
Wakfu Master : MHA Fanfiction

Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 184.6K Views
  • 7 Chs
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Izuku Midoriya, son of the number five hero in America, Dragon, but being born with a useless quirk made his life difficult, until his 11 birthday when he discovered he could create portals...

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Chapter 1Awakening

"I'm sorry madam but you son's quirk is... very weak" the doctor said to his mother.

"He can see some sort of energy in living beings but other than his leakage his quirk has no other effects".

"I'm sorry Izuku"

-- -- --

Man aren't born equal. Izuku learn that years ago, when his "friends" found out of his quirk they started to bully and make fun of him, his Mother acted as if he had already dead but considering his father that was expected. And his Father. The man is cruel, stoic and sadistic to the point he was even called the most ruthless hero in the world, when he found out about Izuku's quirk he had left for America and became the hero number five hero, Dragon. But no matter what people say though Izuku still loved his Father, he was the only person who helped Izuku try to became a hero, when he came back to Japan he would give Izuku personal lessons in self defence, and help him improve his analysis on heroes and villains and train in different fighting styles.

-- -- --

'punch, punch, kick, dodge, counter' Izuku repeated this over and over in his head. He was sparing with his Father who had came back for his eleven birthday and his father had chose to spar before anything else.

"Izuku you can do better. Now switch to Krav Maga" groaning Izuku switched, he was so much better with fighting styles that focus on speed and agility. Dodging his Father's punch he swept his Father off his feet and punched him on the nose when he was down. He backed up. His father was a terrible loser.

"oh, so that's how it's going to be huh" and with that he instantly appeared in front of Izuku and flicked him into the wall. 'No matter what I do I will never be able to stop him. He already uses less than a thousandths of his true strength" Izuku thought to himself while getting up.

"Now what do you think that's was?" Father said to Izuku.

"Why do you ask me that when you could just tell me" Izuku complained.

"Because your talents lies in you analysis. So what was it".

Signing Izuku said "Time manipulation. There is literal no other possible explanation... that is if you haven't lied on one of my past guess".

"Well now so why have you never guessed this? I know you knew for ages" His Father said while throwing a bottle of water Izuku.

Twisting his hand to catch the bottle he replied "Because if that's the case i will ne-"

Turning around towards Izuku his Father sees a blue-ish green portal in front of Izuku, Izuku then looks to a different part of the training room and once again twist his hand creating another portal and the water bottle fell on the ground with a thud.

"Izuku" said Father while looking into his eyes "Do you know what this means?"

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