
Chapter 46: Unshaken

September 28, 2020 11:57am:

I hope you are still willing to follow my writings. This journey we are on. My walk with God.

I know God has always been with me, because I've asked Him to. Even at a very young age. Precisely and fully commited at the age of 6 years old.

Before my dad passed away his wishes for me and my twin sister was for us to learn more about God. So I have been on this journey basically ever since. I know Christ lives.

And because Christ lives we can face tomorrow. Many of you might know which song I'm referring to. Anyway, the Savior is always mindful of us.

Through God's spirit. There is a lot of confusion on the Godhead or trinity, but The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints makes it easy to understand.

You may be surprised but I am currently not a member of the church anymore. I was going through a hard time missing my wife and I told them to take my records out of the church. My father figure in the church didn't even talk to me about my request.

So that's kinda weird. But they did it. My walk with God has not slackened though.

There are many reasons members of the church have been leaving. You know why? Because more and more people are realizing that they don't need another human to confess or talk to about their sins.

A bishop, apostle, or prophet don't need their hands in your salvation because Jesus is the final authority. Jesus says He is the only way to God. Again, not through anyone else.

I agree that we need leadership to help guide us but not to control us. Only you and God can determine your "worthiness." All you need to do is call on God with faith and you shall be forgiven.

I know when I have been forgiven and I know when I have sinned. No man can determine that. Your salvation is between you and the Lord.

No man is perfect only the Savior. So don't feel distraught. Clinge to the hope that the scriptures and your spirit is telling you.

Find the good and keeping doing you on your path. Ultimately the path to true happiness and joy. You will conquer.

We will conquer your demons on this journey through what we all call life.

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