
Chapter 5: The Dragon has Returned

April 3, 2020 9:14am:

For many years now we have somewhat lived in peace as a whole, but now that dragon has returned. What will you do to prepare? Are you prepared?

Satan is the dragon and he is looming and looking for to whom He shall devour. Don't let the bard of the devil lull you away. It is only through Christ Jesus that we will be saved.

Don't give in and never surrender. The devil and his minions are around the corner. There is no need to fear.

We need prayer more than ever for there is true power in prayer. Don't forget to meditate in prayer on the Lord. Wait upon Him and He shall come unto you.

Cry unto Him and do not procrastinate the day of your repentance for the devil is waiting patiently to claim you as one of his pawns. This is the time for all men and women to prepare to meet God. There is no time to delay!

Pick up your swords men of valor! Women of courage! We must slay the dragon before it's too late.

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