

It's only Wang Shi giving a hundred percent while Suyin was only enjoying a free ride of his love and care. He has become her backbone in search of the murderers, providing all the resources and never complaints. But she....

"Stupid," James sat down straight and looked down at her, "Didn't you say Honey had started to warm up to you?" she opened her mouth to say something but James beat her to that by adding, "When I started with Evan, a wise woman had advised me to go slow in a relationship. The faster you go the faster it will end. Any idea who she was?"

Seeing Suyin shook her head cheekily while pointing a finger at herself, he hit her forehead. "Of course it was you. Things are going smoothly between you two. Must you mess with it by hasting things?"

Suyin stared James for a few seconds making him conscious, and then hugged him suddenly, "My love expert! Just how many boyfriends have you charmed?"

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