
The Secret

I'm still at the Gonzales residence. Gardenia's parents asked me to come to the dining room while their eldest daughter was running an errand, not to mention their terrifying serious faces.

So I left the two children playing and head to the the place I was asked to come with nervousness in my heart but what can I do? They asked me!

I'm in the dining room now, oh boy my heart is about to explode again. Time check: 8:10 p.m. Now, that I'm here they asked to sit down with them in the dining table. They have this really serious aura around them, like they really want to hotseat me right now.

And I'm right about that...

Gardenia's father dropped the bomb on me literally on the first question. He said...

"Do you like my daughter?" With a stern and serious eyes that was looking at me.

"Uhm... No, we're just friends" I said to him with a nervous and forced smile.

"I don't think so young man" Someone said without a hint.

"I saw how you looked at our daughter while playing with the kids" Mrs. Gonzales added.

"Hahahaha... Boy! It's alright, you can like or love our daughter as long as you know your limits and never hurt her, it's part of being a youth!" Mr. Gonzales' unexpected reply on his wife's past statement.

"I know darling, but the poor boy is so nervous about the discussion plus they've only just met this past Monday!" Mrs. Gonzales reasoned.

"But Darling, after observing this boy today, I really think he's a good man. He's not one of those boys..." Mr. Gonzales' argue that left me with a question in mind.

"Huh?" I accidentally blurted out. Oh no...

"Oops! My bad" Mr. Gonzales response.

"Tsk.... Darling! You blabber mouthed guy! Seriously stop doing that!" Mrs. Gonzales whines furiously.

"I'm sorry okay? Besides I think this boy needs to know that since he's Gardenia's closest friend on her new school and maybe a potential...." Mr. Gonzales statement with a little tease on the end.

"Okay fine! But child before we tell you this I want you to be open minded and accept this calmly, okay." Mrs. Gonzales warns me

"Okay Auntie" I replied

I wonder what kind of story is this? I asked myself before Mrs. Gonzales starts...

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