocket. "Very well. I think I should start earning my pay then. I'll see myself out."

I chuckled. "Chris, make sure to keep this to yourself will you? The less people that know about this the better."

He nodded and left in silence. I sat back and pulled Alice into my arms. "I wonder if we've done the right thing."

She sighed. "I hope so, or we're all doomed."

I chuckled before kissing her forehead and standing up. "I need to prepare myself. From now until it's time all my free time will be spent fortifying the mental prison."

She nodded. "I need to hunt. I'll be back in a while."

I saw her dark eyes and agreed. She'd been too long feeding off of me and hunting only when necessary. Now I needed the extra energy to keep me strong while I worked. I went to the pillow I'd laid out of a Hindu prayer carpet and began meditating.

At first I didn't know where to start. I'd build Tim loops and cages within dimensional beings I'd forged out of memories of my old life and now it was time to improve on it. I began working with the basics. Making everything harder, almost tangibly so.

After a week went by, the events outside came and went. I ignored most of it the best I could as I knew Scott could handle it and where he failed Derek would succeed. That is until Derek scarified his power to heal Cora's head wound.

He did so almost as soon as she ended up in the hospital. Now he was back down to a beta in strength even though his eyes hadn't changed much other than to dim some.

I was forced to ignore it as I'd been to mentally and physically tired from the constant reinforcing of my own mind. Alice did stop by to inform him that he was still an Alpha, only he'd be weaker than regular beta's until the next full moon.

He seemingly accepted that but was forced into a corner as Kali had promised to come for him in a few days. Alice told him to keep his pack nearby in case they do come as they should be able to at least ward them off until he was back at full strength.

Jennifer Blake was outed as the Darach that night at the school as she killed the piano teacher and took Sheriff Stilinski for the next set of sacrifices. Derek came to us the next evening and told me he'd been dating Jennifer as she'd watched over him when he healed from the fall at the abandoned mall.

Shrugging it off I told him. "They're right, she is the Darach, the dark Druid. But that doesn't make her less human, only not a very good one. She's killed nine people on her quest for revenge. She's also kidnapped another and plans to kill him and two more. The best advice I can give you is to act like the alpha you are. You have instincts, use them. If you think she's a threat to your pack, eliminate her. If not, then follow your heart, just use your head as well my friend."

He nodded slowly and Cora asked. "That's it? That's all the big bad first werewolf does? Give advice?"

Derek cut in. "Cora that's enough!"

She scowled. "You weakened yourself when you wouldn't have to if you'd have given me the bite-"

Derek grabbed her and growled. "Enough."

I sighed. "Child, the wolf isn't something your prepared for. If you, as impulsive as you are, challenged it before you're ready, you'd end up like Malia, or worse Peter."

Peter himself grimaced from across the room and I continued. "Only worse as you'd be far stronger. Your actions would be uncontrollable and Derek himself would have to put you down. And seeing as how he was willing to give up so much strength to heal you, that job would've fallen to me, or worse his own pack."

I took a deep breath and continued. "While I don't relish killing you, I would to save others and you from yourself. Whereas if Derek left it to his pack, they'd do it then receive his displeasure subtly until it tore the pack apart. So no child, you are not ready for that kind of power. If anything your impulsive behavior points that out clearly to all of us here."

She seemed to deflate as Derek ground his teeth in frustration. Peter spoke up. "Lesson learned and crisis averted. Now on to why you won't help us fight off the alpha pack or whatever."

I turned my irritated glare on him. "I'm busy reinforcing my own mind for a battle of my own that would make your problems look like child's play. So no, I don't have the time or extra energy to spare to spank a few wolves for their misdeeds."

Silence accompanied by Derek's frowning look like I'd wounded him personally. I sighed. "It's nothing you need to concern yourself with Derek. I can handle it, it just takes time and energy to prepare. Both of which I've wasted enough of explaining myself to your betas. You'll be fine after the full moon so you have nothing to worry about. Just keep your pack close by in case they do come after you."

He nodded slowly before telling Cora and Peter. "It's time to go. We've wasted enough time here. We need to make preparations of our own now."

I sighed and continued my meditation, ignoring the glaring problems ahead. A storm hit the that night causing power outages all over the city except at the loft where I had generators running. From what I understand of it, Kali and the twins attacked at Derek's place with Deucalion.

Erica got injured and Boyd ended up impaled, forced onto Derek's claws by Deucalion himself while the twins held him and Kali held of Isaac. Peter, Cora, and Malia were unconscious from the initial assault of the twins fused form.

I actually felt Boyd dying then and there. I ran out of the loft at full shifted speed as Alice tried to keep up. I appeared just as Boyd hit the ground and started choking on his own blood. I ran passed the 'alphas' bitch slapping the twins off of Derek and knocking Deucalion through a wall.

I grabbed Boyd as he fell and pulled Derek's claws off of him. I started taking away his pain in vast quantities as black veins formed all over my body. The agony ripped through my system like liquid fire, and still I took more. I took it all or as close to it as I could while my body started shaking like I was having a seizure.

In truth Boyd should be dead, and with me taking so much to the very brink of death, I should be as well. I collapsed then and there as my body spammed and my eyes glowed, lighting the room in neon green. For a moment the room shifted to black before returning to a now pale green color.

Alice seemed to have come out of nowhere and back handed Kali as she came close to me. She carried me in a blur back to the loft where she left me on the bed. I was dimly aware of her words as she told me what happened over the next few hours.

It seems Boyd survived though he'd returned to being human as far as they could tell. Whatever they did drained the demon and wolf right out of him, leaving only the human side. On the bright side he seems to have kept his mind scape in tact, well mostly as there was some damage from the wolf disappearing.

Deucalion and his pack left right after we did leaving a warning for Derek to join or die. Alice seemed he'll bent on getting me back to my feet so she hunted fresh animal blood and drained them for me. After a day and a herd of deer's blood I was able to move around on my own again though weakly.

She sighed at my movements before saying. "You did the right thing."

I nodded slowly. "I know. He didn't deserve to die like that, I only wish I'd have heard what he was saying."

Alice frowned. "He was asking what happens on the eclipse."

I sighed. "Ahh, that. Well, werewolves loose their powers for the time of the lunar eclipse."

She chuckled. "As if you need that right now."

I shrugged. "It's in a few days so I'm not too worried. Though I wonder how Erica is doing. I hear she's in the hospital."

Alice nodded. "The twins through her head first into the stair case. If she were human she'd be dead, since she's not it's just taking more time to heal."

I sighed. "Well, I hope for their sake she does it soon or Derek will be in deep shit as the eclipse is the same night as the full moon. I don't think I can survive doing that so soon after last night."

She nodded and sighed. "We can only hope for the best now."

I sat down and began meditating to continue where I'd left off for now. The next day we found out Jennifer took Scott's mom and with the first of the lunar cycle about to hit they'd barely managed to get Erica out of the hospital.

Isaac stuck with Allison as they'd went with Chris to find the Darach. Chris gave himself up after tasering Isaac and handcuffing Allison to the vault rail in the bank. Scott had freed them but Came to late with Deucalion.

They went to Deaton with hope that he'd be able to lead them to the Nemeton when Derek and Peter failed. When they made their sacrifices to find it, Deaton had used the mountain ash protections to stop Isaac from turning during the process of helping Allison.

When I turned that night I felt healed somewhat though I knew I wouldn't be at full power until the next night. I went on a massive hunt in the forest eating everything from birds to squirrels and hogs. I took down nearly a herd of deer and boar and emptied out all signs of life for miles.

When the wolf was sated I drained the bodies of blood as I lapped it all up. Alice joined in as I forged myself and she had a meal of her own. I massively overfilled for a werewolf or vampire but just enough for myself. Come morning I felt much better as I rinsed off the blood and gore in the shower at the loft.

The next night I shifted and went to the distillery with Alice following behind me. We watched in the shadows as Deucalion and Scott called Jennifer our and she showed up with a shifted Derek. Alice rubbed my head as we watched them fight and eventually stall enough for the eclipse.

When I shifted back into human form with the eclipse's influence, I continued to watch as Jennifer beat Deucalion for a few minutes till Derek spoke. "He doesn't know! He knows the cost of Kali and the rest joining his pack, but he's never seen the price you paid."

Jennifer snarled. "You're right."

She knelt down and restored Deucalion's sight to him. He screamed in pain as was forced to see her real face. When she went to finish him off Derek told her. "Healing him weakened you, just like it did me when I healed Cora. Don't worry it'll pass in a few minutes for you. By then the eclipse will be over though."

She pleaded with him to finish Deucalion off and he refused. When the eclipse passed she shoved him back and threw up a hand full of mountain ash as her powers slowly came back. "It doesn't matter then. In a few minutes the guardians will be sacrificed and I won't need a eclipse even to kill a demon wolf."

Scott did his transition as he finally accepted his nature. The mountain ash barrier shattered from the burst of power that accompanied the change. Scott told her. "Stop the storm or I'll kill you, I don't care what it does to the color of my eyes."

I felt my father in the room just as Deucalion moved saying. "It won't change the color of mine."

I lunges at Jennifer as Alice repelled Deucalion. I tore her throat out and ended her life, absorbing the power she'd gathered into myself. Alice flew passed me as Deucalion spoke in a deep voice beyond human vocals cords capabilities. "I see you've finally come my son."

My eyes glowed as I snarled and went to attack him head on. It being a full moon and him being in a freshly possessed body gave me the edge and he knew it. After a moments decision he shoved me back and exited Deucalion's body in a bloody mist that left in a hurry as I chased it roaring.

When it hit the woods I went back in case he circled back to possess one of them again. As I arrived the moons hold over me broke as it left its apex. Alice was standing there with Deucalion, Derek and Scott. I shifted back and took the clothes she had ready.

She explained what that was to them stopping when Deucalion spoke. "It felt wrong, evil to its core."

I snorted. "That's dear old dad for ya. Evil to the core. A pity about Jennifer, but I simply couldn't let him take that power for himself."

Scott asked. "What happened to it then if he didn't take it?"

I grinned. "I took it. I'll be refining it and using it to reinforce the cage I've built for fear old dad when I catch him."

Deucalion frowned. "Why don't you just kill him?"

I shook my head. "Beings like him are eternal in every sense of the word. They can't be truly killed only imprisoned."

Derek seemed enlightened. "The reason you couldn't help before. He's the bigger evil you're preparing to fight."

I nodded slowly. "He is. Now is where I tell each of you to stay out of it or I'll kill you myself and spare you an eternity of agony of falling under his power."

They shivered as I let them feel my resolve. "So stay out of it."

Deucalion backed away as he'd received the brunt of it. "You'll receive no problems from me. I want nothing to do with that thing."

I smiled and reigned in my bloodlust before raising a hand to his head and making him flinch. I put my hand over his eyes and put a little extra power into the spell that Jennifer used, healing his eyes permanently. He flinched again I told him. "There, now your eyes will stay healed. She didn't put enough power into it before probably because she thought she'd kill you right afterwards. Now it'll stay healed."

I turned to Scott. "Congratulations on becoming a beta in its full glory."

I turned to Derek who was still in wolf form. "Go to your pack. I think they've ignored your orders as they're not far from here at the nemeton."

He darted off as I turned to Deucalion. "This town no longer welcomes you. Leave by morning or you'll wish Jennifer had finished you off. And don't use your connection to the Hales to wiggle back into their good graces either."

He shivered. "You know?"

I chuckled. "The smell is unique to you, Derek and Cora. It's not hard to guess Talia chose a man like yourself to father her children."

He sighed and left not long after that. Scott frowned. "Shouldn't we stop him?"

I shrugged. "If you're going to kill him do it yourself, otherwise he's already leaving town. His pack is destroyed so he's only an omega with some extra spark."

Alice and I left him standing there as we went back to the loft. Later I heard about the ground caving in around the nemeton in an effort to kill them and complete the sacrifices before Jennifer even got desperate. I told Derek when he informed me of it. "It was probably my father trying to add power to Jennifer before he planned to kill her and take it for himself."

He left it at that as the last night of the moon cycle hit and I stayed in with Alice. We'd hunted enough in the past few days and now I was spending the extra power and time reinforcing the cage and traps. While I did so everything about it had become marginally more solid.

It even had a feel to it as I mentally grasped the bars of the cage and wondered if I could add more to it. With that thought I took another leaf from the fiction universe and added the prison planet and void of a collapsed black whole bound by two stars creating a far more powerful version of the maw prison planet and void itself where the sink hole resided.

With the black hole there time distortion made it impossible to continue building more parts to the cage. It took so much power to make that it drained me of all the sacrificial energy and all of my physical and mental energy.

I stood up weakly as I'd finished at sunrise. I made my way to the kitchen where I cooked several steaks and burgers to replenish the strength I'd used up. Alice helped as she'd noticed my weakness. I was still pale as I explained what I'd done to her.

When I finished talking she sighed. "Well you've certainly done all you can to prepare for him."

I shrugged. "Maybe but we're talking about an entity older than time itself. The moment I show any form of weakness I'm dead and he wins."

She sighed. "Then we do it together. I'll hold the keys to the cage while you hold the cage itself. Give him no way out this way."

I thought on it for a while before nodding. "That could work. It'll take some time to build it into the existing design but it could definitely work."

Next chapter