
Chapter 6: Storms of Life

April 3, 2020 5:51pm:

Satan will wage war and famine upon the land, but Christ is our strong tower. Again, God and His son are in the very details of our lives. They are overwatching from that mighty fortress.

Walls they will protect you with, but a gate will be present so you may have freedom. When the storm comes and beats upon you, you shall find refuge.

Power is in numbers, but when our numbers are even few, we shall overcome. Overcome the darkness that may beset us. Remember, walk in the light.

The world is in commotion. The ranks of sin are marching forward to try to overtake us, but you will find refuge when you call on your one true God.

"Sound the war cry, watch, and pray vanquish every foe today."

By this quote I don't mean to go and riot or anything. What I'm saying is do whatever it takes to protect your loved ones. This is not the time for recreation, it's the time for preparation.

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