It bored me, the truth was good while it lasted, this novel is very depraved and I do not like it, you presented the characters too well so that later you make them be either whores, nymphs, infidels etc, the truth is that way of ruin the characters, if I had not read the side chapter, I would continue reading this novel but unfortunately I'm going to leave it here, maybe I'll continue the novel when the disgust I feel passes a bit, already with all that side chapter, I wouldn't be surprised if In the future there are NTR'S or rapes among other things, the MC seems to like infidelity so I would not be surprised if one of his women cheats on him or someone rapes them while he watches them or there may even be orgies between all his harem members and others Men while he watches, I know but I do not want to risk reading this, the truth is a shame either with quality or the length of the chapters you would have to be one of the best Webnovel novels, unfortunately the plot does not arrive, very d You're lucky .. Bye brother until next time ..