The fate of the world is about to Change as the only salvation for the future relies on the hands of a Substitute Teacher? The following story is the first part of an action, romance; comedy and supernatural adventures of a young man who only wishes to have a normal life, however the contrary happened to his fate as he is about to witness the dark side of the world and how cruel life can be. This is the first part of a new original story . This gift was given to him by a mysterious figure in Mexican folklore who´s character is still a mystery. I am proud to present this project to everyone who loves light novels and anime series. I hope in the future this story will be in the liking of all readers as it combines historical and mythical events, also copyright will try to be avoided as much as possible. The scenes and people that take part of this story are completely fiction.
It´s the season of spring in a certain high school, the wind blows a nice breeze, and the students get ready for the new school year.
"Oh my, it looks like he´s late again" The principal says as she laughs nervously.
"Principal you should just fire him" One of the male students says.
"No, No, let´s wait for him, I´m sure he will arrive at any moment." A girl from the class says causing all the female students to nod agreeing with her.
"Well I will go check on him" The Principal says as she runs towards the door. When she opens the door a young man is standing there. She bumps into him and he holds the principal in his arms causing her to blush.
"Sorry I had a small problem." The young man says. The orange haired principal blushes and runs away saying: "No problem!!"
Good Morning students, sorry for being tardy" The young man says as he walks towards his desk. The girls with "hearts" coming from their bodies all say at the same time.
"Now then it´s time for a new lesson" The young man says as he smiles looking at the blue sky.