

However, just then the door was pulled open from the inside, and there stood Suyin with a smile plastered on her face, wiggling her brows comically. Thanks to Yuyu who was continuously looking back, Suyin saw Honey. Moreover, their short height was a giveaway.

Honey gulped.

The old butler stood rooted, battling if he should run or stay. He was pulled into this mess by force by the little masters of the house.

"Little fairy, you want something?" 

Honey "...." 'Yes, my traitor sisters who are sitting on the couch, licking the cupcake.'

Honey alternated his eyes at his sisters and then at Suyin.


"I like it. Thanks for the gift."


"My sisters,"

"They are sleeping with me tonight. Thank you for sending them." Suyin beamed, looking over the shoulders, and the two girls pecked their heads like chicken. "I have taken permission from your aunt already."

Honey "..."

"B-But me--"

Next chapter