
Remake my life

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Hayashi Ryouta is given a second chance being sent towards the past to make things right but he must be a girl .Arriving in the past deciding to continue life now as girl named Hayashi Ayano things have have changed yet remain the same. MC looks like the cover

Chapter 1Chapter 1: Grey

Hello everyone I'm just your everyday average guy well maybe not after all if I am I won't constantly ask myself questions. you see life is filled with meeting and parting so i never really hold on to anything and opened myself except for few i'm not exactly hard working either and do a lot of things for the sake of doing it . I can't really remember when it was it because of we are all led to believe everyone is equal and that equality exist 

True equality does not exist. Personally I won't call myself a talent or hardworking so I probably won't be successful after all success is 99 percent hard work and 1 percent talent what this means is without talent which sets your lower limit you can't really be exceptional as there is only so much can improve until you hit a wall but without hard work talent can never amount to anything as it is just potential which will turn into strength through your own efforts but more than that it is important to know what you truly want after all why bother doing something just for the sake of doing it so for me success means being happy so being an average person who can never amount to anything if it means avoiding comparison and blend with the crowd sounds good to me even if nothing will change if I am there or not we all have our flaws so live your own life not for the sake of others but for yourself and own reasons

Something like true equality is merely a fantasy written up by the powerless ones. A single step forward, and your entire destiny is decided the moment your weak and tiny life begins.

We humans are born into this world as unequals. Which I realized to late to turn back the past and start having regrets not knowing what I really wanted until it is too late

The sands beneath our feet, and the vast blue skies above us are of different realms. Our frail lives try their best to touch the unreachable, but all we can do is to flail our arms as we gazed at those impossibilities.

However, it does not matter whether you're born to wealth or you're born to poverty, because everyone ends up lying in the grave during their finals. Nevertheless, we are human. As fragile as we are, our species have managed to reign supreme as the apex predator of this planet.

Although the race of infinite possibilities is merely a false pretext created by the predecessors to make us feel superior, I must agree that us humans are capable of the impossible. There is nothing impossible for him who will try even for someone like me 

"People hate the word sacrifice, to them it means pain, pain and suffering and anguish. But sacrifice, true sacrifice is more of an exchange. You part with something invaluable and hope to gain something irreplaceable. True sacrifice is courage. The courage to offer your heart for the chance of a soul and it is always selfish. Because you cannot be selfless without a self. Living is not the act of going through life, but of re-affirming yourself and moving forward without hesitation. Even when knowing every step brings you closer to death. You have a choice to make. Sacrifice and all the pain and suffering in the world. Or nothing and the embrace of apathy and loneliness. When you wake up in the morning, each morning, ask yourself; what am I willing to sacrifice today?"

Failing to understand the simplest things and what really mattered I have many chances and opportunities yet I wasted them all. Equivalent exchange and Sacrifice fortunately I am given a second chance not as Hayashi Ryouta is given a second chance being sent towards the past to make things right, Arriving in the past to restart and live without as many regrets as possible as a girl named Hayashi Ayano and this is my story this time for me most of time life is grey not to say depressed or anything but that I lack interest on most things in the world not quite in touch with my emotions i can't say i'm a good person but at very least not a bad person so this time I will live not just staying alive promising to hold onto my everything for whose world was grey







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