
Spell System In Harry Potter

Author: Ghastly468
Ongoing · 155.8K Views
  • 9 Chs
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Chosen by the dark God of chaos to be his champion, Dwight Young is reborn into his favourite book series, Herry Potter, with a system. Watch as he plots to become the most powerful wizard of all time by any means necessary, even if he has to fall into the darkness and not come back.

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Chapter 1The Dark God

I stood there watching the place burn, I could feel the horrified eyes of the townspeople on me.

But I wasn't concerned with them because something very peculiar was happening, in the back of my mind, I could hear a raspy voice calling out my name.

"Dwight... Dwight Young" the voice said

"who are you?" I whispered to my self

"I am the Darkness, I rule all of Chaos and destruction, and you will be my champion" the voice declared

I was very calm, calmer than anybody should be at this time, but that was because I didn't really care about this 'Darkness'

"No." I said

"..." the Darkness was silent for a moment "why do you decline, it would be most beneficial to you, I could make you powerful, and give you anything you want, all you need to do is carry my favour as Champion, which basically means doing dark deeds and becoming powerful enough to defend my honour and title as the most powerful God on earth"

My mind quickly started to think.

Power he said, he would give me power and all I needed to do was to do 'Dark Deeds' and become powerful, It was tempting to say the least.

"what do you mean by decent you title?" I asked to voice as I started to walk away from the burning house that used to be mine.

"My sister, the Goddess of Heroes, has chosen a mortal champion and given him powers of the comic book hero you call 'the flash', I intend to do soothing similar with you, and if your paths cross, you would be obligated to fight to the death, that is what it means to be a champion of Darkness" he explained as I walked down the dark street.

The more he talked the more I wanted to accept, but I didn't yet, I needed to know what I was getting into, I wasn't some dumb hero in a story that would dash at any chance to help, I wanted to gain more than I had to give and so far it was even.

"You have chosen me as your champion, but I want one more thing"

"Name it And we shall move on to the next topic, your wishes as my champion"

"I want more than just power, I want your power"

"..." the darkness was silent once more, seemed I had asked too much

"it can be done, but only with several restrictions..." or maybe not.

"What are these restrictions?" I asked

"I can not tell" he said "you must find out on your self"

So far the odd we're in my favour but I was concerned with what I would do with my wishes as Champion, with so many possibilities it would be hard to choose, but did have one already figured out.

"Ok, now what are these wishes you speak of?" I asked as I continued to walk down the dark empty street

"You may choose two things, one is a place to go, be it another world or another time, the next is a special power, like the other champion, you may choose from a book or hero to base this power off of, so what will you choose?"

Guidelines, this was perfect, with these it narrowed down my choices considerably, and it was only with a moment of silence that I made my mind.

"I want to be reborn in the Harry potter world, it was always my favourite and I would like to live a life of magic this time around, and lastly, I want a system-"

"Say no more I was hoping you would say that I already had one picked out for you, but just remember a system is a gods greatest gift, you may have one, but so do most other champions, goof luck... This may hurt a little" and it was with those finally word that my world turned black and a tearing sensation spread over my body, it was like my every cell was being torn apart and put back together then the pain changed to one of burning, then it changed again back to tearing, it was an endless cycle of burning and being torn apart.

Not being able to scream made my pain all the worse, then I saw a light.

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