
Training (2)

Raina's PoV

After separating from onee-chan, I along with Akeno-senpai and Asia-chan went to a training ground that we created early in the morning using magic.

Onee-chan assigned both Asia-chan and Akeno-senpai to me, as [Bishops] like Asia-chan are those who excelled in the usage of magic and Rias' [Queen] Akeno-senpai is one who mainly fights using magic.

"I'll first assign Asia-chan's training task." I said to Asia-chan.

I then walked over to a part of the training ground and created 3 target dummies for her to practice on.

"Asia-chan I want you to create a projectile thay heals your allies." I said to her and then pointed at the dummies, "Your sacred gear [Twilight Healing] can heal any race, what I want you to do is create a projectile that would only heal your allies. If it hits your enemies it shouldn't heal them. Maybe also create something the blinds your enemies."

After she was given the task Asia-chan nodded and go towards the shooting area. She tried to create a projectile but after releasing it immediately disperses.

Seeing that Asia-chan was training I then went over to Akeno-senpai who was waiting for me.

"Akeno-senpai uses Lightning magic if I remember correctly." I asked her to be sure as I didn't have a chance to see her fight during the rescue of Asia.

Hearing my question she nodded with a serious expression.

"Can you show me what you can do with it?" I asked as I created teaining dummies once more.

Hearing my question Akeno-senpai nodded and attacked the dummies with various different lightning strikes.

Seeing this I thought of Ilya who also uses lightning magic. Although nowadays she uses her [Divine Forge] the most, back then she uses the traditional magic swordsman way of fighting. Using swords and magic in succession. One of the way she uses magic was through the use of lightning to enhance her speed.

Doing so would let her achieve speeds that would outclass even most high class Gods. Of course thats only if she goes all out. However doing so would put a strain on her body giving her muscle pain for a few days depending on how intense the usage was.

Another applications she did before she created [Divine Forge] was through using lightning as weapons. Similar to how Fallen Angels create spears of light.

"Akeno-senpai, Your magic has already reached the level where you can fight with Riser's peerage, of course I haven't seen them so I wouldnt be too sure. Since your magic already reached such a level I want you to learn how to fight in close combat."

Based on what I know [Queens] have an overall boost in every category unlike the other pieces however unlike the other pieces the boost is evenly distributed as such unlike the other pieces each specific boost is lower.

Hearing me say that she raises an eyebrow.

"Queens receive benefits evenly unlike the other pieces that are more geared towards a more specific style of fighting. As you are now is like an inferior version of a bishop. The other boosts that you have from being a queen are wasted. Even as a queen you still have some benefits as a close ranged fighter. Situations will come when you are being pushed by your opponent in a close quarters battle having some knowledge in melee combat will be helpful im such cases." I explained to her.

"There are two techniques I want you to learn. The first is [Ride Lightning]." Saying so I enveloped my body in lightning and disappeared appearing behind her. This was [Ride Lightning] a spell I learned from Ilya.

"The next one is [Form Lightning]" I said behind her startling her as she looks back at me. I then formed a lightning spear and twirled it around a bit.

"These two techniques will be really helpful in situations when your against a melee opponent such as a knight or a rook." I explained to her.

"You will first learn [Form Lightning] as [Ride Lightning] requires a lot of control and is really dangerous without the needed control."

Ilya was truly a genius to create techniques like [Ride Lightning] and [Divine Forge] which are extremely hard to replicate. Probably only she can use [Divine Forge] effectively.

I then showed Akeno-senpai the steps on how to create a lightning spear. After teaching her I went over to  Asia-chan.

Asia-chan is progressing nicely, she can now hit the target, however it doesnt always work. Even though thats the case its still excellent progress.

"Hah, hah."

Coming closer I see that Asia-chan was panting heavily probably due to the over use of her sacred gear.

"Take a rest." I tell her before she feel to the ground.

"So how is your progress?" I asked her to know what she feel and what problems she encountered.

She then told me about the process of how she shoots her sacred gear. I then give her some tips based on my experiences using healing magic. Since the two are pretty similar. Of course minus the calculations.

After she rested up for 30 mins I then told her to run while using [Twilight Healing]. Her sacred gear can also heal her fatigue similar to recovery magic but more effective and can be used at any species or race.

I watch over the two of them as I give them tips on how to improve their powers. Unknowingly time passed and the first day of training has ended.

Next chapter