
Chapter 47: Turning the Page

October 2, 2020 3:24pm:

I think I'm going to be a rock star..

Anyway, last night I received the letter.. About divorce. Not the greatest thing in the world..

I still love my wife. We haven't been married for very long. We actually eloped back in February 18, 2020..

I guess vows don't mean much to people anymore.. I mean my grandparents on my dad side were married for almost 60 years. Because they never gave up on each other.

This is truly a tragedy in my life because I still love her. But because I love her so much I'll set her free. I never want to control her.

So yes, this is where I have been the past half year. 3 months in jail for something stupid all because she left me 2 days after my birthday back in May. And yes, jail is not a fun place to be.

Granted I lost over 20 lbs being there. So you want to know that stupid thing that I did? I kicked around some rich guys lanterns in his yard and they happened to be expensive.

I know, stupid but hear me out. After my wife left me one of my friend's fiance left him the exact same day, so we packed up to leave to Colorado. Well that was the plan.

Anyway, long story short we couldn't find a rental car that we could afford so we parted ways and I went back to my lonely apartment. Well I left my bag in our taxi and my meds were in the bag.. Yes, I tried to get my meds back but they claimed there was no bag to be found.

I had a book in it, my wedding ring, my laptop, and the meds all in it.. So ya, I wasn't get that back.. So I was without meds for a week.

So I got delusional and ya kicked some lanterns.. Which leads me to today. Which is not a bad day at all.

I have really good friends who support me and I don't know where I'd be without them. It's truly my wife's loss. We will see how it pans out on this journey.

Anyway, my friend Josh and I are getting our band together here in Springfield, Missouri called the Rollicking Gentleman's Club. We are going to be focusing on sending messages of love, hope, and encouragement. So I'll keep you guys updated on all of that.

Remember, make your dreams your goals and never look back.

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