
Vol. 14 - Chapter 2: The Judge of Fate

Part 1 – Northern Part of Sun City

Allan, Heidi and Director Inoue head towards the cities, Director Inoue rides in the back, he suddenly opens his eyes revealing that he also has different eye colors; he looks outside the window and says; "Allan, please stop the car."

Allan immediately stops and asks; "What happened Director, is something wrong?"

The director gets out of the car and begins to walk away; he looks the river and points at it:

" I detected two special forms of manna, one about 1 km from here near that building over there, the other is located 2 km down the river. Heidi please proceed to retrieve them."

"Director are you sure about this, aren´t we in a hurry?" Heidi asks with concern, Director Inoue chuckles and replies:

"It's true that we are in hurry but those two manna can be assets for us in a future, so please head there at once. Allan and I can handle it for a while. Hurry."

Heidi vows and looks at Allan saying; "Please be careful."

Allan makes a confident smile and replies; "I will."

Director Inoue creates a motorcycle made of manna, Heidi heads towards those manna signals, Allan and the Director, head towards Sun City.

On the battlefield, Ginkuma lies in the ground facing up as he about to lose consciousness, he slowly begins to hear Raions voice:


"Master Raions, I can´t remember my past, I can´t remember who I was, or who I am."

Ginkuma slowly opens his eyes and continues to think; "I only remember the silhouette of what it appeared to be my family but everything is blurry. I was alone in the streets, fighting for food. I was a freak."


Ginkuma begins to slowly stand as he thinks; "That´s right, I am Master Raions´s right hand man, I must beat them, I am stronger than this."

Raul and the others notice Ginkuma standing up, Raul sighs and says:

"Come on, just stay down and make this easier for everyone."

Ginkuma breathes heavily and releases an enormous amount of silver manna. Victoria jumps forward laughing; "So the teddy bear wants to play some more huh, too bad for him."

"Does he just want to die or something? How lame" Angela says with her arms crossed, Victoria prepares to punch Ginkuma as he chants:

"Impact X100"


Ginkuma stops the punch with her hand, Ginkuma looks at her with rage, suddenly his hands begin to grow and become claws.


Ginkuma grabs with force causing Victoria to scream:



Ginkuma roars as he throws Victoria away, Angela uses the waves to soften her impact. "You owe me one, bimbo" Angela says to Victoria,-TCH- Victoria looks away.

Ginkuma releases manna, his eyes shine in a gray color and his teeth grow becoming fangs, Ginkuma charges straight at Raul, Raul creates missiles and head straight to Ginkuma.


The missiles impact Ginkuma causing multiple explosions. Nevertheless, Ginkuma continues to head straight charging towards Raul.

"HEY STOP, DON'T GET ANY CLOSER!" Raul screams and jumps back creating a rifle and releasing an enormous manna ray.

Ginkuma begins to block the manna ray with his claws, the ray begins to go into multiple directions, "RRRAAAWWW" Ginkuma roars as he stops the manna ray.

"IMPOSSIBLE, THAT RAY SHOULD BE STRONGER!" Raul screams out of despair, Ginkuma charges forward and attacks Raul. –SSSLLLAAASSHHH- Ginkuma punches Raul with his claw, he tears open Raul´s right side causing him to expel blood. Ginkuma sends Raul flying straight into the barrier.


"RRRAAAUUULLLL" Victoria screams as she sees Raul getting burn because of the barrier. Angela quickly heads and stops the fire by creating air waves. Raul´s mask breaks, he looks at Ginkuma with rage as he loses consciousness saying:


Victoria gets to Angela´s side and asks; "What happened to him, I thought that guy was on the verge of death."

Ginkuma begins to fall as he says; "I manage to beat one, Master."

Victoria throws a rock to Ginkuma as she screams with rage; "DDDIIIEEE"

"GYYYAAAAHHHH" Rizu suddenly falls from the sky and pushes Ginkuma away, causing the rock to miss. Rizu stands up and points at the sky screaming; "DAMN YOU KID, YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS."

She looks at her side and sees Ginkuma badly wounded, she looks at the people with mask and sees one of them unconscious. "GOOD JOB, RED HOUND, YOU SURE ARE A GENIOUS."

She looks at Ginkuma and stands up; "Hey Ginkuma, rest a little, I will take it from here." Rizu makes her two scythes appear, she begins to release manna as she screams:


"That won't be necessary Rizu, you are low on manna right now, let me take care of this." Rizu stops charging manna and looks behind, the two girls wonder who it is, two men come out of the car.

"Carter senpai? Director Inoue? What are you doing here?" Rizu asks nervously, Diretor Inoue walks and says:

"Greeting Rizu, I see you and Ginkuma have done a good job."

Director Inoue opens one eye and looks at the two people standing with their masks. "You know, I really hate seeing death´s image there, why don't you take off those masks."


The director swings his staff and breaks both of the girls masks, the girls looks surprised and asks:

"How did you do that?"

"My they are just kids, playing adults games. What a shame. Allan, why don't you demonstrate that playing with adults is bad?" Director Inoue grabs Ginkuma´s body and carries him to the car, Allan walks forward and says:

"Rizu, stand back, I don't want you to get involved in this."

Rizu nods in agreement and stands back, Victoria with a cocky face says:

"So you survived ehh, judging that you were weak."

Allan chuckles and replies; "The incident yesterday caught me off guard and I apologize for not living up to your expectations."

Allan releases an enormous amount of manna, forming a gray pillar, and causing wind to blow hard. Victoria throws a rock towards Allan, and Angela creates a wave out of the floor. Allan makes a scale appear, the scale has a silver color. Allan presses down one of the plate's causing their attacks to lose effect.

Victoria screams surprised; "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?"

"I just pressed your plate down making me more powerful. You see, yesterday you attacked us without warning. I think your arrogance is far greater than your power. I will show you the difference of our strength."

Allan flips a coin, the coin lands in the plate as he chants:

"Judgment, Gravity Impulse."

Suddenly a small circle surrounds the girls, the earth begins to elevate with them as well, the begin to float as Angela says:

"He´s controlling the gravity? What kind of power is this?"

"You were judge by me, and a determined that your gravity was lower than mine, you resulted guilty." Allan takes the coin off, the girls begin to fall once again. Allan walks forward as he explains:

"Let me give you a little lecture, in Yggdrasil, once you reach the level of "ROOT" you are an elite, however there are twelve members of the organization that surpass the Roots and those are called Zodiac Roots given their names by the Zodiac spirits. I am the Judge of Fate, Allan Carter of Libra"

"So you are one of the most powerful?" Victoria asks with fear, Allan nods in agreement, he continues to speak:

"Indeed, I am a judge, meaning that right now, you are in a court room, and I usually take pity on those that I judge, however…"

Allan glares at them and releases manna, he lifts his scale and says:

"You girls and that boy over there thought that you could attack me and my wife without any consequences? Your arrogance have condemn you. You think that just by having a little power, you can rule this world?"

The girls look with fear, Allan chuckles; "Let me answer that, NO, there are others that are even stronger than you, in fact, there are people that are Gods. You are nothing compare to them or us. You are just kids trying to be adults and for that, you will be judge."

Victoria and Angela begin to tremble, "Please, spare us, we were just following orders" Victoria supplicates; Allan shakes his head and says:

"No, you want to be adults, I will judge you as adults and this time, the scale marks your lives."

Allan is about to press the plate, suddenly portals appear beneath them and absorbs the three of them. Allan stops charging manna and takes a deep breath. "Thank God, they left; I really hate to take lives of people"

"You did well, Allan, it looks like the battle is over in this battleground. Right now, there are multiple battles inside the barrier and one on the other side." Director Inoue comments, Allan returns and asks:

"What is our next move?"

"For now, we must wait until Heidi returns, we need to treat Ginkuma and Rizu hear first." Inoue replies to Allan, Allan changes his expression and says:

"Hey wait, shouldn't we head towards the inside? People are falling and dying, we must stop Darius once and for all."

The director grabs Allan´s shoulder and chuckles; "Calm down my boy, right now we can't enter the barrier. It would take a genius to figure out the formula of the dome."

"Oh yeah, there are two people that use esper suits and are not part of the organization. A girl with purple hair and a young boy with red hair. In fact, they are the Horseman of War´s siblings."

"Ahh so the Solitary Wolf´s children are special, I thought as much." Director Inoue looks at Rizu, Rizu continues to speak:

"They are powerful, in fact, the young boy is a genius, and he figured a way to open the barrier from the inside."

"Is that so, I doubt his mother would let us recruit him, Maria is very conservative and doesn´t like us very well, but I will give it a try once this war is over." Director Inoue chuckles. Allan looks at the barrier with a worried expression, Rizu begins to brag:


Allan smiles and pats her head saying; "You´re right, Raions is going to beat that guy for sure."

The battle outside the northern part of Sun City Yggdrasil fought against Sabia Regueli, resulting in a victory of Yggdrasil.

Part 2- International Bank

Darius looks at his window thinking about the past, "I´ve waited for so long to get my hands on the treasure. I lost my power 8 years ago because of that idiot Roberto. Now I have the chance to get my revenge with his son.

"YOU SURE ARE ENJOYING THIS, RIGHT DARIUS?" Raions opens the door with a kick; he walks towards him, grabs a chair and sits down. Darius looks at him and smiles:

"So Raions Miyazono or the Lion King, why is one of the Primary Zodiac Roots here?"

Raions gets a bottle of liquor and asks; "Mind if I drink it?"

"Go ahead"

Raions begins to drink the liquor, when he finishes he throws the bottle to the wall breaking it. Raions grabs another and says:

"That was some good liquor, do you have any food? I'm hungry"

"You haven't answered my question." Darius grows impatient; Raions laughs and grabs piece of bread:

"Well I have the mission to stop you from opening the gates of the underworld."

"Oh so Yggdrasil know about my plans huh and they send one of their strongest to stop me? I think they are underestimating me a little by just sending you." Darius says it with a smile, Raions chuckles and with a confident expression; he continues to speak:

"Believe, they wanted to send more, but honestly I am more than enough to take you down Darius. You see, I know what you want, you want to take back the rank you had in their group right. I believe you were the 4th but thanks to Master Roberto, you descended to the 10th right? "

Darius changes his expression to a serious one, and destroys his desk completely saying:

"The game will be; trying to survive until the red moon, whoever is alive wins. Do you agree with the terms?" Darius begins to release manna from his body, Raions makes a confident smile and releases manna as well causing massive wind to blow and breaks the windows, he replies:


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