
the problem

Alex, a 16 year old, he can't use magic at all like the rest of his family except for his grandmother, it skipped his mother. one day Alex was walking to his locker to get his books for his science class when one of the other students came over to him and pushed him into his locker door, causing his back to collide with metal shelves with some papers that were lying around falling off. He quickly grabbed the paper to protect himself from getting any of the papercuts but then his eyes caught something on the floor next to him. he looked up and saw the boy who shoved him and noticed he had brown hair and hazel brown eyes. Alex quickly stood up straight realizing the student was the perverted jock who's on the football team and the other male is pretty popular even though he would always grab Alex's or other students asses when they would walk by in-between class periods or during class, even though Alex and the other male didn't even know each other the male was always more perverted to Alex then the rest of the students in school which annoyed and made Alex uncomfortable and upset and angry sometimes even though there were no actual sexual acts the jocks never seemed satisfied with anything just wanting to have sex with someone.

"hey dickweed. are you deaf? i was talking to you." the male said in a cocky tone while standing tall with his hands in his pockets and looking down on Alex. the male took his left hand out of his pocket and reached toward Alex's throat. Alex quickly stepped away from the male trying to avoid any contact or touching of the guy. "why are you ignoring me dickweed?" he asked again in an aggressive tone. this time he grabbed his hand and forcefully touched Alex neck and the boy flinched not expecting the rough touch. after grabbing Alex's throat and squeezing his grip on Alex's neck he brought their faces closer and Alex could smell the man's mint toothpaste, the scent made him slightly disgusted by the man who had just touched him with such roughness. the man pressed Alex against the wall behind him and put his face close to the boy's. "if you continue ignoring me I'll do worse dickwad. here's the simple version of what I'll do, i'm gonna hurt you." the jock said as he tightened his grasp on Alex's neck and slowly rubbed their chests together. Alex was feeling uncomfortable and uneasy with the situation and began struggling to breath but the other male wouldn't let him go and held him tightly against the wall. "how about we head somewhere more private so I can have my fun?" the jock Jason whispered into Alex's ear as he grabbed Alex's wrist and started taking him to a empty classroom that has no security camera's because it's empty and Alex didn't scream or protest because he knew he'd be dead meat if he did and besides Jason was already threatening to make him hurt and humiliate him. they walked through the hallway to the room and closed the door making sure they locked it tight before Jason shoved Alex onto the wooden desk and sat himself between Alex's legs straddling his thighs. he pulled the zipper of Alex' shirt down slowly exposing his toned torso to the younger male. "so dickweed how do you feel being on the receiving end of my pleasure for once instead of my pleasure for you?" Jason smiled evilly and rubbed his bulge against Alex's crotch. 'oh shit.' thought Alex. 'he's going to take advantage of me.' "i think... i feel… um.. uncomfortable." Alex stuttered out nervously feeling nervous and scared. "that's too bad dickweed." Jason smirked evilly and placed his hands on both sides of Alex's face to look deep into Alex's eyes. "what are you going to do about it dickweed?" the taller boy asked as he kissed Alex's jawline leaving little love bites on the younger males face. 'it doesn't matter what I say he will still take advantage of me…' The boy thought as he tried his best to fight back tears. "you don't need to do anything dickweed, since you seem to be under the impression i actually want to do anything other than use and abuse you." the older boy stated bluntly while leaning back from Alex to remove his pants and underwear. "please…" Alex begged as tears ran down his cheeks. "don't fucking beg dickweed. i told you to shut up and stop crying like a baby so you better start working." Jason growled as he pushed Alex further into the desk while he removed the youngers pants as well and then proceeded to shove his hard length into Alex's ass, causing Alex to moan loudly in pain. Alex moaned in pleasure and pain as Jason kept pounding into him as hard as possible until the older male Jason got an idea. Alex could see the dark smile creep upon Jason's face. 'i know that smile. he's planning something horrible.' Jason thought to himself as Alex tried to squirm away but Jason gripped his hips tighter and continued to pound into Alex without stop despite his feeble attempts. 'god damn it! what is this bastard thinking!' Alex thought as he desperately tried to escape but was unsuccessful. the jock then decided to go in deeper than the last time so he thrust harder, causing Alex to whimper in pain and fear. "stop hurting me!!! please! stop!!" Alex cried out desperately while Jason kept pounding into him. "stop screaming! it won't help your cause dickweed" Jason said harshly as he slammed Alex against the desk harder and harder while his erection pressed hard against Alex's ass. "dickweed shut the fuck up or you will regret it" the jock warned angrily. "jus..." Alex whimpered as he felt the hot sensation of Jason's cum splattering inside of him and his mind went blank. the younger male lost control of his body and he couldn't even scream anymore as he fell limp against the desk. after awhile Jason cummed again and pulled out of Alex, Jason then cleaned himself up with a rag he had and tosses it in the trash as he put his school uniform back on and left the empty classroom leaving Alex passed out, naked, completely vulnerable and unclean on the floor in the empty classroom without security camera's, no clothes, no teachers to come and save him, no phone, nothing but fear and pain.

After several hours Alex awoke to an uncomfortable position, sore everywhere but nowhere hurts more and there is a throbbing pain in his lower regions and ass and his insides feel like they have been rearranged and torn apart. he feels disgusting and nauseous. his whole body hurts, his throat is raw and scratchy, his mouth tastes bad and there is sweat covering his entire body as he tries to move but finds that all of his limbs are numb and his chest aches as he moves his right arm. he manages to sit up and put his clothes back on and stand up using the desk he was painfully raped on for support , he walks to the nearest sink and splashes water on his face to wash the vomit off of his face and throat before drinking some water. when Alex looks back at the mirror he notices bruises forming on his abdomen and backside, his wrists were bruised where the sleeves of his hoodie covered the bruising, he looks like a beaten child. Alex start's walking home feeling weak as he feels exhausted, the only thing he wanted to do now was sleep. When Alex finally makes it home he heads upstairs to his bedroom and immediately goes to his bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face, he looks at himself in the mirror and his reflection looks awful. his hair messy, face and neck bruised, bags under his eyes, hickeys and bite marks that were forcefully given to him cover his neck, collarbone and arms, his eyes are puffy red from crying, he smells awful and his lips are dry and cracked. After brushing his teeth and washing his face Alex heads to bed hoping that sleeping will bring him a bit of relief from the excruciating pain that he is enduring, however all sleep will bring is nightmares about what he saw and heard during his encounter with the jocks in the school restroom.

Alex woke up early and took a shower happy there isn't school this week, when Alex got out of the shower he felt nauseous and threw up in the toilet, he felt a bit better after that so he flushed the toilet, rinsed his mouth out, put on his clean clothes and layed down on his bed and fell asleep . after waking up in the middle of the night Alex felt sick again, he felt terrible and he was scared that he would throw up again and he rushed into the bathroom and threw up into the toilet and the three days after are the exact same, sleeping, waking up in the morning to throw up, sleeping, eating every few hours and repeat and today Alex decided to take a pregnancy test

(because this universe allows mpreg bc I'm weird)

the pregnancy test was... positive, he was pregnant because of his assault by Jason, Alex didn't know what to do he was shocked and scared, he didn't have the money for a abortion and abortion was also banned in the town he lives in so he was stuck . He didn't tell anyone yet because he needed time to think about what to do, the only person he can turn to is his mother. "Mom I need your help." Alex exclaimed while walking over to the couch where his mom was laying watching TV while wearing her pajamas and nursing a cup of tea. Alex's mother stopped watching her television show and looked at her son who was looking at her with pleading eyes. "of course honey. What is wrong? Is it bad?" she asked worriedly seeing her youngest son was looking so pale and exhausted and seemed to be sweating profusely. "it's bad mom... mom a classmate of mine forced himself on me and now I'm pregnant and I don't know what to do and-" alex said is a worried and scared tone fastly intermingled with panicked rambling and a sob escaped the teenagers lips making his mother get up from the sofa and rush over to her youngest sons side wrapping him up in a comforting hug. "shhh shhhh Alex sweetheart just take deep breaths and calm down okay? everything will work out, you'll be okay just let yourself process everything and then we'll figure something out alright? You're my little angel." She reassured and caressed her sons back and kissed the top of his head. "thank you mom thank you… I'm so scared" replied Alex as he hugged his mother tightly and sobbed softly onto her shoulder. "its fine sweetie just let it all out. I promise everything will turn out okay." She said gently as she rubbed his back comfortingly and hummed softly. After sometime Alex calmed down and sighed deeply and leaned away from his mothers warm embrace so he could look in her eyes, they showed him nothing but love and acceptance; Alex smiled slightly at that. "mom you're such a good mother" he said appreciatively making his mother blush lightly. "oh shut up honey, now lets go fix you breakfast and you can tell me everything okay?" she stated, Alex nodded and followed her into kitchen smiling brightly to himself. "okay mom" he said to his mother.

Chapter 2: the recovery

Over the next two months, Alex slowly began to recover from his abuse, the bullying and his rape by one of his classmates and around this time as well his stomach began to show he's around two months pregnant and he usually wears hoodies to hide it during school and he avoids Jason during school if possible as to not end up getting beat up, although the jocks and Jason have stopped bullying him luckily but annoyingly Jason has become friends with Alex's older brother Leo. Alex is currently at home in his room not wearing a hoodie so his 2 month pregnancy belly is noticable and Leo and Jason are in the living room hanging out and talking which Alex doesn't hear because he's asleep. then Jason enters Alex's room because Leo told him to tell Alex that Leo and Alex's parents would be home late and Jason then notices Alex's pregnancy belly and gets a shocked expression "oh shit" Jason murmur undered his breath as he realizes he's probably the father of the baby Alex has been suffering from. "oh shit, OH SHIT" Jason repeats loudly as he freaked out. "shit shit shit fuck shit shit shit shit shit" Jason started freaking out as he tried to calm his breathing down and keep quiet. after five minutes or so he calms down and sighs relieved as he realizes that the boy was asleep. Jason then leaves Alex's room, still muttering profanities under his breath. Jason walks downstairs and sits at the table to wait for Leo to arrive and Leo does arrive ten minutes later. "hi Leo" Jason greeted nervously "hey how's it going Jay?" Leo asks Jason as he hugs his brother. "um..."Jason starts but then stops speaking once he sees his brother. "what's wrong Jay, why are you acting like that?" Leo asked concerned. "I...uh....umm... I...um I've found out i'm the dad..of Alex's baby..." Jason mumbles quietly.

Leo's face turns red with anger and frustration as he punches Jason right in his already swollen jaw(Jason got into a fight earlier today) making Jason stumble backwards and fall onto the ground. "I HATE YOU! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOU WOULD EVER DO THIS TO ALEX! WHAT THE HELL JASON?! ARE YOU INSANE? YOU KNOW HOW MUCH HE FUCKING DESERVES A LIFE RIGHT?! LIKE HELL YOU WILL EVER HAVE A CHILD WITH HIM!! SO WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US BEFORE NOW?!" Leo screamed hysterically as he was furious. "I was too ashamed!" Jason responded as he grabbed his bleeding jaw trying to stop it bleeding "so ashamed that you thought you could get away with being an asshole?!" Leo yelled angerly at Jason "you know how much you hurt my brother and I!? I trusted you! I thought you loved us! But no! All you've done is fucking humiliate our precious brother! Why did you do it!?" Leo shouted in anger and sadness, he couldn't believe that his own friend was the reason behind what happened to Alex his brother. Jason was silent until Leo finished yelling at him "I'm sorry" he whispered "I never meant to do this to Alex I swear to god" Jason continued "look Jason I know that you wouldn't want to hurt Alex but you are doing it, and he deserves better than what you've done to him..." Leo said as I he walked into his bedroom and shut the door leaving Jason alone in the house. Jason sat in front of the kitchen sink and cried tears of blood onto the countertop as he realized how much he fucked up in Alex's life, he couldn't even imagine the amount of pain that Alex had gone through since high school. "I am so stupid."

y'all can add more to it, I can't figure out what else to add so enjoy with your own creativity now

that1gaytransboicreators' thoughts