

Both Tyrion and Geralt shifted through the papers which were split into different sections. Weapons, armor, supplies, specialists and more were detailed. It was overall a quite sizable list, yet considering the Watch's sorry state, all of it seemed required by the Witcher's thinking. Both took their time reading over the lists, yet after a while Tyrion whispered to Geralt. "They are asking for a lot…"

"And this is just managing the middle section of the Wall. Imagine if all three of the main castles were being manned. This list would be tripled in the costs." Geralt muttered back. "Shows why so many cuts were made to the Watch over the decades, even more when considering the Wildlings haven't been active until recent years."

"It take years to get all of this sorted out, that is if King Robert accepts these terms or the capital even has the funds to support it."

"Ah of course…budgets." Geralt muttered as he'd had the lists piled together and put aside. Look to Jeor, the Commander had kept a solid gaze at the two while Aemon stared into the distance, although he had an alert look on his aged face.

"Lord Commander. While I see everything on these lists as required, it will be hard to arrange everything considering the transportation distances and such." Tyrion explained to the Commander.

"I fully understand that. Overall if I can get a fraction of what was detailed it be a good start. Yet I feel providing proof may win Robert over." Jeor calmly stated. "The Thenn's axe will be worthwhile and if Benjen's scouting pays off, we may have more to show to the King."

"When did he leave?" Geralt questioned, curious since he had seen the First Ranger just yesterday.

"Last night before dawn. Benjen took only a few of his best men and went to scout the region the deserter had detailed. If we can find the bodies of his fellow brothers, we may find clues on what killed them…that is if their intact."

"It would have been a month since the deserter's scouting party disappeared. Why did it take this long for a serious effort to be done?" Geralt questioned.

Jeor sighed at the Witcher's harsh question. "Often such small scouting parties disappear, either be it ambushes, the wilderness or simply them running off. There have been rare cares of Night's Watch joining the Wildlings, yet the last confirmed case was decades ago. We rather not send good men or waste resources on such cases, yet with the increased Wildling encounters, that will change from now on."

"Glad you're taking this seriously." Geralt remarked although Jeor's expression hardened at the remark.

"I've always taken my duty here seriously Geralt. I've dedicated most of my life to the Watch and will tend to it until my passing. So long as I can command, swing a sword and walk…nothing with stop me."

"He meant no offence Commander." Tyrion pipped in, trying to calm the situation. "Overall this will take time, yet I assure you aid will come. I think after Benjen returns we will make haste of King's Landing and present your requests to King Robert."

"Good. Anyway there is nothing else left to discuss on the matter. For now continue to explore Castle Black and perhaps visit the top of the Wall when you get a chance. Again, thank you for your time gentlemen."

Both nodded as they'd get up to leave, yet in the hallway Tyrion spoke up to Geralt. "So when should we go to the top of the wall?"

"Heh I thought that was going to be the first thing you'd do when you came here." Geralt questioned.

"Just waiting for the right chance. Perhaps we can get Jon to come along, have a little goodbye party before we leave. That will be a memorable event!"

"Doubt the Night's Watch throws parties there...gets freezing at night time from what I heard."

"Bah…details details." Tyrion dismissed. "Just leave the planning to me while you keep Jon out of trouble and manage other manners." With that said the dwarf hurried off, leaving Geralt grumbling.

"From political agent to a party fiend…swear he's going to get me into trouble one of these days." Geralt decided to head off to the castle's libery. He wondered if the old tomes had any new stories or facts that he could research about the land beyond the Wall or perhaps answer who and what the creature Ciri had fought in his dreams.

The time in the library had been interesting, yet drew no success. Overall the books just gave more detailed recounting of the creation of the Wall, the building of its many keeps and the formation of the Night's Watch. Anything about the Child or the White Walkers were vague, making them sound more like obscure cultures then true supernatural beings. Yet the Wall was proof of magical influence, just he so far found no true answer to its creation. His medallion had humming and shaking constantly since arriving to the fortress, forcing him to keep gripping it to calm the enchanted item. After spending half the day and most of the night studying, he retired for the night and would awaken in the late morning just as Watchmen were finishing their training.

When he headed outside though, he'd see Jon guarding an overweight young man wearing an oversized set of training armor and looked bruised up from being beaten. Grenn, Pypar and Rast were all roughed up by the way they gripped at their guts or sides, panting in pain by the looks of it. Behind them Allister had an annoyed look on his face.

"Fine then 'Lord' Snow. If you care about Lord Piggy here, then you two can get night duty on the Wall. Expect you up there by sunset. If not then it's laterine digging for everyone here. Dismissed!" The Master-At-Arms marched off to the keep, passing by Geralt who he didn't even glance or speak too.

As Geralt approached the group, Jon moved to check on his companions who he chatted with, although Rast ignored Jon as he grabbed his sword and hurried off for the armory. "What the heck happened?" Geralt questioned.

At this point the chubby recruit spoke up. "I-It's my fault. Sir Allister wanted me to f-fight and I failed miserly. Couldn't even take a single hit Rast threw." Bowing his head, he'd sigh. "I am a coward like father says…"

Jon could tell Geralt was confused, giving a small sigh and waved over at the fat recruit. "He is Samwell Tarly of Hornhill…well…was. Allister wanted to see what he could do, so he paired him with Rast. Knocked Sam down with one blow and beat him while he was down. I sort of…stepped in and Thorne ordered the others to fight me as some punishment."

"Didn't want to do it." Grenn muttered as he rubbed his sore gut. "Could have pulled that kick a bit more.

"Heh not as bad a Rast got. Solid blow to the groin. May explain why he was quiet, didn't want to share his new high pitched voice." Pypar chuckled. Everyone chuckled at Pypar's jest, although the young man always seemed to be the one with the best jokes to share.

"So night shift on the Wall. Seems this is a blessing in disguise. Tyrion was looking for a good moment to have his little Wall party, so what better then tonight." Geralt suggested after a moment of thought.

Jon and Sam looked surprised at the idea. "You're joking right?" The young Stark chuckled, doubtful about the Witcher's idea. Yet seeing Geralt's deadpan look, they realized he was serious.

Pypar smirked at the idea as he'd tug Grenn forward. "Are we invited? Always enjoyed parties. You've ever gone to a part Grenn."

"Well…festival once or twice." Grenn muttered, feeling as if he was being roped into more trouble.

Smirking, Geralt shrugged at the two. "Doubt Tyrion complain. Never is against fresh company."

"Think the dwarf's habits are rubbing off onto you." Jon chuckled as Geralt moved for the keep.

"I'd soon blame my old friend Dandelion for such a habit."

"Heh, with a name like that I bet. Never told me you had friends back home." Jon remarked.

"Well now you know. I'll tell you more tonight!" Geralt left the four recruits who were chattering about, Sam being shy yet welcomed by the trio. Heading for the keep, he'd head for Tyrion's room yet found the dwarf just about to leave. "Hold on a moment Tyrion."

The Lannister glanced at Geralt with a curious look, yet noting the small smile the Witcher had. "Let me guess, you have a crazy idea that will surely piss off someone stuck up and important."

"Heh…how you guessed that?"

"Master Witcher, knowing such matters is a hobby of mine. Now please share the details."

Night time cloaked the Wall and Castle Black, with the sky being clear and the northern winds being low for once. At the high top of the Wall though, a bright fire was burning and the sound of laughter could be heard as the small gathering enjoyed the view. With a little smuggling between the six, they had snuck up their dinner rations and Tyrion's last bottle of wine to enjoy the night away while sharing stories.

"So wait? You joined the Night's Watch because you thought it be a good career?" Tyrion chuckled after Grenn finished his tale about joining.

"Farm life just wasn't for me. After all grew up not knowing my real parents. Ma and pa told me I was a strong one, should try the soldiering life…yet always heard stories about the Wall and Night's Watch. Thought it be the best choice." The young man sighed as he'd eye his cup of wine, gulping it down with a sigh. "Last time I believe stories like that."

"Heh, don't worry yourself. Jon he was just as naïve about the Watch. Took half a dozen people to put some sense into his head." Tyrion jested, making Jon give an annoyed look to the dwarf. "What it's true."

Jon sighed, rolling his eyes a bit but grinning in the end. "Fine I did." He'd gaze at Sam next who had been the quietest of the bunch. "What about you Samwell? What drove you to come take the Black?"

"You said you're a Tarly? I remember reading about that House when studying about Robert's Rebellion. Randyll Tarly was the only commander to beat Robert's forces, although it didn't change the overall outcome." Geralt remarked.

Sam sighed and shrugged. "Yes father always went on and on about that. He's lucky Robert thought to spare our family despite siding with the Targaryen's, guess out of respect or something." Shaking his head. "Father didn't appreciate my focus in books and learning calling it 'womanly'. Yet when it became my naming day he…promise we'd go on a hunt in the woods and…well…kill me…make it look like an accident. So gave me a choice, stay for the hunt or go join the Night's Watch which I'm…here."

The dark tale had everyone silent, giving awkward looks between each other. "Well…not the worst noble disowning tale I've heard." Geralt suddenly remarked. "Still, sounds like your father is a bit short sighted considering."

"Always consider marital prowess and tactics over anything else." Sam chuckled nervously.

"Pride only gets you so far. Seen it be the bane of a dozen nobles in my life."

"Bah enough about nobles and disowning. Sure the Night's Watch isn't perfect yet look at you all…loyal brothers in arms." Tyrion quickly pipped in. The young recruits nodded in agreement as the dwarf got the wine bottle and refilling their cups until the glass was empty. "In the end you are the future of the Seven Kingdoms. The first guard against the savage Wildlings and the unseen threats of the harsh wastes!"

"To us!" The recruits chanted out, even the shy Sam joining in. Everyone gulped down their drinks, although as Tyrion finished his, he'd set his cup aside on an icy formation and move towards the small path leading to the edge of the Wall. "Anyway…just one thing to do. I made a promise back in Winterfell that I plan to keep."

Jon shook his head. "Well if you are, don't trip over the edge while you're at it."

"Oh my sister love to hear that news, yet I plan to disappoint." Tyrion answered back as he'd round the corner for a little privacy, already fiddling with his belt along the way.

Geralt sighed as everyone laughed. "Sadly I need to keep an eye on him. Be back soon." He'd hurry to follow after the dwarf while the group continued chatting about.

Rounding the corner, he could hear Tyrion sigh and the trickle of…well…fluids. He'd hang, just seeing the dwarf's cloaked back as he relieved himself. "Ahh…you know you should do this yourself. No doubt a man gets to piss over the edge of the world." The Lannister remarked as he finished up and fixed his pants.

"Sadly not on my bucket list." Geralt answered back with a smirk. "Still, may get a chance when I come back around."

"So you say." Tyrion sighed as he'd tighten his belt, yet suddenly squint his eyes as he noticed something odd far below in the darkness. "Either my eyes are seeing things or that is torch light."

Curious, Geralt stepped up to the Wall's edge and used his sharp vision to see far below through the dark. Indeed there was a light trailing through the line of trees and crossing the vast open space that distanced the Wall. It seemed a group of riders by the pace they moved.

"Sound the horn!" Jon spoke out, showing that the group had noticed the light despite their festivities. Someone among group hurried along, blowing one of the nearby signal horns once to alert of returning Night's Watch. Other yells could be heard of the other night shift guards along the other portions of the Wall as everyone became active at this point.

Geralt looked to Tyrion who had a more serious look about him. "Best we head back down as soon as possible." The dwarf nodded in agreement as the two headed for the grand elevator down, yet ran into Jon was heading for it.

"I'm going too. Need to be sure it's Benjen." The young man explained.

"Allister will have you flogged for trying to leave Wall duty. I understand your reasons, yet you need to stay up here. Could be troubling following whoever is returning." Geralt answered back.

"I hate it when you're right sometime Geralt." Jon sighed. "Fine I'll stay…yet when sunrise comes I'm heading down."

Geralt nodded as he'd open the door of the large wooden and metal elevator before stepping in, Tyrion following in. Tugging the call cord, the contraption quickly began to descend. Jon watched them giving a short wave before returning to rejoin his group. "I expected Benjen to come back in the morning. Wonder what drove him to come in the middle of the night."

"Well soon see Geralt. Best not to think of the worst outcome."

"It's habit to think that way for me." The Witcher muttered as they neared the bottom. Castle Black was lit up as most of the men were active, almost ready for an assault. Despite how understaffed and equip they were, they were quick to react and serious over this unexpected arrival. No doubt Jeor had drilled the men for such a situation. In fact the Lord Commander was at the for front, giving orders as the men were getting the massive iron gate that blocked off the long tunnel leading to the other side opened.

Just as Geralt and Tyrion arrived at the bottom, the heavy gate began to raise as the trio of riders came forward. First thing Geralt noticed was that they had two bodies slung over the back of their saddles. The leading rider tugged off a black face mask and hood to reveal it was Benjen. Hopping off his horse, he approached Jeor and quickly spoke to him while his fellow Rangers pulled the bodies off their mounts. At this point, both men looked to Geralt and Tyrion as the two came into view. "Witcher. Glad you're here. We could use your expertise on this matter." Jeor spoke out.

"Let me guess. To examine the bodies?" He questioned back, getting a nod from both the Lord Commander and First Ranger. "Guess I'm the most qualified next to the Maester yet his…blindness no doubt complicates that."

"Maester Aemon will be present during the examination. His vision maybe gone yet his mind is sharp enough to understand a detailed description." Benjen explained. "We'll have everyone prepared in a few minutes. Check at the infirmary when you're ready." He'd then move to join his fellow Ranger, directing them to the keep while Jeor ordered the men to close the iron gates of the tunnel along with having Watchmen settle down after the alarm.

"Seems celebration is over." Tyrion muttered. "I'll talk with the First Ranger and Lord Commander, see what lease they can share about this scouting mission."

"Appreciated." Geralt simply answered as he'd head off to his room to gather a few of her personal tools before finding the infirmary. The one of the rangers remained as a guard and tender for Maester Aemon who sat close to two worn tables that the bodies lay on. Overall the infirmary was very basic yet at least well stocked, although most of the bottles and supplies seemed very untouched, showing the Watch rarely had serious injuries or sickness break out.

The old Maester gave a soft smile and he heard the Witcher walk in, his gaze loosely following Geralt's path to the examination tables. "I take you've done an autopsy before? I'll admit for me it's been many decades since I've handled one back in Old Town." Aemon remarked.

"A few times. Last time it was tracking down a serial killer who harmed a friend of mine. Had a quite experienced doctor though to help me during it." Geralt answered back as he'd stand beside one of the tables. The two corpses was pretty much frozen stiff after a month exposed to the elements, yet at the least it had preserved it over that time. One corpse was intact yet the other had been beheaded, with the limb itself set beside body. "Either they were secluded or no scavengers where lurking around…which is odd." Glancing at the ranger, he'd continue to speak. "How far away where they from the Wall? Also who are these two anyway?"

"At least a day away on foot and half by horse." The ranger stated. "We did a spread out formation, keeping in sight yet covering plenty of ground. Slow process because of the pace yet that is what helped us find them. As for their names…I know the one with the head was a new comer is Waymar Royce of the Vale. Joined recent and got handed a Ranger position within the month." Pausing, the Ranger looking at the headless corpse. "That one is Gared. Tough old bastard and a capable ranger. Must have been caught off guard or outmatched to lose his head like that."

"Interesting…" Geralt muttered as he'd focus back on the bodies. "Can't tell what killed the intact one, may need to thaw him a bit to get a better examination. That could take a day if I have the right conditions set." Looking to the beheaded body though, he'd study the stump of the neck. "Clean cut. One swing from what I can tell. Whoever did this was incredibly strong and a fine bladed weapon."

"Thann's are the only group to have fine steel weapons. Most favor axes. Does the wound match such a weapon?" Aemon questioned.

"Can't tell. Wound is just too old and chilled from a month of exposure. Thann be the best bet yet that doesn't explain why they left the bodies."

"Ahh yes…the rumored claim of them being cannibals. I take they weren't looted as well?"

The Ranger nodded. "Indeed. Everyone had their swords and daggers still. Wildlings are scavengers overall and take every chance to get new weapons when they can."

"So, a group of Wildlings ambush the deserter's scouting party. They kill one and brutally kill the other in front of the deserter if his story is to be believed, yet simply let him go…maybe as a warning? Doesn't add up."

"New group then? Tons of Wildling tribes, heck we keep finding new ones every few years." The Ranger remarked.

"Unless these types are mindless ferals, I doubt it." Geralt argued back. "Again I need the bodies thawed for a full examination. Have one idea that I remember from Skellige, a northern island nation where I came from. Going to need some metal containers and coals along with some burning oil to help create steam. Should allow for a gradual thawing without damaging the bodies."

Aemon nodded, seeming to agree with the plan. "An interesting idea overall. See to it that Geralt gets everything he requires." The Maester said to the Ranger who nodded before moving to help Aemon out of his seat.

"Just wait here Master Witcher." The Ranger answered back as he'd guide the Maester out, leaving Geralt alone.

Sighing, he'd glance back at the two bodies. "Nothing adds up." He muttered as he'd pace around the table, one hand touching his medallion which was humming intensely again. "Damn thing still won't calm down. Can't even check for lingering magic if any was involved. Need at least a few miles away from the Wall to do that." After a few minutes waiting, the Ranger returned with the items the Witcher had requested, which he took off the Watchman's hands.

"Certain this is going to work?"

"Small chance the bodies could just…rapidly decay. Have seen it happen before." Geralt casually remarked as he placed the metal tins around the before carefully pouring oiling into the coal inside of them. With the Ranger distracted, he'd make the Igni sign to light the tins up before getting the lids mostly closed so steam funneled out into the room. "Anyway, should keep the place shut up. Need to keep a few windows open just to air it out yet not let cool air in." If anything he was more of talking to himself as the Ranger simply nodded as he watched Geralt get the few windows cracked open slightly. "I'll have to make sure the coals are refilled every couple of hours. Overall they should be thawed out by tomorrow night." He'd move to leave the infirmary, the Ranger following out yet making sure to lock the door behind them. Turning to the ranger, he'd have one hand out. "Hand me the door key. If I'm correct only Aemon and the Lord Commander have other copies."

The Ranger seemed hesitant yet he'd give a sigh and handed the iron key over. "I'll report this to them both. I trust you'll not lose it."

Pocketing the key, he'd nod. "Of course. I doubt either of them will disagree." The ranger simply shrugged before he'd departing, leaving Geralt alone. Considering the busy night, he decided to head for his room and sleep in to morning. By then it be a good chance to check on the bodies along with discus what could have happened with the others.

Geralt spend most of the day either in his room or checking up on the corpses in the infirmary, making sure the thawing was going well along with replacing the spent coals. He had expected the Lord Commander to call for a meeting, yet none came as the day went by. Over the course of the day he did see Jon and Tyrion yet they seemed busy considering how they were moving about the castle, no doubt related to last night's events. Soon the evening crept in and by this point Castle Black had calmed down, the yard being empty as the sun was setting.

"Should be time about now." Geralt muttered as he'd head outside and down to the lower levels of the keep for the infirmary. On the way there though, he'd nearly run into someone out on the walkway down to the yard. He'd quickly realize it was Jon who had a quite surprised look on his face and a tired hint showing in his eyes. "Didn't expect you to be up still." The Witcher remarked.

"Uncle Benjen had me taking care of certain matters. I did alert his arrival first, so I guess I'm getting a lot of attention." Jon answered.

"If anything Tyrion saw the Rangers arriving first." Geralt corrected, making Jon frown.

"Doesn't count…" He muttered while the Witcher chuckled. "Anyway what are you doing at this hour?"

"Checking up on the corpses. Should be thawed by now." Already he'd move by Jon and down the stairs, yet the young man followed along. "Don't have to come along."

"What, no lesson to share this time?"

"Not this time. Still can't stop you from tagging along." By now they'd near the infirmary, yet once the door came into view Geralt would stop suddenly. The door into the room was opened, lingering steam just flowing out through the cold evening air. Already the Witcher was on guard as he approached the door, one hand grasping his sword for a possible ambush as he'd peek inside. "Damn it!" He growled as he stomped into the room, gaze set on the table which was missing one corpse, Waymar's corpse.

"What is wrong?" Jon questioned before following in, seeing the empty table as well. "Uhh…where is one of your corpses? You didn't accidently melt it did you?" Despite the jesting remark, Jon seemed just as confused and worried.

"It wouldn't decay into nothing if that's what you're joking about. Be a gory mess behind if that happened." Geralt muttered as he paced around, sharp eyes looking for any clues on the floor or nearby furniture. "Only three keys to this place and whoever did this had only four hours of time move the bodies, yet they'd be easily spotted by someone outside. Doubt the Lord Commander or Aemon just decided to dispose of one of them without informing me." His attention shifted to the door itself, checking the lock. "Huh…switch lock on the inside."

"Meant for emergencies from my understanding. If there is an attack, the injured can lock the door from the inside and then unlock it once everything has cleared up." Jon explained. "Wait…you're not thinking it was open from the inside?"

"Unless someone stole one of the other keys it's the only explanation. Whoever it was would have had to sneak in while I was checking the steamers which takes me only a few minutes. No one is that skilled to get me in such tight quarters."

Jon shook his head. "Then what? Did your corpses just get up and walk out? Should we go tell everyone to look out for a man without a head?"

Despite the young man's chuckle, Geralt had a serious look about him that made Jon quiet down quickly. "I think I may need my silver blade for once." Already he'd step out of the room, trying to think over what could be going on. "Can't be necromancy. Too much preparation and noise involved…along with a lack of a mage."

"Geralt what in the Hells are you talking about?" Jon questioned as the Witcher was already moving up to the upper floor of the keep, heading for his room. "You can be serious about the dead just….getting up and walking away."

"Has happened before in my experience." He calmly remarked. "Just don't know how it's possible in this case." Going down the hallway towards his room, Geralt paused as he noticed that the door was open. Calmly, he'd draw his blade and move closer to the door. Suddenly a figure lunged at him, making him quickly step aside as the figure slammed into the stone wall, giving a deep inhuman growl. In the low light he recognized the figure to be Waymar, yet his eyes were different having a low blue color to the irises. Without hesitation, he lunged forward, stabbing the walking corpse right through the gut, yet Waymar didn't even flinch as enchanted steel pierced through his thawed guts. "Stay back!" Geralt warned Jon was stood by baffled at what he just saw, while the Witcher ducked a heavy swipe from the reanimated corpse. Again his blade slashed out, dismembering the swung arm but yet again the undead Ranger didn't react to his injury. Once more the thing lunged at Geralt, forcing the Witcher to get his sword arm up to shove the thing back. Pushing his arm under its chin, it growl and snarl as he pinned it against the hallway wall. Bringing his other hand up, he made the Igni sign as a focused stream of fire jetted out, setting Waymar's head on fire. This time the thing howled out and thrashed, forcing Geralt back as the thing struggled to put out the flames yet only spreading it across its body. Stumbling towards the Witcher and Jon, both backed off as its pace slowed until it flew forward a smoldering mess.

"You…you just shot fire out of your hand…" Jon muttered in shock.

Geralt gave an odd glance to the young man as he'd sheath his sword, stepping closer to the corpse which he gave a light kick with his foot. "You just saw a walking murderous corpse and that's your first concern?" He muttered as he looked back at Jon, who seemed to be ready to answer back yet remained silent.

"Anyway yes I can conquer fire. I'll tell you more later…" Already footsteps and alert voices could be heard, no doubt people drawn by the sounds of fighting and undead Waymar's shrieking. Lord Commander Jeor was the one leading the group and just one glance of the scene had a stern questioning look showing in those eyes. "This is going to be hard to explain…" Geralt sighed.

Notice: Sorry for the delayed post. Been a busy two weeks at work and with other matters. This chapter really condensed a lot of events that happened at Castle Black along with readapting some original scenes. Overall think Geralt's and Ciri's arrival in Westeros to have triggered a butterfly affect which is my reasoning to why certain events are playing out differently and so on. Overall I hope this oversized chapter will please everyone! Anyway next week it's off to King's Landing! Expect some fan favorite characters to make an appearance along with a surprise guest. Please PM and review your thoughts!

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