
Nightfury Discovers He's A Rope Bunny

Nightfury tries to run, but he's no match for the combined efforts of the rest of his team.

Surprisingly, Nanuk's the most brutally efficient in hobbling his escape, trussing him up like a prized pig in magic-enforced ropes no one even knew the Shaman was carrying.

"I'm too logical a next choice," Nanuk hisses in near-panic. "No way in hell am I working directly under that maniac!"

'Okay,' Nightfury thinks, 'maybe not so suprising.'

Atropos destroys Nightfury's last hope of escape when she helps him up into a sitting position, only to then ignore his state of bondage, and in fact, conjure even more magic rope to finish the job. She ties glowing silver thread around his draconic horns and pink hat in an elaborate bow, leaving him looking like a demented Christmas present.

'I knew that smirk heralded my doom.' He groans.

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