

Now, all alone in a huge house, I did what every single reincarnator is expected to do when they wake up and walk through a giant headache seeding in their head the whole time while getting tended to by a beautiful mother.


My thoughts still were a mess and even with all my effort of keeping the same posture as Lamork, it was extremely understandable to miss a few points. With that being said, my room was what any four-year older with super intellect is expected to have.


Books everywhere. And not a single fairy tale to be found! Damn, the previous Lamork needed to know that the cold shouldn't bother him, that his princess charming would appear by his bed in the form of his mother and swoop him away.

Alas, no matter how indulgence Maa was towards my previous self, she also expected a young mind to understand that benefits of learning formal etiquettes and harsh training, which, by the way, the young Lamork couldn't.

A bad parenting at her part, in this case. Oh well, not that I can complain or anything.

As fascinated I am growing by the number of events slowly sprouting within my head and seamlessly merging with my thoughts, I needed my tiny body to rest on the humongous bed with a lavish silk-like bedsheet. Oh dear... it is softer.

And.... jump!

My body digs into the mattress before fluffing up. It felt good.

A yawn escaped my lips as I open my mouth wide without covering my face. Sorry, Maa, there are no witnesses here so no formal etiquettes.

Happily, I snuggle in and drift into the Dreamworld rather easily...

Aaannnndddd, I'm up!

The strangest of thing I discovered after waking up is that the crust that forms over my eyelids isn't white or creamish, but ranges from dark grey to black. Crazy, right?! Now that I think of it... from the various scrapes and scratches, the blood flowing within my body isn't red. Instead, I now sport a much more desirable blue blood.

Scooching up from my bed, I follow my instincts and open the door on the left wall, revealing an attached bathroom. Once again, embedded with all the luxuries I can only dream of.

The first thing that attracted my already flaky attention was the warm seat. Amazing! The material, if Lamork's memories served correctly, is a high-end fiber that boasts the strength of an average metal but being formed under the natural star volcanoes, the fiber also remains warm for more than a century.

Well, to me, only the toilet seat was worthy to be taken seriously. I mean, there are soaps and shampooing of exotic nature... but those things aren't exotic to the extent that they can shoot laser beams out of them. With my business finished, I wrap things up in the toilet with a flush and teeter my way out and find myself sitting on the edge of the bed with a frustrated sigh.

Usually, if I nap in the afternoon, then I can easily wake up during the night with me being a heavy sleeper and all, but here... well, a day consist of 30 hours. Universal Standard Hours to be exact.

With the entire day already growing by the extent of six hours, it is easy enough to understand that... the people on this planet have more school time and office time.


Kill me...


Oh wait, there are sixteen months in a year. In the Shade City, the season changed after every fourth month with this one being the summer of the third month that will be followed by four months of monsoon after another month.


Who doesn't hate rain?!

A season of sickness and dry coughs.

Not trying to get myself distracted, I finally lay back down and summarise Lamork's entire schedule.

A total of 9 hours of sleep ranging from 28:00 to 07:00 and then an hour-long breakfast followed by a session of etiquettes training from my extremely thirsty Maa and then free time. Usually, the time should be spent on playing games, but Lamork took up the hobby of learning and discovering new things before putting his discoveries into the practice of bullying.

The jerk!

Although, now I may understand Lamork's curiosity to apply his theoretical knowledge into actions.

Sighing at my own medical genius, I look at the time— 17:34. Well, Maa returns at 19:00, so, I have a lot to do. First things first, I gotta check out the names of all the books and at least pile them into categories... the previous Lamork may like goading Maa into giving him an earful, but I don't think I'd like her lips breathing into me with a reek of desperation right into my ears.

Ah... who am I kidding?

I am technically a seventeen-year-old virgin... I'd jump at the chance of a mature woman breathing down at me. So, without much thoughts, I walk up to my extremely high-end, multi-screen desktop and start browsing the globe through a not so different internet connection.

Of course, this world's greatest search engine wasn't google or bing.

It is...


Yeah, that's the name. Search-dot-com. Pretty unsatisfying, if I have to comment. But... as long as it gets the job done, who am I to complaint?

Alright... let's see...

Latest games... too tedious to be researched in a few hours.


Ah, shit. Showing tentacles to kids? That's pretty hardcore.

Alright, let's try it— Anime.

Oof, no search. Autocorrect to Animerinchigh? The heck is that? Not interested.

Hmm, let's go with this— Fantasy Art.

Ooh, now we are getting somewhere. Hmm, this looks close enough.

Just like that, I invested the remaining time into researching the extraterrestrial form of animated entertainment with both of my hearts beating in gleeful anticipation.

Yeah, I now have two hearts.

Cool, right?