

Claire puts her radio down, standing by the table trying to get out of the cold rain. It's not long till Leon appears from the far back left. He waves up at her and she waves back down to him. He walks over to the pipes by the broken ladder, the broken pipe no longer spouting water. He pulls a nearby lever, and water starts pouring out onto the helicopter, smothering the fire.

"Alright, I think I can bet back into the east hall now," Leon shouts up to her, "I got a crank for the shutter, I'll open it up and meet you outside the chief's office,"

"Okay, see you there," Claire heads back inside, going downstairs and walks up to the shutters. She stands there, seconds soon turning into over a minute.

"It shouldn't have taken him this long to get here, should it?" She asks herself, "Maybe it's just taking him awhile to get past the helicopter," A sinking feeling starts to settle in. She suddenly hears faint gunshots. Claire drops the gear on the ground, running up the stairs and out onto the patio. She sees Leon running out of a door in the far right of the roof.

"What's going on?!" Claire asks as she grabs her gun.

"I don't fucking know, there's this giant guy, he just lifted the helicopter up!" Leon replies as he draws his gun. Suddenly, the door he ran through bursts open. A tall figure in all black leans downward and walks through, quickly turning to Leon. Leon shoots at it, but his bullets don't seem to have any effect, it's coat too dense for the bullets to penetrate. Claire brings up her gun, aiming at it, and shooting. Her bullet hist the fedora on its head, knocking it off, revealing it's head, which is covered in wrinkly, light blue skin. The thing stops looking down at its fedora on the ground.

"Leon, run!" Claire shouts. Leon takes the chance to run around the thing. It suddenly moves, swinging a fist at Leon. Leon barely avoids it as he darts through the doorway back into the station. The thing looks up at Claire with a cold, dead stare, sending a shiver down her spine. It looks down at the broken ladder, then heads for the door Leon ran through. She hurries back inside, going back to the shutter by the chief's office.

"Come on Leon, come on," She mutters. The shutters suddenly start to move quickly. As the shutters rise, Claire sees Leon furiously spinning a crank to lift the shutter up. Heavy footsteps can be heard stampeding towards them. Once the shutters are up, Leon pulls the crank out.

"Run!" He states before heading for the door to the chief's office. Claire grabs the gear from off the ground and runs for the door. Leon holds it open and she darts inside, Leon catching a glimpse of the thing before closing the door. Claire puts the gear down, quickly grabbing the heart key and locking the door. They back away as they hear the footsteps approach the door. There's a loud and violent bang against the door.

"That's not gonna hold," Claire states as her and Leon back away from the door, "Come on, follow me!" The two of them run for the secret exit as there's another bang at the door, part of the wall starting to crack. They go into the brick hall, closing the wall up, Leon clicking a thing into place to keep it shut. They hear a loud bang as the thing breaks down the door and steps into the empty office. Spotting a door to the left, it heads for it.

"I think Ben might know a thing or two about whatever that is," Leon states as he walks down the hallway, "Come on,"

"Whose Ben?" Claire asks as she follows him out onto the walkway.

"He's the guy with the key card, he's a reporter, mentioned blowing the whistle on the chief,"

"Can you not call that fucker that?"

"Sorry, blowing the whistle on the, fucker,"

"Thank you,"

They head into the elevator, going back down into the parking garage.They head for the door in the back, entering a small room that acts as the entrance to the prison. A small office sits in front of them, a window in the wall so people can look in and out of it. They turn right, to a door made of metal bars. They walk through, entering a long hall that goes down to the right. There's a split path to the left, and a few feet past that continuing down the path, is a wall made of metal bars, the door is wide open. They head through the path to the left, walking past unlit cells filled with zombies reaching out trying to grab at them, luckily the walkway is so wide Claire and Leon have plenty of space to avoid them.

They reach another path, going left and right. They turn left, walking into a small square space where a single, well lit, cell sits. Inside is a man sitting on a chair smoking. He's in a brown coat with an unfolded collar, a light blue button up underneath, the sleeves rolled up.

"Whose this?" The man asks as he gets up, taking the cigarette out of his mouth and holding it between his knuckles as he walks up to the bars.

"This is a friend of mine," Leon replies, "Claire. Claire, this is Ben,"

"Nice to meet you," Ben says, tilting his cigarette hand to the side, "You get what you need to get me out?"

"Not yet," Leon replies, "We need to know if you know anything about something we encountered in the station," Ben raises an eyebrow, "There was a tall figure, wearing all black. They had a coat, and a uh, what's it called?"

"A fedora?" Ben asks, the blood starting to drain from his face.

"Yeah, that's it. So you do know about it,"

"They really sent those? Oh my god, oh my god," Ben mutters, backing away from the bars as a look of concern comes across his face.

"What? What is it?" Claire asks, "Why are you making that face?"

"It's coming for us, it's coming for all of us,"

"What is coming after us?" Leon asks.

"We're all dead, we're all dead!" Claire reaches through the bars, grabbing Ben by his coat. She pulls him towards the bars and slaps his face.

"Calm. Down. And tell us what, it, is," She let's go of his jacket and he rubs his face, taking a deep breath.

"It's called Tyrant,"

"Tyrant?" They both asks.

"Yes. Umbrella made them,"

"Umbrella, the pharmaceutical company?" Leon asks with a raised brow.

"Trust me, they do a lot more than just make medicine. When I was talking to one of the chief researchers at their labs, I was able to sneak around. I saw one of them, and took pictures of a report on them. They're apparently clones of something, and they're used to take care of, people who know too much. If they sent one here, it must've been to eradicate any survivors, which means us,"

"We're not about to die to some freak in a fedora," Claire states, "How the hell do we kill it?"

"I have no idea, the reports didn't say anything about a weakness, if you encounter it again, just run, trust me. It's clothes are more than just for looks, they're bullet proof. Where did you guys encounter it? It wasn't down here was it?" Ben tries to look down the hall through the bars.

"No, it was back on the roof. There's no way that thing can get down here," Leon states reassuringly. Ben lets out a sigh of relief.

"That's good. Look, just hurry up and get those things for the panel, alright? I need to get outta here and find someone," He says, slight worry on his face.

Raccoon City Orphanage

"Let me go!" Sherry cries as Chief Irons pulls her into a room.

"Stay, here! And be a good girl," He states as he throws her in, quickly leaving the room and locking the door. She looks around the room, a bunkbed in the back left, and various toys are strewn about the room. In front of the bunkbeds on the left wall, is a large piece of cardboard firmly taped to the wall. This was her old room. She heads over to a large doll, turning it around and unzipping it, a wooden cube with various half symbols on it. She walks up to a small puzzle box, a cub missing. She places it on the box, and starts rearranging them in the proper order.

When the last one clicks into place, a small drawer opens up, a pair of scissors inside.

Next chapter