
High Five Your Face

Taliesin takes advantage of the frozen silence following his pronouncement to open his Status Window and switch his active Title to Chaotic Good.

"All right Nova, I'd like to [Follow My Chaotic Whims], please."

Before anyone can thaw enough brain cells to ask what in the nine hells that means, a hazy figure materializes in the middle of the bedroom.

Nanuk and Nightfury immediately fall into defensive stances. Kara, already on edge from the devs' bullshit, skips that step and goes directly to stabby-stabby.

The {[IMMORTAL OBJECT] Detected! Attack Failed!} warning is almost familiar at this point.

The blinding flash of light as giant golden scissors cut off the pointy end of Kara's spear, however, is new.

Ignoring Kara's wide-eyed, mute panic, Nightfury facepalms. "Did you seriously just pull an Erebus and attack a God?"

"In a safe zone, no less!" Taliesin cheers.

Next chapter