
Everything Downloaded from Narutoverse

A lone Otaku who was struck by lighting and died was given a new opportunity! What kind of adventure will he go through in the world of Douluo Dalu 2? PS: I looked for the cover on the internet

Kitsune_kitetsu · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Creating a small world

In evening, two days before the Shrek Academy new student exam !! Yuhao is currently in his dimension

Yuhao "fyuh, in the last three months I've practiced very hard and also raised a lot of money for this, the system"

name: huo yuhao

age: 12

race: half human half otsutsuki

level: jonin

essence spirit: spirit eye {Kamui, amaterasu, susanoo}; 1st Soul Ring {Spiritual Detection, Spiritual Sharing, Spiritual Shock, Spiritual Interference}

proximity: space, yin, yang, wood, fire, water, earth

soul: 19

sage body: 38

will: 32

chakra: 12,000

skills: transmutation ex. necromancer ss {Silent Heart, control the spirits of deceased, contract with the spirits, Spectral Gate, Curse of Blood, Withering}. Sect tang technique, haki <midbrain>

quota: 2500g

download: transformation E, clone A, replacement body E, uciha-senju (fused {otsutsuki}) s

Yuhao "after hard training! Finally, download "

-uzumaki ... 25g (Adamantine Attacking Chain..15g)

-kaguya ..... 25g (shikotsumyaku ... 10g)

-Hyuga ... 25g (byakugan ... 8g)

-otsutsuki month..25 (byakugan ... 8g)

-rinnegan .... 100g

Download complete, Yuhao grits his teeth in pain! Yuhao received ten times more pain than before! But that was only for five minutes

Yuhao "This time I did not pass out, after going through that hell! My body feels very comfortable, system "

name: huo yuhao

age: 12

race: pure otsutsuki

level: anbu

essence spirit: spirit eye {Kamui, amaterasu, susanoo, limbo, seven paths, seeing destiny, chakra mode};

1st Soul Ring {Spiritual Detection, Spiritual Sharing, Spiritual Shock, Spiritual Interference}

proximity: world (all elements)

soul: 20

sage body: 55

will: 60

chakra: 120,000

skills: transmutation ex. necromancer ss {Silent Heart, control the spirits of deceased, contract with the spirits, Spectral Gate, Curse of Blood, Withering}. Sect tang technique, haki <midbrain>

quota: 2259g

download: transformation E, clone A, replacement body E, uciha-senju-uzumaki-kaguya-hyuga-otsutsuki month (fused {pure otsutsuki}) ss

Yuhao "satisfactory improvement, let's download a good jutsu"

download: sss elemental style, rasengan ~ elemental ss, sealing s, Summoning Technique: Impure World Reincarnation s

Yuhao "With this all the preparations are finished"

In the past three months Yuhao has also sent clones to go to the sea, if you ask for what! The answer is to take sea water into its dimensions, many have accumulated to spread in its dimensions because there is no gravity, after downloading all of it! Its dimensions have also changed from 200 km in diameter, now its diameter is 10,280 km, almost as big as the diameter of the earth

Yuhao saw water particles drift "Let's start the plan! First add water, water style ~ big waves "it changes 10,000 chakra into water" collect into one, gravitational pull or chibaku tensei "all the water that flies flies into one giant ball water

Yuhao "I have to thank my previous world science for this idea, the lightning style ~ thunderstorm" .. turned 30,000 chakras into lightning and directed them to the water ball, the explosion happened to change the entire giant water ball into hydrogen gas and oxygen which immediately spread throughout dimension

What Yuhao did was electrolyze water, separating hydrogen and oxygen using lightning energy

Yuhao "With this first preparation completed, now I can breathe here without relying on outside world! [system, download rouran energy] I did not think that it was planetary energy, even though the price was 2000g! I worked hard for this, let go "

enormous energy spreads to all dimensions merges with nitrogen and becomes a glowing nebula

Yuhao "OK, fuel is ready! First let's make the sun, chibaku tensei "the gravity released pulls matter toward the center, the gas atoms going to the core more and more" amaterasu "

releasing its amaterasu fire to the core, consequently the core glows and shrinks to the black sun

Yuhao "fire style, breath of fire"

Yuhao bursts of fire into the black sun and blanket it makes it sun red

Yuhao "Ooh it works, even though I'm not sure! Come on out and get land "

Yuhao came out of his dimension and went to find an empty mountain. "Looks like this one, Chibaku Tensei ... It doesn't need much, just as big as King Kai's from Dragonballverse only, waiting to be as big as the desired planet! After complying with the criteria, Yuhao entering small plalet and himself into it dimensions

Yuhao "This is very tiring, huh! More trees had to be added, wood style ~ the birth of the world of trees "trees began to grow on the mini planet, and finally the dimensions of Yuhao dreaming were completed

Yuhao "Just buy a house and put it here, but that's it later! I am very tired"

With what Yuhao want finished, he returned to the dormitory to go to sleep

dimensions are like this (google.com/search?q=king+kai+planet&safe=strict&sxsrf=ACYBGNTwe23nqsrJN4lsi_zJZE0kjWBmwA:1576578829215&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj-q83ovbzmAhXJe30KHTAfCbIQ_AUoAXoECAoQAw&biw=1366&bih=576#imgrc=LHNQUsp9-OFPvM:)