
Training (3)

Nanashi's PoV

I take the boy called Issei towards one of the training grounds that we made yesterday. The area is enhanced with a barrier so we can go all out and avoid destroying the area.

Me and Issei are standing opposite of each other. I then put my left hand in the sheathe of my katana [Lost Paradise]. I then look towards the shaking Issei and told him,

"...Try not to die." As I unsheathe my sword and swung my blade towards him using a move called Iai.

"Hiih!!!" He screams as he dodges my katana which cut some parts of his clothes.

I was told by Regena to just strike at his weak point, holding back just enough to not kill him or leave any lasting damage. Of course I also lowered my killing intent to allow him to get used to it and allow him to move.

Still he is slightly annoying me, what is with these amounts of openings if this was an assassination he would be dead hundreds of times over. Im surprised he even survived that encounter with that Fallen Angel and stray priest that Regina told me about.

If he doesn't improve by the end of this I'll kill him myself.


Issei's PoV

Im gonna die! Im gonna die! Im gonna die! Im gonna die! Im gonna die! Im gonna die! Im gonna die! Im gonna die!

The aura she is releasing is as if she wants to kill me. Regina-san why did you let her teach me! It should have been a big busty onee-chan!


Liliane's PoV

This girl is interesting, she is improving very quickly however her control over the power of destruction is abysmal.

Her control compared to the people I trained with before I met Regina is abysmal. If she was trained by my bastard of a grandfather she would have been killed already. From what I noticed she has been slacking off these past years. Not surprising I suppose.

Most of the pureblood class Devils don't train their bodies, even in magic they just let their demonic energy grow naturally. The only reason that pureblood Devils are even strong is because of their inherent powerful demonic energy if not for that they would be nothing.

From what I heard of there has only been one pure blood devil from the younger generation who even trains his body. Its a pity that he doesn't have the power of destruction otherwise he could really shake the underworld and may even be able to challenge the current devil kings.


Yun Yao's PoV

Im currently training this girl who is called Koneko, I have to say she really is quite strong however she really lacks the foundations. She just brute forces her opponents, she doesnt even have any knowledge on how to punch properly.

Her attacks are predictable and full of openings. What the hell were their master doing? The only one who ever had any formal training is probably only their Knight and Queen from what Regina told me.

Although the Knight still lacked im sure Regina can push him to greater heights the Queen however is wasting her potential in melee combat. She relies too much on her magic skills from what Regina told me. Raina should be able to train her with that as she can also fight with her staff.

"What are you doing! Punch properly like this!" I yelled at her as I went into a proper stance as punch her. She tried to block by crossing her hands but she still got sent flying.

"Thats the kind of strength that you should be able to show!" I said as I yelled at her. I lowered my power so close to her level and limited my own use of mana.

I wanted to see what she can do however I was dissapointed by what I see.

I then walked towards her and applied some basic healing arts on her to heal her bruises. Although healing is not my forte I still can do basic ones. Raina told us that we should atleast learn some healing arts as a first aid measure in case of emergencies which I agree with. Following her advice everyone practiced healing arts and although we cant be called an expert we can still do the basic treatment.

After healing my student I sighed and taught her how to punch properly.

"Position you legs like this, When you punch you need to move your hips and torso to generate more power. Keep your arms and fist relax before contact and as you punch exhale."

Following my instructions Koneko then punched at a boulder shattering it into pieces. Koneko looking at the power she displayed was in shock.

"If you master proper control of your body you can achieve even better strengths even against opponents who should be stronger than you.

Also another tip since your small, when fighting larger opponents use your weight to deal more damage. Normally opponents bigger than you has more strength and power. However one can still overpower them when using your body correctly.

Generally males always have more strength than us females however look at me, I definitely look very fragile however I can still send them flying." Saying so Yun Yao remembered a certain blue haired dog that she always fights with.

Koneko nodded her head in agreement as she was one of the people that got sent flying.

"Its all about control. Even in magic, theres a chance for weaker spells to beat stronger ones as long as the caster has enough magic. Im sure you saw Raina display this during the rescue incident right?" Yun Yao also heard of the details of that incident from Regina and Raina.

Koneko thought for a bit and remembered the moment where Raina broke the ritual magic.

"Are you talking about the ritual magic?"

"Yes, Raina is really skillfull in controlling her mana. With her mastery of mana control she created a technique that can counter magic. She is considered by some to be every spell caster's nightmare."

Raina is absurd in the usage of mana control. Possibly on Ilya and Medea can barely compare in the whole Regulus Dominion. Ilya has told me before that Raina is extremely hard to fight against using her [Divine Forge] cause she can just mess with the process of creating the weapons. Without bringing a sword that isnt created by [Divine Forge], Ilya would find it hard to counter as Raina is the fastest when it comes to forming spells in the whole Regulus Dominion.

Run Issei Run!

ImaginarySoracreators' thoughts
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