
Chapter 10: S1-E9: Witcher on the Wall 1/2

Chapter Nine: Witcher on the Wall

The Wall loomed over the trio, making Geralt realize just how tall the icy barrier was. Yet as they neared the black fortress, he'd feel the medallion quiver and shake around his neck. Staring up to the peak of the Wall, he knew that this thing was truly made from magic. It made sense since he doubted the First Men could have made this on their own, not even a thousand years of work. By the time they were nearing the walls of the castle, he had to grip the medallion as it rattled intensely, trying to ease the trinket reaction.

Castle Black itself was an old structure, dating back to the building of the Wall itself. The black stoned fortifications looked fitting for that claim, the place seeming to be in a constant state of reconstruction from what Geralt could tell. It showed how the Watch could barely maintain their base of operations with the limited supply of men, much less ones with the required skills to do such repairs. Yet he could tell this castle had a strong history to it, one that wouldn't yield even in this state.

The trio neared the heavy wooden gates which opened up from within as the guards called out their arrival. With the way open, the group could see into the large yard of the fortress, filled with recruits who were busy being trained and drilled. The gathered men were a mix of ages, yet mostly young to middle age from Geralt's estimates. They were dressed in the black leather uniforms of the Watch, simple garb that marked their low rank. The few rangers that drilled them wore more of studded leather armor and had impressive black cloak, the design having almost a feathered look to it.

The Witcher took his time examining the court yard, noting the surrounding walls all connected in one large walk way. There were only a few stairways or ramps up to this walkway, yet overall the design offered plenty of distance for archers to pick off attackers. At the far end was a platform that viewed over the yard and lead to a towering wooden structure, lift that went up to the top of the Wall. At the stage, two men watched the group arrive. Geralt recognized one being Benjen Stark, Ned's last surviving brother who had joined the Night's Watch before the Rebellion. Beside him was an older man, with short white hair and beard which was quite well kept. The outfit he wore was the finest leather armor and cloak out of the group, a show of his commander rank. His sharp eyes scanned the yard and then over the trio. Benjen leaned in to speak with the commander, who nodded and said something back.

By now Geralt's group would stop at the small stables to tie their horses while the Benjen and the Night Commander approached them. The First Ranger smiled as he looked to Jon. "Good to see you here Jon. I take the ride wasn't too rough?"

Jon chuckled, sharing a short hug with his uncle. "Can say we had some trouble on the road…although Geralt be best to detail that." He answered back.

"I think some introductions are at least needed." The old commander muttered. "Jeor Mormont, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch."

"Geralt of Riva. Witcher."

"Tyrion Lannister. Lord Tywin's second born son."

Both were formal, noting the Lord Commander's judging look as he eyed the dwarf and mutant. "Didn't expect for a Lannister to grace us. I thought all care for the Watch has been forgotten in the capital…well…besides being a criminal dumping ground." Jeor gruffly remarked.

"Thankfully I know the importance of the Watch. Besides recent events has me interested in getting the Night's Watch the aid it needs." Tyrion answered back. Geralt didn't expect the dwarf to sudden have such an interest, yet the events of last night attack was no doubt fresh in the noble's mind.

Jeor nodded. "Good to see someone at least care." Looking to Geralt, he'd step up close to stare right into those yellow cat like eyes. "Heh…when I heard they pulled you odd of the woods, I didn't expect your description to be true. Pale as a ghost and having eyes of a beast."

"Not going to be an issue is it?" Geralt questioned back calmly.

After a moment Jeor smirked and shook his head. "Considering how you deal with Wildlings and have the favor of Lord Stark, I feel your trust worthy. That aside though, care to tell me what happened during your trip here?"

Geralt nodded to his horse and to the wrapped up axe he had on the side of the saddle. Tugging the cloth back to reveal the fine steel blade, Benjen and Jeor gave surprised looks seeing the Thann weapon. The Lord Commander had an intense look in his eyes, not looking away from the weapon as he spoke. "Where and when?"

"Day south by the King's Road. Eight in total." Geralt answered in a low voice. "None of them got away. Jon even killed three of them by himself."

Jeor looked to the young man, making Jon glance slightly as if expecting the Lord Commander to be looking at someone else. "When news of that first raiding group was heard, we thought it was a fluke. Just a group that were mad enough to climb the far eastern end of the Wall. Now a second group in just two months…either their planning something or desperate." The commander muttered.

"More reason that you let me go beyond the Wall. Let me and my men scout the populated regions. If the Wildlings tribes are active and rumors of a new King…" He started before Jeor raised a hand to silence him.

"A matter to discus in later and in private." The Commander muttered before looking to Jon. "Besides, your nephew needs he be settled in first. Fresh uniform and cloak be a good start."

Benjen looked to Jon, giving a small nod. "Of course."

The young man looked to Geralt and Tyrion. "Guess I'll see you two later." Benjen placed a hand on Jon's shoulder, guiding him towards the keep to get him equip for the Watch.

Tyrion and Geralt watched them walk away before focusing back on Jeor. "Best we discuss matters at my office. This way please." The two followed the Lord Commander across the yard for the keep, yet moved up to the second level from a set of stairs. Entering the structure, they'd move down one hallway and through a heavy wooden door, leaving to a large office and study with a sleeping space set off to the side. Jeor moved to hang his cloak up before moving to his seat behind the large black wood desk, giving a tired sigh as he sat back. "Make yourself comfortable."

The two got their cloaks off and moved to take the seats set before the desk. Geralt took the time to look around the room, noting the maps and charts along one wall that detailed the different Wildlings tribes and their territory. One map showed the Wall itself, detailing patrols and stations, which was all focused on Castle Black. There were many other castles and forts along the Wall, yet from what Geralt knew, they were abandoned or were barely maintained now. "Seems the talk of your group being under manned seems true."

"Guh…you don't know the half of it. Recruits we get are too few and incompetent. Our gear has become second hand at best. Food and supplies have been at least steady for now. As for the castle, it's worn yet holding together." Jeor rubbed the sides of his head, obviously frustrated with the matter. "Most of these men don't want to be here. Yet in the end I do my best to care and discipline them, try to straight them out and make them better men."

"An honorable endeavor. Of course that doesn't change the Watch's dire situation." Tyrion commented, making the Commander nodded in agreement.

"Which is where you two come in. Both of you have some say towards the other nobility who can support the Watch. We need real masons to get the castle fully repaired, siege weapons on the wall, expert trainers and able-bodied men. With these Wildlings sightings beyond the Wall, they can't ignore such requests." Jeor remarked back.

"So what was it you and Benjen discussed? He mentioned a King or something." Geralt questioned. "From what I read there isn't another official Kings on the continent…yet know the Wildlings at proclaim one as their leader."

Jeor chuckled at the Witcher's deduction. "You did your research well. Yes, we've heard rumors of a new King-Beyond-the-Wall. Every era a new one rises up and rallies the Wildlings tribes in an effort to get through the wall. Yet have no name for this new 'King' nor any idea of his plans. Only that the Wildlings are on the move…and fast. Something is forcing them more south and working together despite all their differences."

Geralt was silent, already thinking at the causes. He remembered the Thann's remark about what would come to all who died along with the dream vision he had. Did Ciri's battle with that crown horned creature cause something to happen in the far north? "I take you have a plan then to learn more about what the Wildlings are doing then?"

"Yes. Benjen is planning to do scouting with his most trusted Rangers and head into deeper territory. Meanwhile I'll be taking new recruits beyond the Wall for patrols. If Wildlings are making moves towards the Wall, we'll know for sure and then take measures to counter them." Jeor calmly stated.

"Seems you have it all planned out. In that case the best I can do is begin working on a letter for King's Landing to inform the King and Queen of you request." Tyrion formally stated. "For now though a hot meal and warm bed is needed."

"Of course Lord Tyrion. Just speak to one of the stewards and they'll sort out your accommodations." Jeor remarked back.

Tyrion have a small smile and nod. "Thank you Commander. Anyway until next time gentlemen." The dwarf moved for the door out, leaving the office.

Geralt thought over what to say as he looked back at Jeor who quickly reviewed over some logs. "Tyrion may seem like an odd fellow, yet he means what he says. Last night's brush with the Wildlings rattled him."

"Doubt the man been in a real fight before. Don't blame him, most don't seek it." Jeor muttered.

"Didn't stop him from putting a few bolts into the raiders." Geralt remarked back.

Jeor glanced up with a small smirk. "Seems it true that everyone has a surprise up their sleeve. That aside though, I take you have some other matters to share with me."

"Guess be best to get to the point." Geralt answered. "Has there been anything odd over the last two months? Odd weather, sounds or the like from beyond the Wall?"

The Lord Commander thought for a moment before nodding. "Aye. About that time we had a fierce storm surged up from the north. We thought winter was deciding to rush in early. Nearly sent a raven out to the Maesters in New Town of the news. I had half the men on the Wall to watch out for any surprise attacks or movements from the Wildling. Yet never in all my years here did I hear such sounds…almost as if the land beyond was howling in rage."

It all sounded fitting to what Geralt had seen in his vision, showing that Ciri's fight must have happened and the creature she battled having created that storm. "I need to go beyond the Wall then." He calmly stated.

"How far?" Jeor asked curiously.

"As far and wide as I need to. There is someone I'm looking for, someone who is close and dear to me. My adoptive daughter." Geralt started. He'd go on the long tale of Ciri, excluding the magical aspects about her yet relating the prophecy about her.

Jeor sighed as he the tale ended and already the Witcher had a bad feeling. "I'm not a man who believes in myths and prophecies Geralt. Perhaps the people in your lands believe that, yet few do here." However the Commander looked into Geralt's calm yellow gaze. "Yet you…the way you speak and stare unflinching. You are serious aren't you?"

"Don't believe in fate, destiny or prophecies. All I'm trying to do is find Ciri and make sure she's alive."

"I understand you reasons. Anyone would go far for family…" Yet the mention of that had the Commander's fist tightly slightly, no doubt over a troubling memory. "But you know I can't spare the men to do what you're planning. The risks are too high and don't aid our cause…I'm sorry."

Geralt sighed, not mad on the issue. "Its fine I get it. Still was worth a try asking."

Jeor couldn't help but chuckle. "At least you're truthful on the matter. Still if the King does give us the bodies and resources, perhaps we could work together."

"If you're in agreement then expect me to strongly argue your case back at the capital. I'll beat some reason into stubborn King Robert if just to get him to listen."

Jeor chuckled at the remark. "That aside, how long do you plan to stay Geralt?"

"Plan to leave with Tyrion. Have to keep him safe and ensure a speedy return back to King's Landing. Eddard wants me at his side before they arrive after all. Still, plan to send a raven, perhaps to one of the Keeps the royal caravan will be passing through on the way south or to King's Landing incase I'm delayed."

"Then you're free to do so. We keep the ravens close to Maester's Aemon's quarters where you can write your message as well."

"Thank you Commander Jeor." Geralt moved to stand up. "If you need anything else of me just ask."

The Night's Watch Commander nodded as the Witcher moved to leave his office, yet spoke up as Geralt reached the door. "One last question. Jon Snow. Is it true about slaying his share of Wildlings?"

Geralt glanced back. "Of course it is. He maybe young, but he was naturally skilled before I came along. Has a good sense of honor and bravery about him, trait you need in this bleak place. Don't push him aside…don't waste his potential." With that said, he'd open the door and leave the room yet could see Jeor thinking thoughtfully over what was shared

Geralt soon found his way to the Maester's quarters which were on the other side of the inner keep. Knocking at the door, an old voice spoke out to him. "Oh…come in please."

Entering the room, it was similar to Maester's Ludwin's quarters, being half a library and study with a large bed set in one corner. Sitting at one chair was possibly the oldest man Geralt had seen in this world. He was pale, almost having paper thin skin at a glance along with short white hair that just crowned his head. The Maester's eyes were a dull pale, a sign of the man being blind as he'd look blankly at Geralt.

"At last…so you're the Witcher I've heard. Geralt of Rivia." The man remarked, his voice clear yet having an aged tremble to it. "I had a feeling you'd visit me soon after arriving."

"How do you know I'm really Geralt? You've never met him after all." The Witcher questioned.

The Maester chuckled, nodding. "True. Yet I can say I've never heard anyone step as silently and sure as you. No one here moves in such a way…and considering the tales of you...well who else could it be." Although the man did shrug. "Then again I could be guessing…an aged bluff if you will."

"Heh at least you have a sense of humor." Geralt jested, making the Maester grin in amusement. "I take your Aemon? I was told to come here to get a raven sent south."

"Yes…I can imagine you must have an important report to share. Parchment and ink are over by that desk." The Maester answered back, pointing to a writing desk across the room. "Haven't written in years, yet often my steward does that duty for me when messages need to be sent."

Already Geralt moved to the desk, getting a fresh bottle and roll of parchment out. "Sounds like you've been here for a long time Maester." He muttered as he'd get a good quill and dab it in ink to begin writing.

"Very long yes. Between the many years becoming a Maester and then coming to the Wall…nearly half my life overall." Aemon remarked.

"The path of a Maester is a long while. Luwin is quite aged and I know he took many optional topics before joining the Starks." Geralt commented as he continued to write.

"Aye…Luwin is quite a knowledge Maester. We often chatted for hours whenever the First Ranger visited Winterfell for supply and recruits. But I'd distracting us…I'm one hundred and two if the dates are correct."

The Witcher's writing paused as he'd glance at Aemon, the old Maester look towards him yet his gaze distant at the same time. "You're joking right?"

Aemon shook his head, giving a soft grin. "I do not jest you Witcher. I'll admit the lessions of Old Town helped me maintain my health, yet the Wall to me kept me enduring. Perhaps it's the fresh cool air that flows over its peak? In the end I plan to serve my duties as full as possible and advise our Lord Commander."

Geralt smirked a bit. "Heh, you remind me a bit of my own master." He muttered as he continued to write. "Vesimer was…well…the oldest Witcher I knew. Master fencer and wisest of our group. Must have been around your age until his death. You two get along I think sharing stories and picking at each other's knowledge."

"He sounds like an interesting man." Aemon remarked, nodding his head slightly. "I can tell you miss him. From how you speak of him he died fighting for what he believed in."

Geralt was surprised at Aemon's sense of empathy, especially with how the Witcher spoke bluntly in tone. Then again it was hard not to think fondly and sadly of his teacher, since even after the many months of his passing it troubled him still. "I do…yet Ciri, my adopted daughter misses him more. Still we avenged him in the end. Metaled the bastard's face off and crushed his head." He muttered, thinking back on the tense battle on the Hags Mountain.

"Yet that doesn't ease the loss does it?" Aemon calmly stated. "I know loss well. My family is all dead or lost. It is a sad truth yet one I accept and remember. Never let a memory burden you but drive your conviction to press on."

At this point he wondered if the Maester was a mind reader at this point. "What is the point of you sharing such advice with me?"

The Maester smiled softly. "Because it is what I do best and in the end master Witcher, even you need guidance."

Pausing, Geralt sighed at the aged man's answer. "Heh…want to hear a truth about me Aemon. Maybe a bit unbelievable."

"Considering the long letter I received detailing your Witcher upbringing…it must be quite the surprise."

"Truth is I'm over ninety. If you could see me I'd look about in my fourties at least, though the scars and pale skin makes that difficult at times."

Aemon was silent, yet his eyes had a thoughtful look. "The potions and experiments you went through young. The letter said they changed you yes? Physically enhanced you to peak condition. I've heard of such concoctions yet such studies have been outlawed by the Maesters for the dangerous and unethical uses it has lead. By logical such changes no doubt affect your life span, preserving your body twice as long. Yes…it makes sense and is fascinating."

"Can say I've never heard of a Witcher dying of old age. Always it comes down to the claws of a beast or the blade of another."

"As it is with most in this cruel world." Aemon muttered in agreement. "Bah, but I distract you from your work master Witcher. Finish your letter. We have plenty of time to talk later."

Geralt realized he had finish only a third of his writing, making him smirk as he'd move his quill about to continue. Soon he'd finish his message and check over it.

To Lord Eddard Stark, Lord of the North and new Hand of the King:

I have arrived safely to the Wall and Castle Black yet faced another group of Wildlings. Jon and Lord Tyrion are safe yet this shows that something is stirring beyond the Wall. Lord Commander Jeor has already shared the many difficulties which I will personally share on my arriving to King's Landing with you and King Robert. Lord Tyrion also shares an interest in supporting the Night's Watch along with other matters of importance, in sight of debt for saving his life against the Wildlings. Overall be on guard and watch your daughters closely.

From, Geralt.

Rereading his letter, he'd nod as he'd roll it up and seal it with the mark of the Night's Watch. "Where are the ravens kept?" He'd ask Aemon who had remained in his seat the whole time.

"Just out that door." The man pointed to a side door that lead to a walkway leading to the roof of the keep. "Mind Nasr though. He's a snappy one."

"Uh…right." Geralt left the room and headed up to the roof where there was a small single room set at the top, a mix of a storage and rookery for the ravens. The black birds cawed and murmured as he entered, no doubt wanting attention or the chance to spread their wings for a delivery. "Sure not like a dove." He muttered as he moved around the room, yet noticed one of the birds hop from perch to perch towards him.

"Give it here!" It suddenly said, its voice a low bellow in tone. Hoping to a spot before Geralt, letting him get a look of the bird. For one it was odd in feather color, having a gray tint about it and a chipped deep black beak. "Give it here!" It repeated before leaning in to snap at his hand, making him pull back.

"Guh! Chatty and snappy!" He growled, waving at the raven who fluttered away. "Take your Nasr huh? Trouble maker for sure."

"Yes me!" It murmured back, rocking about on the perch almost in a boasting manner.

"Smart ass too." He muttered as he'd go to another raven which was marked under King's Land. From what he understand, a Raven could only learn two locations, a destination and home. Getting his letter in a small tube and securely attaching it to the bird. "Alright…so take this to the King's Landing then."

The raven cocked its head before Geralt moved to open the cage door it was in. Quickly the raven was off, cawing as he flew away southward and out of sight.

"You smart ass!" Nasr spoke out, making Geralt look back at Nasr who gave a long cawing sound that he could only describe as chuckling.

At this rate he wondered if it was some magical bird or not yet with the Wall close by he couldn't tell. "Guh...chatter all you want." He grumbled as he'd leave the noisy room and head back into the main keep. Aemon was asleep in his chair, making Geralt shake his head in amusement, although he'd get a light blanket for the old Maester. He'd slip out of the room and head for the guest quarters, eager for a little rest after the long few days of travel.

Geralt woke up at the middle of the night, hearing knocking at his door. Shifting out of bed with a sigh, he'd speak up. "Ugh…what is it?" He muttered.

A familiar male voice spoke up through the door. "It's Jon. I need your help, we have an issue at the…umm…gate." Soon after there were some faint voices speaking up outside along with a wolf howling out. "Shit! Just hurry up!" Before Geralt could react, he'd heard the young man hurry off.

"Damn it…" He'd hurry to get his boots and cloak on before giving chase, ending up outside in the yard. A group of five Night's Watch recruits were surrounding something in the center, while one of the Rangers, a gruff short grey haired man spoke out from behind them. "Calm the hell down! If you panic it's only going to lash out." Jon was marching quickly up to the group while Geralt followed up behind him.

There be a snarling sound of a wolf, making Geralt approach to see a white furred wolf which he recognized as Ghost, Jon's direwolf. He realized that he had forgotten about the canine during the trip up to the Wall. No doubt the wolf had followed them secretly and from Jon's orders too.

"Back off, he's not a threat!" Jon spoke up, moving towards the group and forcing his way through to get between Ghost and the other men.

"So you know this beast Jon Snow?" The gruff man sternly questioned.

"Aye. He's mine, found and raised him when he was little more than a runt." Jon proudly answered back. "Shouldn't have try slipping him into the keep. Should have brought him with me when I arrived."

"Quite impressive boy. Still we can't have that creature about. Not enough food even to feed it." The ranger argued back.

"Then I'll helve my rations. That should be enough to feed Ghost." Jon countered back, yet already the ranger was shaking his head.

"And have you starve? You'll be skin and bones within months."

At this point Geralt spoke up, arms crossed as he'd stare down at the group. "Then you obviously don't know a direwolf's worth."

Everyone's attention was on him, the man giving a scowl towards the Witcher. "Ah…so you're the mysterious Geralt I've heard so much about." The man muttered.

"Indeed. I remember you when I arrived training the recruits. Your name being?"

"Allister Thorne, Master-At-Arms. So then Witcher, care to explain why we should let this oversized wolf take up space here?" The ranger gruffly questioned.

"Because I doubt the Watch has ever gotten a trained dire world before. Ghost is only a few months old and he's a big as any hound. His sense of smell is twice as strong and he can stalk through wilderness without leaving a trace. Even I didn't notice him trailing us from all the way from Winterfell." Geralt calmly explained. "If you ever plan to go beyond the Wall, Ghost is someone you'd want watching your back."

Thorne stared down Geralt before glancing back at Jon and Ghost. "Lord Commander Jeor spoke highly of your Witcher and the mark of the Starks proves that too." Giving a sigh, he'd gesture for the recruits to back off. "Jon Snow…you'll keep your pet in line. If it so much as nips anyone else I'll have it thrown over the Wall. Understood?"

Jon didn't like the threat the Ranger made, yet kept his calm and nodded. "Understand Ser Thorne."

"Good. Anyway men back to your posts! No more distractions tonight!" He ordered the recruits, making them hurry back to their varying positions along the castle walls and towers. Thorne would march off for the keep, no doubt to report to the Commander about the dire wolf.

Jon sighed before petting Ghost's head, the wolf relaxing as well after that tense standoff. "Thank you for stepping in." He thanked Geralt.

"Should have told me along the way. Ghost could have been shot at by one of the men." Geralt complained back. "I understand your reasons, yet this was a stupid and risky move."

"It worked out though." Jon argued back.

"This time. Better to be up front instead of working behind others, especially with those who can help you."

Ghost gave a small tilt of his head looking at Jon, almost as if taking the Witcher's side, making Jon sigh. "Fine…you have a point."

"First day and you're already making enemies too considering how you snapped at Thorne. I'll admit he's an ass, yet despite it he takes his duty seriously."

"From what Benjen told me he'll be drilling the new comers like me."

Geralt thought for a moment, nodding. "Then expect me to come watch. Curious to see how the Watch handles training and to make sure you don't cause any issues."

Jon gave a confused look and questioning chuckle. "Issues? What are you meaning?"

"Your rashness that's what. I saw how you eyed everyone and had your hand down at your sword. A part of you wanted to fight them, put your skills to the test. I know you could match up with most of the men here, yet I didn't train you just to misuse your skills." Geralt sternly explained.

"Why not? I need to show the Lord Commander I have the talent to be a Ranger!"

"I thought Benjen was going to accept you as one?" Geralt questioned.

Jon grumbled and glanced away at the mention. "Such a promotion is seen as…favoritism here, especially for noble born recruits, even bastards like me."

"Makes sense. Yet you know there is more to being a Ranger then fighting prowess. You have to show you have leadership and trust with your fellow brothers. Don't know how Thorne is a ranger, yet his form of leadership is through force and threat, something you shouldn't copy."

The young man was silent as he'd stretch Ghost behind the ears. "So what do you expect me to do?"

"Simple, train with the others like I did with you. Don't focus on beating them down but teach them what you know. They'll respect you more in the long run, even if it takes longer."

Jon nodded before glancing at Ghost. "Thanks for the advice Geralt. Anyway I should get Ghost settled in before he causes any more trouble. Also sorry for waking you up."

The Witcher smirked before turning to leave. "See you in the morning Jon." Reentering the keep, he'd return to his room and fall back into bed, sleeping the rest of the night away.

Geralt woke up early as usual, getting dressed in his mix of Witcher armor and light northerner clothing. He'd take just his steel sword for today while leaving his new cloak behind since it was going to be warmer today. Heading outside, the yard was empty at the moment, giving Geralt some time for himself. He'd check the open armory nearby where the most basic weapons where kept, finding the quality of gear to be quite lacking.

"Hardly any better then what those Wildlings had…" He muttered as he'd draw one of the swords to see just how worn out the weapon was. If this was the best the Watch had, then they were in serious trouble. "Better off giving them butter knives." Putting the weapon back, he'd soon hear the rest of the men getting up for training and chores. Heading back to the yard, he'd see Jon being the first out followed by Thorne and other rangers along with the young fit recruits.

"Alright everyone! Split into groups of three or four. Time to see what you new comers have to offer!" He ordered out. Everyone began to form into their own groups yet Thorne quickly spoke up to Jon. "Except you boy. You'll be part of my group."

Jon was silent yet stepped over to the Master-At-Arm's group which had three others already part of it. One was a dirty blonde haired young man, tall and sturdy looking from farming work. The other was a bearded fellow with a shifty look in his eyes, the oldest of this group of recruits. The last was a thin and well-kept young man who seemed the most calm of the group.

"Alright. Training armor and blades all of you." Allister ordered, pointing out to the ranks of training gear set aside. The group were quite to arm themselves and regroup, which at this point Geralt stepped up close, getting Thorne's attention. "Here to observe Witcher?"

"Just curious. Don't mind me." Geralt simply answered back.

"Of course." Thorne muttered before waving to Jon. "You're up first. Let's see what a castle raised bastard can do."

Jon didn't say anything, only taking a moment to fix up his training armor before stepping into the middle of their group circle. He'd eye the group of other recruits, trying to figure which one was the toughest or most skilled.

"Grenn, you first." Thorne ordered, making the dirty blonde haired man step up. Holding up his sword, it was obvious he didn't know how to wield it right because of his wide stance and low sword arm. Jon took his usual fighting stance, yet spoke up suddenly as Grenn seemed tense to charge.

"Hold your sword up higher."

Grenn gave a confused look, followed by the other recruits. Allister's look was passive, yet curious on what was going on. "What?" The young farmer remarked.

"Your sword arm is too low. If you attack it will be too obvious and if you try to defend you won't be fast enough." Jon explained. "If you just move your hand-"

"Jon Snow! What are the hell are you doing?" Allister snapped out. "You're supposed to spar, not chatter."

Jon looked at Thorne and then back Glenn. "Teaching him how to fight. You don't expect him to charge at me right?"

"It's my job to teach fighting Jon, not yours." Thorne argued.

Geralt smirked at remark. "Then by all mean's Master-At-Arms. Finish what Jon was about to say."

The Night's Watchman gave an annoyed look at Geralt before looking to Grenn who was still very confused on what was being argued over. "As Jon was saying. You should have your sword arm up more, hand by the hip and sword tilted forward. It's a basic on guard stance." He explained.

"Umm…like so?" Glenn shifted his stance as he got his arm into the proper position.

"Yes like that. At least you can listen to directions despite being thick headed. Now then fight!"

Grenn was the one to make the first move, giving a yell as he lunged in for a stab. Jon was faster though, back stepping and blocking the attack. Grenn stepped up, grasping his blade with both hands as he'd slash out, but the attack was wide and made it easy for Jon to parry. The young recruit stumbled back from the parry while Jon stepped up, sword up as he'd slash at Grenn's face, yet stopping inches from striking across his nose.

"Not bad. Still shouldn't have hesitated and gone with the hit." Thorne remarked as Jon shifted back while Grenn gave a small sigh of relief, even scratching the bridge of his nose in a hint of worry.

"Broken nose isn't going to do him any good." Jon answered back.

Thorne stared down Jon before shrugging. "Fine then. Alright, another round then!"

Again Jon and Grenn would spar, yet Jon fought defensively against the young man. Over time Grenn started to improve on his attacks and his own defense whenever Jon attacked back. In the end though Jon won as he'd land a solid strike across Grenn's chest, driving a grunt out of the sturdy recruit yet the training armor softened the blow.

Geralt was silent as Thorne directed the other two recruits, the gruff breaded one being Rast while the thin one was named Pypar. Over time the four rotated between each other, Jon subtly teaching basic moves and stances with whoever he paired up. Thorne watched, not saying much except for when to rotate groups. Overall he seemed bored with the training, no doubt wanting the recruit to just beat each other senseless with their blunt swords.

"Alright that's enough now!" He called out. "At least all the three of you can manage a sword. Jon here though shouldn't hold back so much though." Pausing, he'd continue to speak. "Clean your gear up and get it set in the armory. Dismissed." With that the Master-At-Arms left the group for the main keep.

"Quite the ass isn't he…" Pypar muttered to Jon with a small chuckle as they'd head for the main armory.

"A predictable one considering." Jon agreed with a small smirk.

"So wait you were seriously holding back?" Grann questioned as he joined up with the two. "Thought I was doing well considering."

"What you didn't notice. Jon here was dancing all around you the whole times while you were waving that sword about." Pypar jested, making Grann give a small annoyed growl and swipe at him with one fist although the slim recruit ducked to avoid it with ease.

Rast at this point spoke up, being the quietest one of the group. "So who taught you to fight like that?" He asked Jon.

"My father Eddard Stark, Sir Rodrik the Master-of-Arms of Winterfell and the man just behind you. Geralt of Rivia, a recent and trusted friend to my family."

The bearded man gulped as he'd glance back at Geralt, a nervous look showing when he got an up close look of the Witcher. Seeing the yellow cat like eyes really unsettled him, oddly more than most people the Witcher had met so far. "Not natural those eyes." Rast muttered as he'd hurry away from Geralt.

As the group reached the door of the main armory, Jon stop to quickly talk to Geralt. "Thanks for the advice from last night. Did work out quite well."

"Surprised Allister kept his calm during all that. Bet he was trying to think of an excuse to get you punished." Geralt chuckled. "Still, be careful around him. He's the type of man who doesn't like competition or his authority to be challenged."

Jon nodded in agreement before heading into the armory where already Grann was questioning him Geralt and his life in Winterfell. Seemed already the young man was getting along with his fellow recruits quite well, although something had Geralt questioning Rast's odd behavior.

As he moved to return for his room, before one of the Night's Watch Stewards approached him. "Master Geralt. Lord Commander Jeor and Maester Aemon wish to speak with you on important matters."

"Of course. I'll see them immediately." The Witcher answered back, making the steward nod and hurry off to his other duties. Geralt entered the keep and once more headed for Jeor's office. Inside the room he'd see Maester Aemon sitting beside him and Tyrion who was sitting in the same seat from before. The dwarf looked to Geralt and giving a small smile to the Witcher in greeting.

"You arrived quickly." He remarked while Geralt moved to sit beside him.

"Just finished watching training. Didn't have any other plans for the day."

Jeor nodded as he'd gather up some papers and slide them over. "Good because we have a lot to discuss. In like of your support, we've compiled a few lists that could aid the Night's Watch. Please take a close look."

Next chapter